Mystic Dominator

Chapter 387: The truth suddenly hit the face

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

- Sivan Mephistopheles

[The spell of the church is not a treasure bestowed by the gods, but an evil gift from the original scriptures like the group of spellcasters.

Ha ha--

Of course I know this kind of thing.

But those casters don't understand that what we maintain has never been just belief... 】

--Asol Clermont

[Is that warlock named Stater crazy?

The continuation of this kind of thing will completely destroy everything we have built now, but...

But His Excellency the Pope seems to have the intention of supporting this kind of thing...

My goodness……

- Aesop Lal


Of course those kings would support such a thing!

Of course, being able to step on a high-level caster in one fell swoop is of course the ruler's favorite thing! 】

- Helvin Ord

[Block information, modify past history.

Of course, this kind of thing can only be done by those of us who have the right to learn and educate.

But what about those noble teachers?

Will these maggot-like guys understand how important the Pope is? 】

- Ralph Walls

[The more people who hold the original scriptures, the more powerful the spellcaster's spells will be, and the increase in the number of original scripture holders can be much better than adding ordinary mystery scholars.

But the opposite is.

Ordinary people who have no knowledge of mysterious knowledge at all, the more ordinary people there are, the weaker the spellcaster's spell ability will be...

What are you kidding?

The original script is just that, but ordinary people are born in a nest, right? 】

- Rupat Reynolds

[From an overall point of view, His Holiness the Pope is naturally correct.

If it is for the survival of all human beings, then even if the number of sacrifices is several times more, the strongest original can't continue to be used, which is completely worth doing.

But is it really safe?

Even if the person named Staat succeeds, if the number of people in the future exceeds the threshold, the area will still return to our current environment filled with magical air. Can this kind of thing really continue? 】

- Ainz Gay

【What a joke!

Those heretics actually created an evil god... an evil demon!

Do not!

It doesn't matter!

The general trend is already on our side. Even if some areas return to their side, they are just islands floating in the ocean, and the occasional seawater can completely submerge them.

Victory must be ours! 】


"Cough cough cough-"

In the church's secret library, Ronald flipped through the records little by little, his respiratory tract even coughed up because of the dust.

But compared to physical discomfort.

Sure enough, the information in front of him is even more shocking.

From the entrance of the library to this side, all the texts Ronald saw were basically what the monks wrote or recorded before the Dark Ages.

A lot of the content is recorded from the personal perspective of a certain monk.

The counterfeiting rate is low, the credibility is high, and the content is direct and clear.

So just looking at it for a long time gave Ronald a tingling feeling in his back.

Down in a morning.

If you generalize what Ronald wrote down.

That is, at the end of the dark age, the church organization that originally suppressed the mysterious side, under the leadership of a special pope and people who followed his ideas, joined forces with those former hostile magicians, and then began to change the world together basic structure.

in the dark ages.

The process of casting spells in this world is actually no different from the ordinary fantasy world.

There is even an interesting phenomenon that the more people who master the original scriptures and the more people who study mysterious knowledge, the stronger the spell power of the entire world.

However, at the end of the Dark Ages, something contrary to common sense occurred.

The highest level of the spellcaster, who should have spared no effort to promote the development of spells, instead made a choice that was completely inconsistent with their own interests.


Could it be that some original text that cannot be described in detail has appeared in this world...

Then, through the efforts of some of the most powerful canon holders of the time.

World-wide, and possibly planet-wide, mystical common-sense phenomena have been modified from some fundamental levels.

This change did not make the power of the original text disappear.

However, the environment of ordinary spellcasters has undergone earth-shaking and decisive changes. The normal way to become a mysterious side magician through learning knowledge is completely cut off, and only by incorporating the so-called school imprint system can one become a magician.

from then on.

The status quo that the magic ability of the whole world is getting stronger and stronger is directly strangled by the throat.

