Mystic Dominator

Chapter 436: new invitation

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

Time to enter July.

Springs, where Ronald currently lives, is also approaching the hottest time of the year. However, thanks to its geographical location at higher latitudes, the summer here is not as hot as Ronald's hometown.

And during this time.

Ronald's life has also been turned upside down.

The speed at which the mystery side spreads information is quite fast.

On the day of returning to Springs, Ronald's great achievements on overseas islands spread from the city, and all kinds of negotiation activities and interpersonal entertainment were entangled with Ronald almost every day.

Even the original high-profile Bureau of Investigation withdrew the monitoring personnel who were in charge of Ronald the next day, and instead sent a young and beautiful girl investigator to him, and used the official assistant's help. Work under his name.

For this kind of behavior of the Bureau of Investigation...

Ronald honestly couldn't come up with a good solution.

Probably because the relationship between him and Heloise was too close, the Bureau of Investigation directly identified himself as a person who likes women's pornography, so it took such specific measures.

But Ronald knew his details.

Although "Rain and Mist" is powerful beyond common sense, as long as it doesn't rain, it almost doesn't exist.

The real strength is not equal to the current treatment, and sooner or later, it will become a hidden danger.

Later activities in Springs.

Ronald had to take a more cautious attitude than before in order to avoid the troubles that followed.

By the way, the [Nine Rings Secret Society], which has been disappearing for a long time, has been moving again recently. They have now been identified by Springs as a terrorist organization and are directly responsible for the cause of the typhoon.

In other words, this is a desperate attempt to change the world by a spellcaster who is trying to change the pattern of the world. The existence that was 'sent' back to the distorted space by Ronald that day was most likely the **** who was brought out by the old mysterious side as mentioned in the records.

It can only be said that by chance, Ronald once again destroyed the plan of the [Nine Rings Secret Society].

Up to now, the contradiction between the two parties is absolutely irreconcilable.

With these things in mind, Ronald turned his head to look at the sky in a bored way.

After the typhoon ended, the city returned to its original state.

For ordinary people who don't know, what is this incident like?


"Ronald, do you want to go at Sir Phelps' invitation?"

At 4:30 in the afternoon, Heloise greeted him and walked into the office, put a gold-edged invitation in front of Ronald, and spread out the pages smoothly.

"As for this invitation, the Sir expressed his desire to get acquainted with the young men in Springs City, so I hope you can also attend this banquet hosted by him."

"Help me push it off." Ronald shook his head immediately and refused.

"I've had enough social entertainment lately, so let me have a good rest."

Ronald's words were from the bottom of his heart.

For a person like him who doesn't like crowded scenes and doesn't like to communicate with people, this kind of communication activities that appear in front of him one after another, except for the short-term beauty of eating, will only bring torture.

Without even having to participate, Ronald could have guessed what the scene would be.

Anyone who knows something about the mysterious side will immediately crowd over to flatter him. Others who don't know the situation on the mysterious side will guess the situation on their own while looking at this posture, and then put on a smirk and come here to make a familiar face.

A banquet that could have been very ordinary.

Under this change, it will soon become an event that has Ronald as the protagonist.

This was precisely the last thing he wanted to encounter.

He'd been in a corner a few times in the past and felt distracted.

Be the protagonist every day...

Is that worth it?

The trouble brought about by showing too much strength is sometimes really a headache, but it is not easy to deal with.

Now in all of Springs.

Except for the countess who had become a friend, Ronald didn't want to accept some messy social invitations at all.

It really doesn't fit his character.

And at this moment, listening to the conversation between Ronald and Heloise.

Always smiling, the girl investigator sitting in the corner of the office spoke up:

"Mr. Ronald, this Sir Phelps is one of the representatives of the new aristocracy in Springs. He has quite good financial resources and strength. If you have enough time, I suggest you do some basic work with him. The contact is better, at least for the first time, don't refuse."

The person who spoke was naturally the girl sent by the Bureau of Investigation.

— Elaine Crawford

As an investigator who can entrust the Investigation Bureau with important tasks.

Elaine did not come up to tempt Ronald very vulgarly, but did her job like a real assistant, and only advised Ronald on some key issues.

He speaks and acts in a relaxed manner and pays attention to proportions. He does not overly inquire about secrets and is content with his responsibilities. Such a discreet and appropriate work assistant, even Heloise had a hard time finding out her fault, so she had to passively accept the existence of this investigator.

Another kind reminder to Elaine now.

Ronald heard what the other party meant, so he had to put on a helpless expression:

"Okay, okay, I see. I'll go to this party."

In fact, the advice of the girl investigator was very effective.

And it also caught the issue that Ronald was more concerned about.

Springs is a city where the forces of all parties converge and the competition for interests is extremely complicated.

Around Ronald, a powerful spellcaster who suddenly appeared in Springs, the old aristocratic forces and the new aristocratic forces are both fighting openly and secretly, all kinds of troublesome things, UU reading think I don't want to bump into it.

in the midst of such a scramble.

Ronald's original intention was to be a wallist.

On the one hand, he now has a rich life and does not have to work hard for something that is of little significance.

On the other hand...

Whether it is a new noble with abundant financial resources, or an old noble with deep-rooted power, Ronald is not the target for whom Ronald hopes to serve.

However, just a while ago, Ronald happened to receive an invitation from an old nobleman to attend the banquet they organized.

Elaine's suggestion also hinted that Ronald was an opportunity.

If a man of the new nobles came out to invite him, then Ronald was invited to the banquet, so he could naturally express his views at the banquet, so as to better maintain his neutral attitude.

In this way, this banquet is naturally not easy to shirk.

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