Mystic Dominator

Chapter 433: eyes and arms above the island

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

On the ground of the island, Claudia is facing unprecedented trouble.

Although the number of hunters who kept coming in was dominant, and they had strong physical fitness and lethality, but there were several holders of the original book on their own side, and they could survive the attack.

Not to mention the Phyllis brought by Ronald.

This girl looked at Jiao Di Di at a young age, but the power she showed in the actual battle was amazing. As the object of her protection, Claudia had seen her terrifying suppressing power on the hunters with her own eyes.

With a sharp blade in hand, any enemy can barely walk three breaths in front of her.

And at the same time in battle, Phyllis can also take care of the communication of communication spells. If you have to find someone to compare...

From Claudia's point of view, the girl's true level is probably not far from the little Nicklaus of the Platinum family.

Too bad it's all useless.

Just a minute ago, a strange long cry sounded in the direction of the distant sea, and then these hunters who rushed towards them frantically, launching suicide attacks, seemed to have received an order to retreat, and instantly gave up the battle and began to retreat. .

Just when Claudia thought the battle situation was in her favor.

The situation on the island changed again.

About 100 meters above the ground of the island, a distorted light suddenly appeared in the empty air, and the magic power near the island began to quickly pour into this area.

The whole process was quick and abrupt, with no warning at the same time.

The magic power that far exceeds the limit that ordinary casters can mobilize, accumulates over time. As an elite cultivated by the Grid Royal Family, Claudia made a decision in an instant.

Unless the power of an original text is out of control and goes berserk.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, the current world would never be able to condense such exaggerated magic power.

Where does this phenomenon come from?

Who is the person who gathers these magic powers?

What is the other party's real purpose?

A series of questions appeared in her mind, and Claudia had a vague premonition of the arrival of danger, and almost instinctively pulled out the mobile library in her hand.

"Volume 3, 284, page 2..."


boom -

Just as Claudia and the other casters were responding, a thunderstorm swept across the sky.

This thunder was born in the dark clouds brought by the typhoon and disappeared into the dark and low sky in the rain curtain, and it was surprisingly bright in itself.

Although only a momentary birth.

It is also enough to dispel the confused darkness of the island at this moment.

So, Claudia and the others saw the bright world and what was in that twisted air.


——The pupils are red and the whites of the eyes are like an abyss.

——Without any emotion, the eyes staring at the world.

The gathering of powerful magic seems to be to open a certain channel. At this moment, the channel is about to be opened, and the existence on the opposite side is watching the opposite side through this gap.

Below the island, among the people who had not yet been noticed by this eye, Heloise was the first to shake off the shock in her heart, and then asked Claudia:

"Your Highness Princess, do you know what this is?"

"I do not……"

Claudia almost subconsciously answered Claudia's "don't know" three words.

However, as soon as the words came out, the beautiful girl realized something in an instant.

Taking a step forward, standing up straight, her eyes slightly widened, showing a serious look, Claudia glanced at the companions around her, and then said loudly and firmly:

"Everyone, have you seen something in the sky!"

"No matter what it is, it doesn't affect the fact that we are going to defeat it here. Now take out your strongest spells and let this wicked thing see the power of the Springs spellcaster!"

The resolute speech directly awakened the rest of the island.

Except for Connor, who had disconnected from Claudia because of spellcasting, everyone else got ready.

Without saying a word about the original scriptures, he took out the original scriptures, and started chanting the strongest spells and incantations he mastered. Those who don't have the original script in hand, also mobilize the magic power of their whole body and prepare to launch their strongest blow.

However, at the last moment of this tension.

The eyeliner in the twisted air turned and moved his gaze to the people who were casting spells.

"It's... long time no see."

"this world."

Not sure where the direction came from.

A voice that seems to be like a man and a woman, old and young, as if containing all possibilities, appeared in people's ears.

Immediately, the eyes in the twisted air stepped back.

An arm as white as jade came there, and then directly broke through the barrier and entered the space on this side of the island.

Neither Claudia nor anyone present.

At the moment of seeing this arm, awe is naturally born in my heart, as if its owner is some kind of sacred and inviolable existence. Even the rain that is still falling seems to be stagnant in the air because of its arrival.

Without any smell of fireworks, the arm moved.

Its owner seemed dissatisfied with the current speed of absorbing magic power, so he pointed his finger down slightly.

boom -

In an instant, the ground on the island shook.

An unknown spell activates an unknown spell, and the magic power that originally maintained the twisted space was forced to peel off a part, and then formed a unique pattern under the control of the arm.

From the topmost land, the structure of the island begins to fall apart.

The owner of the arm seemed to seek more magic power underground, so he took action to do such a terrible act.

"Claudy...your land...has happened..."

"I'm now... in the underground... of the island, I can't see... what happened..."

At this moment, a familiar voice appeared in Claudia's communication.

Her Royal Highness listened to the intermittent voice.

After being stunned for five or six seconds, he realized what he should do.

"Ronald, the hunters have retreated."

"But there is a huge void suspended on the island, and the magic is gathering in the past. Those of us are still resisting, but there is no guarantee of success!"

"The typhoon is weakening, and your words should be able to escape by yourself."

"Ronald, you must pass on the matter here and protect your own safety!"

The speed at which the magic powers on the surface of the island is fading away is terrifying.

After one intermittent contact, Claudia could no longer maintain his communication spell.

With the actions of the enemy, the ground of the island is starting to peel away layer by layer, and they are affected, let alone counterattack and confrontation, even maintaining their own safety is The violent dismantling of the island and the The struggling crowd resisted each other.

Finally, after a few minutes of time passed, their position came to deep under the ground.

And with the collapse of the island to a certain point.

A huge and substantial magic power under the ground began to respond to the greeting of the twisted space, drilled out of the ground and gathered there.

Faced with such a scene, everyone present couldn't help but feel a sense of despair.

With such an amount of magic.

The owner of the air arm, I am afraid that he will also complete his purpose.

Of course, Heroes was not among the desperate.

Because in the continuous upward flow of magic power, she saw a mist mixed with it.

This fog happened to be the black color she was very familiar with.

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