However, this kind of change is not a panacea. After the arrival of the new era, if the number of newborns in some areas converted into [seeds] is too large, it is possible to reset some areas back to the previous dark age situation.

Eventually, the fallout phenomenon will occur in this area.

That is to integrate into a subsidiary world established by the mysterious side casters who did not agree with this choice at the time and established the last fortress in the spell field.

In that world, there are even the end products of the Dark Ages.

Something that was artificially created and then given the name of a 'god'.

So the victors of the world at that time.

Decisively define this phenomenon as the alienation of the world.

And told everyone to guard against this matter, and even modified and concealed this phenomenon to prevent other hidden dangers.

After all, the Dark Age caster in the final fortress.

And those who choose the new era are absolutely irreconcilable contradictions.


"Continue to look at the back..."

The brain suffers from the shock of receiving information.

Ronald continued to walk behind the library at a slow pace.

As the wooden boxes were opened and the texts were flipped through, he realized more and more clearly what the Dark Ages meant.

It just didn't last.

Things changed when we reached a third of the library.

The moment he seriously opened a certain box, Ronald's eyes narrowed.

He noticed a change in the texture of the pages in the box.

It is not the ordinary paper that church people like to use for recording, but something with a completely different process, similar to parchment.

With a slightly subtle expression, Ronald laughed:

"Ha ha……"

"So after seeing this, is there still something extraordinary that will come out?"

Reaching out to take out the pages, Ronald wrinkled his nose in discomfort.

It's something completely different.

Not to mention the content of the records, the words used to record the information on the parchment were not even in the same system as what he had seen before.

The previous documents that clearly came from the church are most likely to use ancient written records of the church.

And what Ronald is now holding...

There is a subtle difference between the language and writing system, so that ordinary people have a high probability of reading these words as if they were reading books from heaven. However, with the support of general language skills, Ronald could still recognize their specific content.

——"Research Progress of the Original Canon 1"

[I think that every scripture is an anchor.

Are these powerful items created by unknown worlds a friendly gift, or are they a trap that demons lead humans into the abyss?

It's a long way from cracking these things completely.

Even if I start to find out the knowledge, words, and conversations in the trials, there are still many related difficulties. The inheritance method of our school is indeed correct, but it is time to make changes...]


"This...isn't someone from the church?"

Looking at the content in front of him, Ronald raised his eyebrows, and there was a hint of enlightenment in his eyes.

He probably understood what was going on.

In this hidden library, not only the internal documents of the church are collected, but also documents related to various studies of other mysterious schools from a long time ago.

Considering the cooperation between the two parties in the end, this is indeed a very likely thing.

For me, this was a pleasant surprise.

With this in mind, Ronald continued to read and check the documents in the rear, and then sorted out some more important information.

- "Minutes of the Second Meeting"

[Ms. Ashley McCann speaks:

Maybe Stutter was right.

Our reforms are already ferocious enough. If we really toss out something that cuts off all the original texts, some people will rebel in an instant with the support we can get so far.

In order to move towards the right possibility, this compromise must be accepted! 】

- "Negotiations Part Two"

[Etienne Davidson:

Makes no sense!

Those casters who come from the mythical system can't make sense at all!

Indulge in inexplicable so-called mysteries, and completely refuse to accept the olive branch thrown by the holder of the theoretical canon.

If something like this happens again.

I am afraid that the power witch can kill all the way to the inside of the school dominated by Thunder.

How will we deal with it then? 】

- "Xiuyi Miscellaneous Records"

[Major has put forward a very interesting idea.

He believes that the order established by us spellcasters is a wrong choice when we have less experience in the past, and if we continue, we will only end in collapse.

I have no opinion on his views.

But in that paper, I noticed something and extended a bold idea.

From the day of Revelation, such things as scriptures began to appear in our world, and the development of occult knowledge led to the appearance of popular spells.

But what if the star eruption on the day of revelation was the root cause of everything?

