Mystic Dominator

Chapter 399: this day is over

"Mr. Ronald, you... Forget it, it's nothing."

Sit in a rental carriage back to the church district.

Marda clung to the saint's legacy wrapped in white cloth in her arms, and opened her mouth several times to say something to Ronald.

But once you recall everything that happened before.

The nun still stopped her question honestly.

The previous battle naturally ended with Ronald's victory, and after defeating the enemy with the Sword of Santa Caterina, he also helped all the audience to make a psychological suggestion.

It is precisely because of this that Ronald doesn't have to worry about the exposure of his spell use.

Many things that are inconvenient to explain are also solved.

It's a pity that this trouble was solved, and another trouble followed.

As a candidate for the priesthood of the church, Marda has a very deep understanding of the saint's legacy. While the two enemies acted as actors and then activated the Sword of Santa Caterina, Marda, who was still in the sewers, also sensed this situation.

Encountered such a huge change.

Young nuns simply couldn't stay safe in the sewers.

Driven by the impulse in her heart, she rashly touched the theater where Ronald and the others were fighting.

The next scene is pure coincidence.

In the end, after taking care of the second enemy, Ronald took advantage of the fact that he held the sword of Santa Caterina to defeat the enemy, and then used this image of the saint's gift, which happened to be witnessed by Marda.

That's why this nun has such a reaction now.

Until the two informed the people of the Bureau of Investigation to clean up the mess, and then they drove back to the church area, Marda still looked quite concerned.

It's just just thinking about it.

Because of Ronald's attitude that he did not want to talk about this matter, Marda couldn't continue to ask questions on the premise that the other party helped to retrieve the saint's legacy, so she could only be restless as she is now.

At the same time, Ronald's mood was actually a little subtle.

When he activated the Sword of Santa Caterina and hinted at the moment to all the audience present, the trial of [Mars Sky] was also declared a success at the same time.

Ronald had prepared the medium long ago, and of course used it without hesitation.

However, after this new ability is activated directly.

Instead, there is a special spell.

- Capability development.

As long as this magic item is activated, [Electric Angel] can develop the target's in-depth ability, and acquire an ability that the user did not have in a period of time.

Although only one person can be activated at the same time, and there are time constraints.

But this ability is definitely the most subtle spell that Ronald has encountered so far.

capacity development.

For different people, what kind of ability can be developed depends entirely on the potential of the other person.

Make the most extreme assumption.

If someone's potential is very strong, it is not impossible to develop an ability that is strong enough to fight head-on with the original holder.


Would you like to try it for yourself first?

The fingertips rubbed lightly on the surface of a ring, and Ronald was entangled in this question.

He was a little curious about his potential and wanted to activate it immediately.

But now the nuns of the church are by their side, and the two are still taking a taxi back to the church area. No matter how you look at it, it is not a suitable opportunity to do this kind of thing.

Just be patient and wait until I go back tonight to do the test.

Although he made a decision in his heart, when he retracted the ring, Ronald couldn't help but sigh:


"Ro...Mr. Ronald! What's the matter with you?" He happened to hear Ronald's sigh, and Marda, who was standing beside him, was like a frightened bird, holding the sword of Santa Caterina tightly and asked.


"It's nothing, I'm just a little tired after going out."

Ronald waved to Marda.

After thinking for a few more seconds, Ronald continued to say:

"In today's matter, even if I unilaterally help the church's side. As for the details of using this sword, don't go into details."

"I understand!" Marda nodded her understanding, without any perfunctory thoughts in her heart or in her eyes, "I also understand Mr. Ronald's family, I understand!"


Should it be said that it is worthy of being the successor of church training?

Hearing Marda's response, Ronald immediately understood that the other party had also entered the secret library, and had also turned to the content about the Adler family.

In a way, this also explains what happened to him in Burrenwich.

If replaced by a guy of unknown origin.

Even if you help the local church to stop the enemy who was planning to escape, there is a high probability that "The Divine Comedy - Heaven Arc" will not come into your hands afterwards.

out of sight.

The identity of the Adler family has actually helped Ronald in all aspects.


After returning to the church, let's not talk about the treatment of Marda who successfully regained the saint's legacy.

At least on Ronald's side, he got out and left immediately after seeing the After all, in the office building in the business district, he still had an afternoon's work to deal with.

Compare that to the episodes that suddenly appeared on the side of the church.

The days of [Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance] are much more normal.

Nothing inexplicable hit the face, and the previous cursed murder case was taken over by the investigation bureau.

Just like sitting in the office as usual.

The quiet afternoon passed with reading and afternoon tea, and Ronald also ushered in the end of today's working hours.

Walk slowly to the rental apartment.

Walking on the road, Ronald was still thinking about today's harvest.

However, after walking into the street by the Wes River, Ronald's slow pace suddenly stopped.

--Someone at home.

- Someone in his room in the boarding house.

——And the mood ups and downs are very violent!


Even if the enemy in the morning chases after him, the opponent's first target should be the legacy of the saints in the church. It would be too rash to come to his own home, right?

Moreover, after doing this, I couldn't feel at ease to test the effect of [Evil Force Angel] at night.

If you were tossing yourself like this all day long, wouldn't this day be over?

Frowning, Ronald moved on without saying a word.

Just opened the door as usual, greeted the doorman, and then walked up the spiral staircase to the third floor.

Black mist shrouded his fingertips, Ronald took out his key and opened the door.


Turning around and walking into the house, the black mist that spread out immediately crept under his feet and rushed into the house.

However, the moment Ronald locked the door.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw at the door of his bedroom, Heloise, who was wearing Thor's appearance and was obviously stained with blood, and fell out of the bedroom weakly.

That's right.

It fell out!

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