Mystic Dominator

Chapter 401: Uniform Deco

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

Not even a second, not even a second.

Just the moment I saw Ronald.

The man whose heart was completely filled with killing intent just now changed his mentality in an instant, and now he looks completely anxious.

If it weren't for Ronald, who would have been watching since the other side appeared on the street.

I'm afraid that when I see this guy suddenly, I'm really deceived by him.

Almost perfect mind control!

And although he didn't remember the other party's other information, Ronald didn't forget the guy's name.

- Deco.

The theater [No. 37] where Heloise works.

This guy is one of the staff of his troupe.

Ronald had seen this guy when he led out the [Original Witches Guild].

Although he was prepared, Ronald couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw such an 'acquaintance' appear in front of him.

Then without waiting for Ronald to speak, Deco hurried forward:

"Mr. Ronald, call Miss Arida out. The situation is urgent and we must leave immediately!"

"Arida..." Ronald repeated the way the other party addressed Heloise.

When she was dealing with Heloise just now, she kept the appearance of Thor.

At this moment, Deco called it 'Arida'. Was it because he saw that Heloise was like this during the previous battle, so he should have mistakenly thought that Heloise still hasn't changed her identity?

Moreover, the sudden emotional change just now was obviously also guarding against Ronald's detection ability.

This guy is suspicious everywhere.

"What are you talking about, what's wrong with Arida?" Ronald took a step back and followed the other party's routine, "I just got home, and the fire didn't go up for a long time."

Hearing Ronald's answer, Deco's expression visibly darkened.

"Is that so? Then if Mr. Ronald meets Miss Arida, please tell her..."

Deco's words suddenly changed.

While getting close to Ronald, he stabbed Ronald in the waist with a single knife.


Ronald had long seen that there was a problem with the other party, and naturally it was impossible to be hit like this.

The moment Deco stabbed the knife, the palm covered with the [Guardian Angel] defensive technique firmly grasped the opponent's weapon. And at the same time, the black mist of the power of 'Rage' also rose from the balcony, completely blocking the enemy's retreat.

Then, Ronald looked fearlessly at the sharp blade in his hand.

Compared with the wound on Heloise just now, it is almost a perfect match.

"It's exactly the same as the wound."


Deco didn't mean to answer at all.

Seeing that his sneak attack failed, and his escape route was instantly blocked by Ronald, he had completely given up the idea of ​​concealing his mood at this moment, and the killing intent and tension were completely filled in his heart.

Ronald is still holding the sharp blade in his hand, his tone is gentle without the slightest wave:

"If you're willing to sit down and have a good talk, maybe I won't kill you directly, don't you think about it?"

"Greed's lackey, go to hell!"

Deco roared, then told Ronald his choice in action.

I didn't see any movement from him. It was very abrupt. Deco's hand that was holding the weapon softened instantly. After giving up the weapon, he wrapped it around Ronald's face like plasticine.

"You also know that yours is not my opponent." Ronald sighed regretfully.

From Deco's actions at this time, it can be seen that the other party understands the strength gap between them, so he chooses a fighting method that hinders his vision or interferes with his breathing.

However this is invalid.

If it is Ronald who has just come to Springs, there may be a possibility of overturning in the face of such a raid. But's absolutely impossible!

At the moment when the softened palm was lifted and rushed towards the face.

Ronald just kicked Deco neatly.


The feeling of kicking up is also soft.

In addition to the position of the arm, Deco even softened the rest of his body at the same time, in order to be able to resist Ronald's powerful close combat ability.

It's a pity that although the preliminary investigation was done, Deco still miscalculated.

Replaced with Ronald, who was only strengthened by "Hell" in the past, and he could indeed block the attack intact with this kick. But with the complete "Divine Comedy" triple enhancement, Ronald's power is already incomparable.

Just kicked over in such a simple and unpretentious manner.

Deco immediately felt his softened internal organs being kicked and damaged, and his throat was sweet.

" bastard."

Ronald was not moved at all.

Now that you have chosen to fight, there is no reason to stop now.

Seeing that the man in front of him could still stand after taking his foot, he also had an estimate of Deco's ability to bear now.


In an instant, it was kicked out again.

But this time was different from before.

Because Ronald deliberately controlled the power and the angle of the kick, it was delusional for Deco to use his soft body to unload the force. Like a rubber puppet, he flew straight into the air and slammed into the balcony.

And on the third floor balcony.

The black mist of the power of 'rage' that had been prepared for a long time emerged instantly, directly drowning the poor man in it.

Ronald stared silently at the balcony.

Through the perception of the power of 'Rage', he was convinced that the power of Oath River began to work on Deco, and he was no different from the other defeated people. This guy also lost consciousness under the interference of spells.

Only regret.

It was with Deco's impact that Ronald's flowers and plants on the balcony were broken, and the worst of them even cracked the flowerpot. What Ronald was more concerned about was a flower that had already developed well, and it was estimated that it would open within a week.

"Hey... can't you see flowers this year?" Ronald sighed in a complicated mood.

It wasn't that he didn't have time to visit the Springs flower show.

But I can't see the flowers growing by Sure enough, my heart is still a little tangled.

Taking the next few steps to the balcony, Ronald lifted Deco's unconscious body and moved back into the house before starting to clean up the messy ground.

In the silence, ten minutes of packing time passed.

After taking care of everything, Ronald sat back in the room and drank the tea he had just poured down.

"It's still hot..."

Just as he was about to sigh with emotion about the temperature of the tea, Ronald noticed a new change.


It was still the direction Deco came from. Three people with a chaser mentality appeared at the same time, and they were coming this way!

Glancing slightly.

Ronald's eyes began to sharpen as he looked at Deco's unconscious appearance.


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