Mystic Dominator

Chapter 435: Returning from the sea with Jupiter and the ruling angel

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

The night wind is calm and the waves are calm.

On the sea where the dark clouds gradually dissipated, several canoe-shaped ships were heading for the sunrise in the east.

There were four canoes in total, with eight people sitting in pairs.

They were naturally Ronald and his party who had left the island.

Considering that they may encounter ordinary people going to sea on the way back, they will naturally not use the convenient spells they used to rush on their way.

instead of using spells...

Among the broken islands, they could only reluctantly find some intact trees and cut them into canoes, as a means of transportation for the group to return to Springs.

However, unlike when they came here, the other three canoes were trailing behind Ronald and Heloise. Now, the way others looked at Ronald had fundamentally changed.

Just yesterday, the man in front of him showed his power beyond the mysterious side of common sense. Several original book holders in the team thought about it for themselves, and immediately realized the gap between themselves and Ronald.

Too much power attracts awe.

Those with high power on the Mystery side especially understand this.

In the current situation, even the nominal leader of the team, Claudia, would consult Ronald before making any judgments.

Each drove a canoe, and the team sailed quietly on the sea.

Almost the moon is hanging in the sky, and birds are chirping from the sea in the distance.

Only then did Heloise turn around in the canoe, showing Ronald an expression full of anticipation.

"Ronald, how are you feeling now?"

"The last attack before that thing escaped, no trouble, right?"

Herois is empathetic, so she can achieve the same effect with abilities other than sight and hearing.

Therefore, apart from the two parties who fought yesterday, she was the only witness.

Ronald's last spell was indeed devastating, but the enemy wasn't a puppet standing still. In the face of the overwhelming thunder, the enemy immediately chose to drill back into the twisted space to seek self-protection.

But the figure disappeared into the sky.

And the moment when the thunder was about to destroy the twisted space in the air.

Heloise was convinced that a unique wave of magical power shot out from there, targeting the black fog of **** power below the Broken Isle.

At that time, Ronald was the only one hiding in the underground darkness.

The attack could only be directed towards him.

Sitting on the canoe and rowing the oars, Ronald looked at Heloise's nervous expression, then smiled and shook his head: "That thing is not an attack, but a mark. The first time he fought, he I found the defensive spell on me, so I didn't choose the final blow."

"Mark..." Hearing Ronald's explanation, the tension on Heloise's face did not diminish at all, "This kind of thing shows that self-esteem is outrageously strong. If you mark this time, he will come next time. Isn’t this world definitely coming towards you?”

Ronald nodded in acknowledgment, but there was no fear in the tone of his answer.

"Phyllis, you'd better think about it first. This time, this guy has done a lot to make such a scene. If there is a next time, I think it should be fine to make some preparations in advance. Now the most worrying thing is , it's actually the volcano below the island."

Speaking of this, Ronald felt a big headache.

Before leaving the Broken Island, he went back underground to take a look.

Due to the direct extraction of a large amount of magic power, the plant in the underground space of the island has completely lost its ability to maintain balance with the volcano. Left unchecked, the eruption of this volcano is only a matter of time.

At that time, even if the scale is small, Springs will have to face a series of problems caused by the volcanic eruption.

It's really about that time...

At least Ronald, who is still living in Springs, must have trouble!

Hearing Ronald's concern, Heloise's face showed a 'I really can't help you' expression.

"You're worried, really..."

"Anyway, don't worry, isn't that princess all acting with us? The queen can definitely handle it."


Returning a smile to Heloise, Ronald returned to focus on rowing.

For the rest of the team.

So far this journey, there should be no other problems.

But Ronald was different.

In fact, at the moment when the island was shattered, the new trial of "The Divine Comedy - Paradise" was activated again. Jupiter's [Angel of Domination] required Ronald to perform the same combat-type task, and he completed it as it should have been. .

The fading enemy above the island is the best proof.

As for the ability of [Angel of Domination]...

With the consistent characteristics of the "Divine Comedy" series of spells, this new ability is also related to the title of angel.

- Domination and domination.

To say that it is an independent spell is somewhat inaccurate.

To be more precise, this ability is a matching spell with Jin Xingtian's [Angel of Dominion]. If someone is successfully controlled by Ronald's law, then the [Angel of Domination] will greatly prolong the effective time of the law.

At the same time, Ronald can also use the dominated as a spellcasting anchor.

Regardless of the actual distance, use any of your own spells directly around those who are governed by his decree.

Two spells combined with Ronald's other abilities...

Honestly, this is a very scary and dangerous ability.

Assassination and sneak attack is the simplest ability, if Ronald uses this ability indulgently, it is difficult for him to guarantee that he will not be affected by this, or even deviate from his current self.

The long-term effective law orders brainwashing, and uses spells at will regardless of distance.

No matter how you look at it, there is a posture of rising villains.


"Hey, Ronald, look ahead!"

Just as Ronald was rowing while thinking, Heloise, who was sitting in front of the canoe, suddenly cried out.

Above the ocean at night Although it is impossible to see the distance very accurately.

However, the girl with sympathetic ability sensed that something appeared on the sea in the distance through the combination of various sensory abilities, so she immediately opened her mouth to remind her companions.

Immediately, everyone in the team became alert.

A serious incident has just been resolved, and there is no guarantee that the next voyage will be smooth.

Not sure if the sea ahead, there are enemies waiting for revenge to ambush them.

It was at this moment of tension that Ronald stood up from the canoe and recognized what was in the distance.

Just a few seconds passed, and Ronald, who was still alert just now, became subtle.

He raised his hand to signal everyone not to worry, and then explained:

"Wait, don't be too nervous."

"The one floating over there... seems to be Mr. Desmond!"

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