Mystic Dominator

Chapter 404: Has 1 black hair

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

In front of Ronald, Heloise's body changed like magic.

The height of the bridge of the nose, the plumpness of the cheeks, the thickness of the lips…

Except for the pair of steel blue eyes that did not change, the girl's entire face instantly changed to something else. And the body covered by the quilt also has very obvious curve changes.

The whole process takes no more than three breaths.

An image that Ronald had never seen before appeared before him.

"Is this 'you'?" Ronald asked softly.

"Well... this is the real, original me." Heloise nodded.

Staring at the other party's current appearance. To be honest, Ronald is a little surprised right now.

In his original expectations, he hadn't considered the possibility that Heloise was a great beauty.

However, she doesn't have the captivating beauty of Arida.

But in all fairness, she's definitely a beautiful girl who doesn't fall behind. The facial features as a whole look soft and harmonious, and there is no flaw at first glance. The jet-black hair falls behind him like a waterfall in the dark night, and the steel-blue pupils endow it with the finishing touch.

Without any subjective assumptions.

When encountering Herois in front of him in a completely unfamiliar situation, Ronald would definitely think that in front of him was a caged Orioles with a good life, a petite girl who was heavily protected.

Then, Heloise smiled.

She saw Ronald's current thoughts at a glance, and then couldn't help joking:

"Why, you don't think I look ordinary myself, do you?"

"My school can accurately perceive and control the type of the body, so that it can look good during the development process, but it is a fairly basic operation."


What to say?

Heloise's remarks were so plausible that Ronald couldn't find a counterargument at all.

bang bang bang —

"Mr. Ronald, the Capital Daily you asked for?"

At just the right time, there was a knock on the door of the living room.

Ronald gave Heloise a helpless look, then turned away to get the newspaper.

Wait until he returns to the bed with the Capital Daily.

Heloise just glanced at it and said with certainty:

"You can take a look at the content of the homepage first, which will be helpful for our subsequent conversations."


Ronald should open the newspaper in unison, and the first line he sees is the eye-catching headline.

[The White Star concert was attacked, and the famous actor Arida died unfortunately. 】

"Unfortunate death?"

With doubts in his heart, Ronald continued to read along the front page.

The content of a large piece of news is actually very simple. Yesterday, the Baixing concert held by a famous entrepreneur in Baixing District was accidentally attacked by foreign rebels, and the scale of casualties at the scene was not small.

As Alyta and her party, who were invited to perform, also encountered an accident during this attack.

After reading the report carefully, Ronald turned the newspaper back.

After confirming that there was no omission of important news, he asked Heloise:

"So... this concert is a trap for you?"

"How could it be just us." Heloise shook her head negatively, with deep fear in her eyes, "There are quite a lot of 'people' invited to this concert, except for those on our side, other forces The system that was inserted into Springs was also hit very hard."

"That Her Majesty, with the church and the Bureau of Investigation, cleaned up most of the spy agencies in the capital?" Ronald confirmed.

At this time, Heloise smiled self-deprecatingly.

"You can guess that's normal."

"But according to my speculation, that His Majesty's purpose is more than that."

While talking about the inference in her heart, Heloise pointed her finger at the newspaper Ronald put down at the same time, and read word by word:

"See this, the phrase 'attacked by foreign rebels'. The queen is not only trying to clean up us, but also intends to divert the increasingly serious conflict of interests in the country. The appearance of the word 'foreign rebels' probably already means that She's going to wage war against overseas colonies."

Heloise was speaking in a direction that Ronald hadn't thought of at all.

But being named directly, he can understand the queen's actions.

A crackdown on the capital's spy agency, and then taking the opportunity to attract people's attention and divert the growing contradictions in the country, very standard politicians' exemplary approach.

"Your judgment is really professional." Ronald couldn't help but sighed.

"As a spy, information sensitivity is the most basic professional quality." Heloise immediately admitted it.

However, upon hearing this, Ronald's upper body suddenly froze.

He noticed that Heloise admitted her identity as a 'spy' in her words.

Although there were speculations about each other's identities between the two before, and they were infinitely close to the truth. But if you really admit this identity, the nature of the problem is different.

Even if he knew that he was seen through, it was absolutely impossible to admit his identity as a spy.

What happened to Heloise!

Ronald's sudden silence was apparently caught by the teenage girl in the hospital bed.

I saw Heloise laughing, helpless mixed with tangled words:

"Ronald, I have no choice now."

"For a military and political country like Entrode, the spy who fails the mission has only one death route. Even if I can go back alive, I will only be tortured and finally executed in secret."

In a few words, she explained her current situation, and Heloise's eyes were only self-deprecating: "I have this kind of expectation when I am reduced to today's end. But although I am not a good person, I still want to live. "

"Fortunately, Entrod is not Grid. As long as you go farther by boat, there is a high probability that they will not be able to find me."

Hearing the meaning of Heloise's words, Ronald frowned and asked:

"You plan to leave Grid, do you have a detailed plan?"


There was a brief confusion in Heloise's eyes.

But soon, her gaze calmed down:

"It doesn't really matter where you go."

"The guy who knows my face was beaten to death with a mace by an old man of the church yesterday, and the death of Arida's identity was endorsed by the official Grid to me."

"There are... more places in this world. UU reading"

Although Heloise stabilized, the loneliness and helplessness in her eyes were completely undisguised.

So, Ronald began to help think about countermeasures:

"That said, but in fact there is still danger. Judging from the questions the investigator asked me yesterday, they are still conducting follow-up investigations. If you..."

Looking at Ronald's serious speculation in front of him, Heloise suddenly frowned and interrupted Ronald's words: "Ronald, come here."

"Ah, what's wrong with you?"

Ronald bent over immediately.

As soon as he got close, Heloise grabbed him and dragged him down.

"It's not a big deal, just let me ride it."


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