Mystic Dominator

Chapter 389: change

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

Language knowledge.

This is related to Ronald's many experiences, and it can even be said to be the magical ability of the foundation.

After passing the test, it has continued to function to the present ability.

Treat it as some kind of persistent spell, and it all makes sense.

As for the Ronald Adler Diary.

Finding this hidden 'diary' from the bookshelf, Ronald walked back to his desk and poured himself a cup of tea.

The diary lay quietly on the desk.

Ronald calmly drank his cup of hot tea.

"It feels like it's time to..."

"Let's test your true face."

Muttering in a low voice, Ronald began to control his magic power to condense into a trickle, and then touched the undifferentiated diary.

It was a technique he had learned from the Great Witch.

Through a small amount of magic contact and catalysis, many things that hide their true colors will show an unstable state, which is an effect that direct spell attacks sometimes cannot achieve.

Then, something similar, but different, to what Ronald had expected arose.

After the magic power came into contact with the diary, there was no change between the two parties.

As if the diary itself had no magic at all.

However, a few seconds passed, and Ronald began to feel a sense.

Although the diary's surface has not changed, there seems to be a force within it that wants to try to communicate with him.

This feeling is ancient and deep...

It was as if something had been sealed in the depths of the diary's current appearance.


"Is it sealed?"

Feeling this change, Ronald frowned slightly.

A few hours ago, he was still looking for various dark age materials in the library, and the ancestors of the Adler family had a superficial understanding.

If this seal was left by that one.

The behavior of opening it rashly is a bit reckless.


Without a word, Ronald withdrew his magic power and stopped.

He is now 90% sure that the true nature of this diary is an original text, and it is the source that gave him the ability to understand language. And if you really unravel this scripture, you will get a very high possibility of new abilities.

But...what about the risks?

The Hopps, who was committed to changing the world, and then chose to go into seclusion in old age, his final choice was to seal the book.

If Ronald rashly opened the seal, there were some consequences.

This is definitely no joke.

Look back at Ronald himself.

Whether defending, attacking, searching for enemies, controlling, or running long distances, he now has a fairly complete set of ability systems.

At this time, getting a new ability is the icing on the cake, not the help.

Ronald himself is the type who is obsessed with the pursuit of power.

Simply sorting out his thoughts, Ronald made a decision, and then hid the diary back to its original location.

Whether to break the seal.

Let's wait until after he returns to his ancestral home to investigate.


Although he got quite crucial information in the hidden library, Ronald's own habit of loving reading has not changed.

The next morning, he brought the breakfast he just bought to the Three Spirits Monastery as usual.

Be prepared to flip through the books in the library as always.

The church's collection of books is various and complete, and only an organization like the [Book Research Association] can compare with it.

This is much more powerful than the information provided by the Chamber of Commerce.

However, not long after entering the church area, Ronald found that martial law seemed to be here.

Patrols on the street with complex blockades are not to be talked about.

In a relatively secret corner, Ronald directly saw the figures of several Springs investigators.

What's going on here?

Ronald was puzzled, but he didn't ask ordinary people on the street.

Judging from the direct involvement of the Bureau of Investigation, this is an incident involving the mysterious side, and the information obtained by asking casually will not be useful.

So turn around.

After eating the remaining bread in two or three bites, Ronald went directly to a bench on the street and sat beside a man reading a newspaper. The power of "Rage" is clearly marked, and this is an investigator who is responsible for stalking and vigilance.

"Sir, what's going on here?"

"Last night inside the church was attacked by unknown people, and there was even a priest among the dead."

"What we told the outside world was that a few people lost control of a new car last night, and then crashed into the church, causing a lot of damage. We will investigate the cause of this incident in detail today."

Seeing that it was Ronald, the investigator's attitude was very calm.

Lowering his voice but with a smile on his face, under the chatter in the eyes of others, he made it clear to Ronald what happened here in a few words.

"Mr. Ronald, I know you're going to the church."

"If you find anything, be sure to tell my colleagues."

"I see." Ronald got up from the bench to say goodbye.

From the investigator's point of view, an original holder with investigative capabilities has a high probability of seeing some clues that ordinary people cannot detect.

From the consideration of a good citizen.

If all is found, Ronald will of course inform the investigators at the scene.

After a simple negotiation, he walked into the blocked area of ​​the church district, and after leaving the place where ordinary people lived, no ordinary people could be seen here.

Except for the guards patrolling the streets, the clergymen were occasionally seen hurriedly walking.

The church was attacked and even a priest was killed.

On the mysterious side, this is a vicious event with a lot of impact.

On the bright side of society, it is impossible for the church to kill so many people at one time.

However, the location of the actual accident scene was different from the Three Spirits Monastery at Ronald's destination. So before trying to help the Bureau of Investigation, Ronald still planned to go to the monastery.

After all, come here on time every day this week.

Even if I came out to see it today, it would be more appropriate to explain it.

However, before he entered the gate of the monastery, a girl in a robe ran into Ronald head-on. The other party looked in a hurry, and was holding something wrapped in white cloth in his arms.

And after the head-on collision, the girl did not hesitate.

She quickly gave a church salute to She then walked out:

"Mr. Ronald, we all have something to do If it's the same as before, you just need to pay attention."


Ronald immediately stopped the other party:

"If it's busy outside, maybe I can come and see it together?"

"I've disturbed so many things on your side, I still want to help if I can."


The young nun stopped.

She looked back at Ronald with a good-natured face, and made a decision in just a few seconds:

"bring it on."

"Then trouble you."

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