Mystic Dominator

Chapter 402: Cope with pursuers

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

"One wave after another, this is endless..."

Acting in groups of three, and the mood to chase someone is clearly unreserved.

You don't even have to look on the balcony.

Ronald can be sure that this must be the tracer sent by the investigator, and the target is most likely Deco who has just touched it.

The choices in front of you are very straightforward, and you can only make some articles with what you have at hand.

Putting down the teacup, Ronald lifted Deco in his hand.

He roughly estimated his strength, and then walked to the balcony in two steps.


Ronald threw Deco in his hand, and then kicked the guy in the middle of the chest.

This time Ronald shot without any reservations.

As soon as he kicked out, he clearly noticed the fracture of the opponent's bones and internal organs.

certain death.

Or at the same time as Ronald hit, Deco lost his breath of life.


The balcony on the third floor of the rental apartment faces the river Weiss.

Of course Ronald couldn't have landed on the embankment.

Only the sound of splashing water was heard, and Deco's body sank into the flowing water of the Weiss River.

Taking this opportunity, Ronald also looked at the three people who were coming.

The manner in which they dressed and acted showed that they were indeed the staff of the Bureau of Investigation, and as soon as Deco's body fell into the water, someone immediately poked towards the river with what looked like a stick.

Apparently the three were here to hunt down Deco.


Standing on the balcony, Ronald didn't delay too long. There is a heavyweight player lying in his house, of course he understands that this is not enough.

Jumping directly from the balcony to the ground in two steps, Ronald immediately came to the front of the three investigators.

"You three are chasing this guy?"


"Mr. Ronald." Seeing Ronald in front of him, the three investigators in charge of the area naturally recognized him. Except for the one who was still exploring by the river, the other two looked at each other, and someone took a step towards Ronald.

He probably saw Deco flying out from the third floor just now.

When talking to Ronald, the investigator was much more serious than usual:

"We are instructed to hunt down criminals who are extremely harmful to social order, but you just now..."

Ronald replied very succinctly:

"The one who was kicked out by me just now was the one who worked at [No. 37] in the Oak Theatre. If I remember correctly, his name should be Deco, who was introduced to me by Arida."

Having said that, Ronald made a frowning expression:

"Wait! If this guy works at the theater, does this have something to do with Arida? Is she okay?"


The investigators did not expect that Ronald turned the topic in this direction with just a few words.

From his point of view, this is a topic that should be avoided entirely.

Even if this topic is involved in the inquiry, the other party should be careful.

As a result, Ronald took the initiative to ask?

Just as the investigator was stunned, Ronald stretched out his hand towards the surface of the Wes River.

"I didn't know the situation before, it might be a bit heavy to start. This will bring him up. Starting from the relationship between the entire earth and the sky, will begin to constitute our cognition..."

Ronald moved so fast that the three investigators didn't even have time to react.

A short incantation was uttered, and Deco's corpse, which had not floated far in the river, was pulled out of the river by the force of the stars, and then dropped water droplets all the way in front of Ronald and the three investigators.


Under the silent black night, the investigator who was still checking by the river just now stood up.

He nodded to Ronald with a slightly embarrassed expression on his face.

Then he walked over to Deco's body to check on the unlucky guy.

A not-so-powerful spell lingered in his hand, and the investigator quickly completed the examination of the body, and then nodded to the other two to confirm:

"No problem, it's this guy."

Ronald interjected immediately:

"So what the **** happened tonight?"

"I only helped the church get back something from the theater this afternoon. Why did this guy suddenly attack me at night, and Arida should be all right?"

Ronald has deliberately crafted his dialogue.

While asking questions, he also revealed his actions today and his ignorance of other things.

Confront three investigators who are on a manhunt mission.

This is the best way to deal with it right now.

And the investigator's response proved that Ronald's series of questions had an effect.

Be the leader of this investigator team.

The man who was talking to him just frowned slightly, and at the same time his eyes swept over the corpse on the ground.

After thinking for a few seconds, he put on a business-like attitude:

"Mr. Ronald, what happened today is very important, and I have no right to disclose the relevant details to you. But if you are really concerned, tomorrow's Capital Daily should answer some of your questions."

Halfway through the speech, the investigator took two steps back and whispered a short phrase, and then his expression became more serious.

"Finally, I would like to confirm some questions with you."

" ask, I will read the newspaper by myself tomorrow." Ronald opened his mouth, and finally put on a look of cooperation.

Although the investigator deliberately lowered his voice.

But judging from the mouth, the other party has undoubtedly activated the spell of the lie detector.

Immediately, the investigator began to ask:

"This Deco, do you know the specific purpose of his coming here."

"I don't know, but I think it might be because of my relationship with Arida?"

"Then what about Miss Arida, have you met her today?"

"I haven't added it for a few days, specifically..." Ronald looked like he was thinking, and then nodded with great certainty, "Anyway, today, or even within a week, I definitely didn't talk to Yali. Da met."


"What kind of idea did you have to kill Deco."

When faced with this question, Ronald frowned deliberately and made an impatient expression:

"A man appeared at home in the middle of the night with a and stabbed him as soon as they met. In this case, you won't be in a good mood?"


"Please excuse my interruption."

After listening to Ronald's answers to the three questions, the investigator stopped asking.

They turned around and exchanged a few words with their companions in a low voice, 'This is that Ronald', 'I'm sure I didn't lie, it's alright', and 'Master the balance', the three of them simply took Deco's body and turned to say goodbye to Ronald. leave.

Staring at the three investigators who disappeared in the darkness.


Ronald breathed a sigh of relief.

Hand to the pocket touch.

At this moment, he remembered that he had come down in a hurry, without even taking the key.

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