Mystic Dominator

Chapter 434: thunderstorm

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!


There was another loud noise, and the depth of the island's strata cracking reached the location of the underground ruins.

Large chunks of unsupported earth and rocks fell into the ruins, smashing into the water with the sound of splashing water. All this is mixed with the wind and rain around the island that has not yet faded away, and it even gives people a feeling of the end of the world.

However, the changes that followed did not stop there.

Between the madly rising magic power and the falling earth and stones, a dark fog like an abyss began to appear in front of people's eyes, leaving only darkness in the entire ruins, as if there was a living **** on earth.


"The power of hell?"

In mid-air, the owner of the arm also noticed the changes under the ruins.

The movement of collecting magic power to expand the distortion area suddenly accelerated, and even the tone was full of defense.

"The heirs of the Sanjingjie School are still in existence!"

"How can you successfully pass its trials in this demon-suppressing environment?"

If the previous owner of the arm showed a lofty and otherworldly posture, then after recognizing the origin of the "Divine Comedy" spell, this guy's tone changed, but he brought a sense of humanity.

the occurrence of this change.

Even Claudia and the others, who were escaping, broke away from the tension that was almost strangling their throats, and for the first time felt that the existence of the air could be confronted.


A few seconds passed.

In the pitch-black mist, a figure pierced through the darkness and shot straight into the sky, holding a sharp blade that kept emitting light, and he flew towards the position of his arm.


The results were brutal.

The arm in the air just waved lightly, and Ronald's body in the air suddenly froze, and turned to a faster speed than when he rushed out of the black fog, and Ronald fell like a cannonball.

I saw this scene with my own eyes.

Heloise, who just came to the edge of the broken island and stood firm, shouted anxiously:


The girl shouted and no one answered.

After Ronald fell into darkness, the dark power of **** below was like a pool of silent stagnant water, and no waves could be seen on the surface.

At this moment, the survivors present only felt a chill in their hearts.

The holders of the tome, who were extremely good at fighting, were thus defeated.

This enemy with only one arm in front of him is really an existence that humans can solve?

But just when there is despair in people's hearts.

A distant male voice began to emanate from the dark fog of hell.

"The sky is cut off by day,

The earth is separated from the edge,

The name of the Son of Man has not yet been established..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, his arm in the air vibrated.

Immediately after that, it bent suddenly, and the pure white and innocent arm was stuck in a piece of empty air, and it seemed that it was about to forcefully pull all the bodies opposite to the twisted air!

He recognized the spell of "The Hammer of Rain and Mist".

So much so that this guy doesn't even have the idea of ​​continuing to attack, and only hopes to enter this world in the shortest possible time.

"The light that shakes the earth is thrown into the mortal world,

The wind blew, the mountains trembled, the earth burned,

Death cries silently, and the bottom keel rolls away;


The chants in the pitch-black mist became louder and louder. As the spell continued to appear, the surrounding wind and rain that had begun to recede unexpectedly resumed their raging posture, as if the entire world was preparing for what was to come.

Falling far away on a shattered ruin on the island, Claudia and the others had no idea what to do with such a scene.

It's not about identity or strength.

Under the suppression of this strong momentum, anyone can only watch the next actions of both sides in the battle.


Suddenly, the twisted air in the air made a cracking sound.

That white jade-like arm also possesses indescribable power. Under its unreserved movement, a pitch-black crack appeared in the air like when glass was shattered.

Immediately after, the upper body of a 'person' crawled out of the crack.

Just like the unique voice he has, this guy who shows his appearance is also difficult to distinguish between gender and age, and in his suffocatingly beautiful face, it seems that he has all the beautiful qualities in the world.

Only in actual action.

The guy's reaction was a bit sorry for his looks.

Half of his body was squeezed into the crack. He looked at the dark power of **** below, and his voice was full of majesty:

"Human, my arrival will change everything in this world."

"A powerful caster like you, don't you understand what this means!"

The voice fell, and a burning great sword condensed from purple flames appeared in his hand. Regardless of whether Ronald responded or not, the guy threw it into the darkness below without saying a word.

"Ferocious Light! Holy Light!

Rapid light! Light of Destruction!

Daylight Thunder!

Overlord of the dry sky!


boom -

In an instant, Ronald finished his final chant.

I saw a blinding light cut through the sky, followed by a deafening thunder. The purple fire sword that was just thrown out of the arm was only split into pieces by the power in the sky in an instant, turning into countless sparks and scattering the darkness.

But seeing this scene, the 'person' in the air seemed to be relieved.

"Is it just one, that's okay..."



click -

Suddenly, there was no sound between heaven and earth.

The expression of the 'people' in the air also froze completely with the sound of this sky-shattering sound.

Where is the end of that thunderbolt!

Just above the broken island, there is already a terrifying electric current between the clouds, and the dark clouds are constantly flashing with amazing electric lights, and the interweaving of light and darkness is like countless dragons and snakes dancing in the sky.

In common sense, the thunder that crossed the air was fleeting.

One can only witness their majesty for a moment.

But at this moment, the thunder above the broken island broke this rule. After countless thunders appeared, they cut through the sky at an extremely fast speed, but they did not disappear.

Instead, they continued to stab and spread in the air, intertwining with each other.

Until the whole world was only left with thunder and electric light, the sky seemed to lower its figure and began to rush towards the world where the earth was.

- It's Thunder.

——It is hard to imagine that the thunder is coming down.

Thunder and lightning filled with unknown energy rushed down together, and even the clouds in the sky were dragged down by them. In this unimaginable world, the surrounding substances that can be electrolyzed also begin to react rapidly, followed by explosions that continue to burst.

The world on the sea is no longer human.

This is the pure realm where thunder and lightning ravages everything ~ ~ ends everything!


in such an environment.

An almost imperceptible roar flashed through the thunder.

The people standing on the edge of the broken island didn't even understand what was going on here.

The sight was burnt by the incandescent light, the eardrums were shattered by the continuous sound of thunder, and the place where the feet stood continued to fall apart.

In such an environment, even maintaining the balance of the body is a luxury!

And among these people.

Only Heloise, who had acquired the ability to empathize, was still staring at the sky at this moment.

The girl is now completely free from the despair she had before.

On her beautiful face, which was illuminated by the lightning, a smile of victory appeared.

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