Mystic Dominator

Chapter 388: initial doubts

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"In this way, many things made sense before."


In the hidden library of the monastery, Ronald continued to organize and read books.

It's late at night and the day's reading limit is approaching.

So he sorted out the records he had dug up and put them back in the wooden box, Ronald walked out of the hidden library slowly.

The old monk sat by the fireplace in the doorway, his eyes fixed on the fire in front of him.

It seemed that during the day when Ronald was reading the materials, the old man was also staying here.

"Mr. Ronald, are you finished?"

Ronald nodded slightly:

"Yeah, it's over."

"Today's harvest is extraordinary, thank you very much."

The old monk slowly stood up, then walked into the library and took a look.

"The library is ready to be closed after tidying up here."

"It's getting late, Mr. Ronald, if you want something to eat, there should be a kitchen in the monastery. You can take whatever you want."


After being reminded by the old monk, Ronald suddenly realized that he hadn't eaten yet. He had forgotten all these important things, including breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, and supper!

"I won't bother you anymore."

"Walk slowly."

Politely saying goodbye to the old monk, Ronald turned his head and walked outside the monastery.

The weather tonight is surprisingly clear.

The cloudless Springs sky was clear, with gleaming stars high in the sky, and even the air seemed fresher than ever.


"It's an illusion..."

Walking on a street with few pedestrians, Ronald smiled and shook his head.

Probably because he got so much information at one time today, and in a happy mood, even looking at other things is much more pleasing to the eye than before.

Ronald boasted that his detective ability was not bad, and his observation of the details of daily life was also in place.

Judging from the details he usually sees and the actual viewing details in the library today, there is no problem with the content of the books that the church has opened to him.

There are no thrilling adventures, no life-threatening battles, and no intrigue calculations.

Just a simple negotiation and application.

The fog that has been shrouded in the head since the time of crossing has cleared most of it at one time.

In this way, the true purpose of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] is clearly revealed, and the essence of the original text is gradually approaching, not to mention that in the church's collection, Ronald also saw a name that made him very concerned.

—Hopps Adler.

According to the records in the document, the owner of this name is one of the main promoters of ending the Dark Ages, and his attitude is extremely 'shock'.

In the midst of a battle with spellcasters who oppose reform.

The original holder single-handedly defeated three entire schools of mythology with great influence at the time, and even killed the original holder at the school headquarters, and then confiscated a large number of originals.

You must know that in the Dark Ages, there is absolutely more than one scripture that large schools have and have successfully interpreted. Hopps Adler was able to achieve such an astounding victory with his personal strength, so it goes without saying what his own strength is.

In addition to strong combat power.

The reason the name was brought to Ronald's attention was also Hopps' surname, the same surname as Ronald.

- Adler.

Combined with his previous derivation, Ronald believes that Hopps is likely to be the ancestor of the original owner of this body, so that more things, such as the change in the princess's attitude towards him, will be very easy to understand. explanation of.

The royal family that rules the largest country in the world.

Knowing the history of the Dark Ages, and then knowing that the surname Adler is a natural fit.

But if all this is true.

Then Ronald must find a chance to return to the Adler family's ancestral home.

Even though I checked the mansion that night where I crossed, I didn't find anything.

But Ronald hadn't forgotten that there was a locked room in the mansion.

In the room that could not be opened at the beginning, there may be some important secrets hidden.

After all, in the information found today...

That's what happened to Hopps.

This spellcaster, one of the strongest in the dark age, suddenly disappeared during the final revision of the world.

Later, the chaotic society recovered from the turmoil.

It took decades before someone accidentally found the magician in a rural area.

Now and then.

Hopps, who has entered an advanced age, did not explain his past experience, nor did he reveal any news to outsiders, as if he was really an ordinary country nobleman, and finally died peacefully in the remote village where he retired.

There is absolutely no news in hand.

Ronald naturally does not speculate on reality at will.

A derivation with certain conditions can be guesswork. Without clues to support it, it can only be said to be delusional.

Go all the way to the rented boarding house.

Ronald lowered his voice and opened the door all the way back to the room.

He briefly boiled a pot of hot tea, and then he took a few slices of bread and chewed it.


Ronald has always had some doubts in his heart.

When he first came to this world, he faced the surroundings with a very vigilant attitude, and at the same time he didn't have any thoughts of breaking out some things.

But with the start of "The Divine Comedy" and today's encounter.

Some things, maybe it's time to take it out and study it.

After earnestly eating the only meal of the day, Ronald slowly got up and walked to the bookshelf, and pulled out a notepad from a pile of books.

- "The Diary of Ronald Adler"

Ronald was very sure.

This diary is an 'abnormal' thing.

So when he clearly walked out of the room, he went back and took this 'diary' with him again.

Breaking away from the illusion constructed by the original scriptures, everything around him clearly maintained the same situation as the illusion.

But only the notebook "Ronald Adler's Diary" presented a different state on the table.

The diary was opened in the illusion, and it was still stained with ink.

However, in reality, the cover of the diary is closed!

Such an obvious was enough to attract Ronald's attention, but unfortunately he was ignorant about the mysterious side at the time, so he didn't dare to test it rashly, so he simply brought his diary.

Now combined with later experiences...

Ronald also found out that the night at the beginning of White Crossing was more and more special.

When you get the book "The God of Rain and Mist".

He has experienced and passed an original test!

However, unlike "The Book of Daedalus", Ronald did not get any abilities related to thunder or rainy night except for the original spells of the original book "The God of Rain and Mist"!

Classical spells are not the same as ordinary spells.

After successfully passing the trial, where is the spell that Ronald should have obtained and can use at will without the original scriptures?

The answer is today.

already obvious.

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