Mystic Dominator

Chapter 400: visitor at night

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!


Seeing that Heloise fell out of her room so weakly, her expression and body were so weak.

Ronald realized that something was wrong, and came to the front to support him with a dodge.

"What's the matter with you?"

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Heloise is obviously in a bad state now.

Before being hugged by Ronald, she immediately coughed out of breath. After recovering a little bit of energy and looking up to clearly identify Ronald in front of her, the girl said with great difficulty:

"Trouble... Put me away, don't tell anyone I've been here. The injury will heal on its own, please..."

These few words seemed to exhaust Heloise's strength.

After speaking, Ronald clearly felt the opponent's body soften, and his head was in his arms as soon as he opened it. In the blink of an eye, he was already unconscious.


face such a situation.

Ronald first tore off the blood-adhered clothes on the other party's body, and after confirming that the stab wound on his waist and abdomen had healed, he gently picked up Heloise.


Following this action, the book hidden in the girl's underwear fell.


Just by looking at it, Ronald recognized The Elements of Harmony written on the cover.

This is the original text that he personally helped Heloise get on the ship on the Wes River. At this moment, the girl was seriously injured, and even such an important scripture was allowed to fall to the ground.

Of course, it may also be an accident caused by tearing the clothes by yourself...

Thinking so, Ronald directly put the unconscious girl and Yuan Dian on his bed, and finally helped cover the quilt before he closed the door and returned to the living room alone.

Ronald had no covetous heart for the friend's canon.

After two steps back to his dark room, he turned to look at the location of the balcony.

No blood was left when Heloise came in, and the curtains were drawn early in the morning to block the view from the outside.

Even if he is seriously injured, he can keep his tracks hidden.

"This is really good quality..."

With a low voice in his mouth, Ronald picked up the kettle and came to the fireplace. While lighting the flame to provide some lighting for the room, he also boiled water to prepare some water for drinking.


Looking directly at the flames that began to flicker in the fireplace, Ronald was still thinking about the possibility of Heroes appearing in his house.

The first is the phrase 'don't tell anyone she's been here'.

As Heloise, this sentence probably refers not only to helping her block possible enemies, but even if Heloise's former companion appears, Ronald may have to act as if the other party is not there. .

Otherwise, with the habits of my friend, it would never be possible to say the word 'anyone'.

And then why did Heloise come to her house.

Judging from the results of previous contacts, this girl from the neighboring country Entrod should be an important member of a secret agency or some kind of secret organization, and she also has multiple identities.

A person with such an identity would definitely have a safe house or other place set up by their own people in the event of an emergency, and that was the place that Heloise should choose to hide.

But now there are seriously injured people coming to their home...

Is there a traitor in the organization she belongs to?

Thinking of this, Ronald's eyes narrowed, but he quickly shook his head.

"No, it's more than that."

Ronald interrupted his speculation above.

He feels that these inferences are largely lacking.

Current affairs in Springs are chaotic, and things can’t be seen from just one angle.

Think about what happened to yourself today.

The high-level personnel in the church district, the holders of the original scriptures, who were almost certain to exist, were missing, and the top officials of the Investigation Bureau who were supposed to quickly support them also did not show up.

This means that almost all the official powerful spellcasters of Springs have been transferred away by something today, which is why this situation is caused.

And being able to directly interfere with personnel changes at such a level...

In the entire Springs, or in the country of Grid, I am afraid that only the Queen has this qualification.

As a result, the most critical information nodes were arranged one by one in Ronald's mind, and then the specific logical order emerged.

Take advantage of this moment when all forces are converging in Springs.

The Queen of Grid ordered the powerful spellcaster on the mysterious side to clear the forces that Entrod had inserted into the country. In order to ensure the absolute success of this plan, a powerful spellcaster like Spencer who defected from Entrod , or even completely excluded from the plan.

A fight ensued.

The official forces in Springs City have an absolute advantage.

And this guy, Heloise, finally broke through and escaped by relying on his extremely strong fighting qualities and the fact that he had just become the holder of the original book, so he was overlooked.


Ronald thought again.

The enemy who stole the sword of St. Caterina in the church district today, but Spencer, a guy from Entrod, certified it as a secret spell of that country.

She and Sister Marda pursued together.

It was still at the Oak Theatre, near the stronghold of the Heroes organization, that the saint's legacy was recaptured.

Although it is true that they did not know in advance.

But it is very likely that Heloise's current fate has something to do with herself...


Just then, the water in front of Ronald boiled.

He immediately took the kettle from the fireplace to pour water, only to turn around to get his own cup, Ronald's smooth movements stagnated in the air.

Encountered this kind of thing at night.

The investigation of the power of ‘Rage’ is naturally non-stop.

So when someone came to this street full of killing intent, Ronald also sensed the appearance of the other party.

"Say Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will come..."

Although he frowned, Ronald had no fear in his heart.

This guy with murderous intent in his heart is now alone, not like an investigator with at least two people acting together, and carefully feeling the magic power entangled in the other party's body, it is not like the people from the church.

Since it is not the two official forces of the Bureau of Investigation and the Church.

So what else has Ronald to worry about?

Carefully hanging the water bottle on a nearby Ronald walked slowly to his balcony.

This sudden appearance was very fast.

In just a few seconds, he had gone around the back of the apartment, ready to jump from the balcony like Heloise used to do.

"Exactly, it's convenient for me not to be seen when I come in."


Sighing in a low voice, Ronald even generously took the initiative to open the curtains.

Then, the enemy simply jumped up and came to Ronald after a few jumps.

Watching the other party holding a sharp blade with an anxious look on his face.

Ronald raised his eyebrows subtly:

"I didn't expect it, it's actually you?"

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