Mystic Dominator

Chapter 385: library

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

Ronald didn't linger too long on the first floor.

He glanced roughly at the bookshelves on the lowest floor, and then walked up the spiral staircase inside the building.

The books in the library are varied and complex.

Even a few glances on the way upstairs contained enough information to confuse your head.

While walking to the top of the library, Ronald also noticed something interesting. Inside the walls of this building, there is a very calm magic power vaguely lingering, which should be the defensive technique used by the church to protect the books in the library.


"No wonder there are only so few people in the monastery..."

He sighed softly in his mouth.

Ronald was soon at the top of the library.

As he expected, the books here just look at the appearance, revealing an ancient and outdated feeling. The mounting process of the books is far less advanced and tidy than those of the brand-new books at the bottom. Some of them even have pages that are individually bundled and then flattened. Documents kept on the bookshelf.

However, I glanced all the way through this complex library.

The brilliance in Ronald's eyes at first began to dim gradually.

The church's collection of books is indeed quite rich, but just like the [Book Research Society] or the Bureau of Investigation, the things here basically belong to the works after the Dark Ages, and there is no record before that.

I was thinking about it myself...

Or is the church library inherently limited in the same way?

Pacing back and forth in front of the top shelf, Ronald's chaotic footsteps sounded like a disgruntled bow sliding over rough strings.

Although he can understand more detailed history, he is also very happy.

But it's honestly very disappointing to not get the record before the Dark Ages.


Suddenly, a suspicious voice came out of Ronald's mouth.

Looking up inadvertently, he saw the light-transmitting board on the roof of the library.

It was a material he had never seen, different from glass or plastic.

While maintaining the conical roof, this material also has excellent light transmittance, even after processing the light, so that the entire library does not appear too dark in the light of the light.

So here comes the question.

At the industrial level of this era, this material is definitely not a product processed by a factory.

Not an industrial product...

Is that the creation on the mysterious side?

This design is used on the roof of the church's library, and there are defensive spells on the walls. Under such a complete and unified architectural design, could it be a simple brick and wood structure underneath?

And such a building will just be used to collect these books?

Let's take a look below...

Looking down, Ronald squinted slightly and recalled the picture he saw today.

If you think about the comparison carefully, you can find one thing.

- There are discrepancies in the size of the monastery building.

- The building above for the collection of books is much wider than the entry corridor below.

Beneath the long row of upward escalators, there is clearly a considerable amount of space left behind. If you compare it with the building area seen from the outside before Ronald entered the monastery, there seems to be quite a lot of vacant space in the wall below the library!

Is there something hidden here?

In a very casual manner, he loaded two unread books from the shelf, and Ronald turned his head and walked downstairs.

Probably because there are not many people who come here to read books.

Ronald has not seen any other clergy in the library during the time he has been going back and forth.


Confirming that no one around was paying attention to him, Ronald boldly reached through the crack of the stairs and tapped on the wall behind it.

dong dong dong —

As soon as the voice came over, the result was obvious.

This kind of knocking sound is obviously not unique to the physical building.

Sure enough, behind the corridor at the entrance on the first floor of the library, there is an unopened mezzanine!

"There really is..."

After confirming this, the choice before Ronald was very simple.

Otherwise, find a way to try to enter the hidden space in the back without attracting the attention of the church to see what is inside; Collection of books.

The risk of the former is relatively high, and there is a high probability that the organization will directly offend the church.

But Ronald, with his own ability, is also sure to find such an opportunity.

The latter has a low probability of success, but it is not a risky choice.


"Ha ha-"

Shaking his head with a smile, Ronald chose the latter without question.

Taking without notice is stealing.

The church gave him the qualification to read various collections of books here. If he is like a thief, if he destroys the other party's spells and sneaks in...

Although this method is beneficial to himself, Ronald is absolutely unacceptable psychologically.

This is not playing the Legend of Sword and Fairy.

If you break into anyone's house by the roadside, you have to loot everything.

After briefly looking at the two books in his hand, Ronald put them back where they were when they were removed, and then walked out to the courtyard of the monastery alone.

Through the introduction of the old man before, he went directly to a room with people in the back.

Extending his right hand, Ronald knocked three times very politely.

bang bang bang —

"Is anyone here?"


"Mr. Ronald?"

There was an immediate reaction in the house.

However, it was not the old man who had received Ronald before who opened the door, but another monk who looked slightly younger, about forty or fifty years old, came out.

His eyes looked back and forth on Ronald in front of him.

The monk asked hesitantly:

"You should be reading in the library. Did something happen to me?"

Ronald's attitude is very candid:

"That's right, I want to be able to look at the more secret books below the library. May I ask if the church can allow it?"

The expression of the middle-aged monk was obviously stunned.


"This... this..."

"If it was you, UU reading found out that it is a matter of course."

From the start of the stunned, the monk's tone gradually calmed down.

Then he shook his head while sighing, and then he continued:

"Mr. Ronald, there are indeed some special collections under our library. However, those items must be submitted with corresponding materials, and can only be read with permission. We understand your request, but if this matter is notified, It will take at least a week or so for the results to come back.”

Ronald responded with a smile:

"Then this will trouble you."

"This week, I will borrow books from the library quietly, and there will be no overstepping behavior."

In the face of Ronald's attitude, the monk also seemed to be relieved and nodded:

"In that case, thank you for your understanding."

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