Mystic Dominator

Chapter 384: monastery

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

[Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance] treats Ronald very favorably.

Because he planned to take time to read in church every morning, Ronald proposed the idea of ​​adjusting to work in the afternoon for the next few months. For this proposal, the Chamber of Commerce accepted without any objection.

In fact, Ronald's original intention was to discuss it with the lions first, and in the end, it would be okay to have a certain amount of time every week.

As a result, Ronald didn't expect it either.

The Chamber of Commerce actually agreed directly!

With such a satisfying job offer in front of us, it is honestly hard to refuse.

And as a man of great action.

Just the next morning, Ronald came to the church district with the golden card.

The Church District of Springs is actually quite populated by ordinary people.

Ronald didn't take the rental carriage either, and simply walked to his destination.

Looking at the expressions of pedestrians on the road, people in this city are no different from other cities, and there is no very religious atmosphere.

It may be the influence of the church.

Most of the houses and buildings here choose white as the main color, and the clergy can often be seen on the road.

But there is something special.

The address of the church library is not in the cathedral in the center of the church district, but in a separate monastery around the church.

Probably the inside of the church greeted them in advance.

Ronald walked into the building called the Three Spirits Monastery, and an old man in a gray robe walked towards Ronald.

"Mr. Ronald, welcome to the Three Spirits Monastery."

While speaking, there was hardly any emotional fluctuation on the old man's face.

On the other side, Ronald could vaguely feel the rather deep magic fluctuations. If Ronald hadn't mastered a lot of detection methods, it would be difficult to detect the hidden power of the other side under normal circumstances.

Faced with such an old man, Ronald immediately took out the card given by the priest earlier:

"Hello, my name is Ronald Adler."

"For the next few months, I should be coming over in the morning most of the time."

The old man nodded, his eyes stayed on the golden card for a moment, then turned around and walked towards the depths of the monastery:

"Show this card every time you come, and you'll save yourself a lot of trouble."

"Three months is not too short. Let me first familiarize you with the environment of the monastery."

Follow the old man around in the monastery.

It took more than half an hour for Ronald to get acquainted with this place.

Following the architectural style that the world prefers, there is a large courtyard in the center, and other buildings of the monastery are around.

The monks' residence, worship hall, kitchen, dining room and other facilities are basically arranged in one direction of the courtyard.

In addition to the other directions of the daily life area, it is basically a completely closed high-rise building, and the entrance is integrated into a room opposite the living area.

Pointing to such a unique structural arrangement, Ronald asked the old man:

"Except for the living area here, other locations belong to the category of the library?"

The old man nodded:


"At present, including me, there are a total of six resident monks in the monastery."

"The innermost room is the room of the two nuns. I hope you, Mr. Ronald, don't come close."

Following the old man's guidance to circle around, Ronald's eyes finally landed on the entrance of the library.

"I see."

"Apart from this one that needs attention, is there anything else?"

The old man calmly shook his head and replied:

"This is just an ordinary monastery."

"Since Mr. Ronald has been allowed, there is nothing to worry about. We will dine in the restaurant on time at one noon and seven in the evening. If you don't mind, we can also prepare food for you."

Ronald declined:

"This is not necessary."

"My schedule is sometimes messy, I can't tell."


Probably also saw that Ronald's eyes have been lingering on the library.

After a few short conversations, the old man pointed his finger steadily at the entrance of the library:

"Mr. Ronald, I won't disturb you."

"If you want, you can go inside and flip through the books now."

"But remember, don't leave the library with books."

He nodded towards the old man to show his understanding.

Ronald then walked alone to the entrance of the library.

Passing through the room at the entrance, there are a row of tables and chairs on the left and right sides, which seems to be a resting place specially prepared for readers.

In the inner position, there are stairs extending upward one by one, and there are wooden signs on both sides to indicate the content of the corresponding book collection.

[History], [Cultivator's Notes], [Research Report], [School Records], [Aristocratic Genealogy]...

Collections such as History and Monks' Notes.

They tend to occupy a single stair entrance sign, and such as [Music] and [Noble Genealogy], there will also be two or more tags on a stair entrance at the same time.

Ronald looked at the past in order, and finally focused on the two categories of [History] and [School Records].

Stepping on the stairs first, Ronald entered the inside of the [School Record] building.


How would you describe how you feel now?

As soon as he walked in from the stairs, he was surrounded by dense and suffocating circular bookshelves. Because of the hollow architectural design, Ronald could directly see the highest floor inside the building.

Among the six floors, almost every position is completely occupied by bookshelves. The special lighting design of the zenith allows sunlight to shine into the room from the outside, giving people an ancient and quiet feeling.

Not to mention in a sense.

Ronald is also experiencing the mysterious side library above the ground.

For example, the [Book Research Association] or the Bureau of Investigation, or even the church in Springs, when these forces hide things, they seem to like to go underground.

The library on the is my first time here!

With some subtle emotions, Ronald casually walked to the closest position to himself, and on the first row of the bookshelf were "Springs Almanac - 51" and a "Latochoia New Chronicle".

Ronald knew both books.

Whether it's "Springs Yearbook - 51" or "La Tochoa's New Chronicle," they are books that have just been released this year in Grey Germany.


While the monastery keeps collecting the latest books, it also arranges them in chronological order.

So he raised his head as a matter of course.

Looking at the heights of the building overhead, a question came to Ronald's mind.

On the highest level of this library is the oldest historical book in the church's possession.

What will its content be?

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