Mystic Dominator

Chapter 403: The Awakening of Heloise

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The night after that was fine.

Ronald stayed quietly in the living room, then waited until dawn to breathe a sigh of relief.

According to the working habits of the Bureau of Investigation, the night is their main activity time, and it is a foolish thing to do at night.

Fortunately, Heloise said her real name before.

Otherwise, with Ronald's level of ability, he might not be able to deceive the question asked by the investigator last night.

"In the end, it's still useful to be the holder of the original code..."

With a low sigh of emotion, Ronald stood up and opened the curtains of the balcony to show his uprightness to those who might appear outside.

But this morning's church reading time.

He should not go.

If after what happened last night, if he still went to the monastery to read a book this morning, he would not just leave the comatose Heloise alone, but he would also have a very deliberate contrived feeling.

As for the work at the Chamber of Commerce in the afternoon...

This still depends on whether or not Heloise can wake up after the morning is over before making a decision.

Thinking like this, Ronald opened the door and walked to the courtyard on the first floor.

After giving the doorman some money to help bring a breakfast, he returned to the bedroom to check on Heloise's status again.

"Recovering so quickly?"

The speed with which Heloise recovered from her injuries was astonishing.

Last night, it could be seen that it was a fatal stab wound. Now not only has the wound healed, but even the scar after it has healed can't be seen at all.

Ronald couldn't help but think of the several collaborations he had with the girl.

He was injured in Montenegro at the beginning, and Heloise's recovery ability was even higher than that of ordinary people. Now that more than half a year has passed, this guy's current recovery speed has reached a very outrageous level.

This change occurs because of a return to the organization.

Or is it because of some kind of environmental change?

With speculation in his heart, Ronald carefully checked the specific physical condition of Heloise.

There is an obvious phenomenon of magical power flowing in the girl's body.

And under the intervention of a certain technique, even in a sleep mode that is close to a coma, her heart rate is now maintained at a movement state of one hundred and four. Considering that the other party originally originated from "The Structure of the Human Body", this is a well-understood phenomenon.

bang bang bang --

"Mr. Ronald, your breakfast?"

In order to ensure that nothing went wrong, Ronald checked more carefully.

The result is that only halfway through, the voice of the doorman came from the living room door.

"This is coming!"

He responded loudly to the door.

Ronald tried to tip, but was politely declined by the doorman.

After thanking him again and again, Ronald returned to the bedroom with the paper bag filled with food.

This time, when he walked to the door of the bedroom, he saw that Heloise was struggling to straighten her upper body from the bed, obviously looking very difficult.

"Thor?" He whispered the name of the other party's current identity, and Ronald walked to the bedside of the bedroom without saying a word, "You were still like that last night, there is no need to get up in a hurry."

Heloise straightened her wrinkled clothes, and a mocking smile hung on the corners of her mouth:

"If I don't get up again, who knows if there will be a few less clothes on my body."


"It's all like this, let's stop joking." Ronald shook his head helplessly, seeing the girl's suffering.

But soon, he thought of another thing.

To be able to recover from her injuries at this speed, Heloise must have lost a lot of physical strength now, which is not a state that can be ignored.

"You can eat whatever is in the bag, I'll go down, you wait a moment."

Putting the breakfast in his hand by Heloise's hand, Ronald picked up the kettle and turned his head to go downstairs. He found salt and sugar in the kitchen as fast as possible and washed them separately before returning to the third floor.

"The sugar brine you just made, it should be better for you to drink this."


Heloise was eating Ronald's breakfast.

When she saw the sugar and salt water that the man had run downstairs to get in front of her, she was obviously taken aback, and then she couldn't help laughing suddenly.


"Ronald, you bastard, I really don't know what to say. Taking care of frail girls, being considerate and accompanying are more important than something that actually has a practical function. , you have to remember."

The voice fell, and Heroy took the kettle and drank it without hesitation.

A pot of more than one liter of sugar-salt water was completely drank by her at a speed visible to the naked eye. It wasn't until the pot became clean that Heloise put down the pot and wiped the corners of her mouth:

"Of course, I don't hate you like that."


Next, Ronald watched the girl's movements silently.

I saw that Heloise ate all the breakfast in the paper bag generously, and her face improved immediately. Then, the girl stretched back quite comfortably:

"So if you have any questions, just ask."

"For the sake of your face that little girls like, I don't mind telling you about it in detail."

Ronald naturally asked the question that he had guessed, but was not sure about:

"Last night, or what exactly happened yesterday?"

Heloise smiled again:


"Ronald, you're so ignorant."

"If you don't take the opportunity to ask me a little secret that belongs to girls at this time, maybe you won't have a chance in the future."

Ronald didn't answer.

He could clearly feel that Heloise's mentality is somewhat special now, and it is not suitable to continue at this time.

And after Heloise laughed alone for a while, she stopped.

Lying on the bed with an expression on her face, her expression finally became a little lonely.

"Talking to smart people can be really boring sometimes."

"Ronald, I think with your brain, you can guess how troublesome this is?"

"Are you sure you want to keep asking?"

Ronald thought for a few seconds, and then explained in an unprecedented serious tone:

"I have very few friends here, so I pay more attention to this matter."

"And last night, I dealt with Deco who was chasing you, and the investigators at the back also dealt with it."

While Ronald was talking, the girl suddenly clenched her fist, then let it go weakly.

Her steel-blue pupils looked at Ronald with complicated eyes, and the quiet atmosphere in the air seemed to be frozen.

Finally, Heloise said in a more complicated tone than her eyes:


"I may have ulterior motives when I first contacted"

Ronald also directly stated his thoughts:

"I think process and result are things that can be looked at separately, and the cause of something sometimes doesn't matter that much."

During the question and answer, the eyes of the two met in the air.

Then the girl said as if finally confirming:

"In that case, you must not regret it."

"I never regret it."


"Then let's start from the beginning."

The voice fell, and Heloise had an amazing change in front of Ronald.

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