Infinite cosmic energy that has changed a certain structure of our world.

Hence the emergence of these originals.

Is this also a possibility? 】

——"The End of the Council of Six"

[Hopps Adler speaks:

I think everyone, including the way I used to see the world, is inherently problematic!

It is easy to separate the canon from the commoners.

This is a very wrong thing!

What the original text is, everyone now has their own judgment in their hearts.

But I think!

This is recorded knowledge, the dissemination of all possible things in words.

The original texts that record knowledge are essentially tools for information dissemination. Comparing this method with the transmission of information between people, there is no difference between high and low, but only in different ways.

You and I are sitting here today discussing options for the future, and there is no essential difference between the small talk on the way home after the two farmers finished their farm work.

All belong to the exchange of information.

So, can this lead to an idea?

Maybe the order we maintain is completely opposite to these ordinary people?

The Day of Revelation led to the emergence of the Canons, creating a completely new class in the world, and the increased control over the number of Canons made us stronger.

But on the other hand, if the number of ordinary people overwhelms us spellcasters comprehensively, completely, and completely, then all of them should reasonably think that magic does not exist in the world.

With this development, will the powerful spellcasting ability in our hands become weak, or even disappear, and finally become helplessly like them, that is, the low-level humanoid animal who cannot perform war spells in the mouth of the old **** Nessus?

So we have to compromise and continue with the current system?

Do not make jokes!

The purpose of my standing here today has never been to maintain this twisted nobility!

Any compromiser can now stand up.

As long as you have the guts! 】

- "Original Investigation II"

【How did the monsters appear?

How did magical plants and minerals appear?

How could the trash who only knows how to play with spells ask such a question, what Earth, Water, Fire and Wind told him? Or did Lan tell him? Or the eternal fire?

The knowledge that can be obtained by the original scriptures cannot change the state of other substances?

What does Corey think he is?

Are humans really the spirit of all things?

Ridiculous! 】

——"Before going to bed in the east building of the Great Forest Castle"

[Our era is over, in our own hands.

Stutter said it was the end of the Dark Ages, but I thought it would be better to call it the Day of the Light.

After all, it starts with us and ends with us.

From this, a new hope is born, which is more appropriate...]


In the silence, Ronald flipped through the information he had sorted out bit by bit.

From the records of the church to the research and discussion of the mysterious people.

In the mouth of this group of spellcasters who have no religious beliefs as interference, Ronald has gained a new harvest.

Since the day of revelation in this world, a mysterious thing like the original appeared in the human world, and then the basic framework of the world's ability to interpret the law began to be constructed.

Then with the development of the mysterious side.

The original holders of this world are also roughly divided into two camps.

A mythic caster holding a mythic type canon.

As well as theoretical casters with scientific type canon.

Because of the differences in the nature of the original scriptures in hand, the contradiction between the two sides became more and more intense, which led to a series of incidents.

Finally at the end of the Dark Ages.

As the contradictions continued to intensify, the situation shook. At that time, the top group of magicians finally united and decided to change the world, and then there was everything that Ronald can see today.

"The Day of Revelation..."

The Bradshaw Railroad Guide made it clear to Ronald that he still had quite a while to do it now, but with a thoughtful face on his face, Ronald wasn't looking through the materials as fast as when he first came in.

These shocking documents show how unstable the world has become since the day of revelation...

Look at various types of things, and then combine your own cognition.

Ronald personally understands it this way.

——The dissemination of knowledge will lead to essential changes in the world.

The more people who have the knowledge of magic, the more magical the world will become, and the more people who believe that the world is not magical in nature, the more the world will be as ordinary as the earth he is on.

The emergence of the original text completely subverted this phenomenon.

And completely rushed to the fantasy world view of the dark age.

It's just that due to the efforts of the people in this world, this process was forcibly pulled back, and only then did it maintain the weird and deformed appearance it is today.


"It's hard to imagine..."

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