Mystic Dominator

Chapter 383: 10 minutes tempting

"The thing is, the godson of one of our priests also attended the dance held by Lady Leticia last night, because that child didn't like to communicate with people very much since he was a child, and usually has some strange ideas..."

Sitting in the living room, the priest explained to Ronald what happened before.

To put it simply, a child with some mental problems had a bad idea, so he did such a ridiculous thing last night.


After a little bit of listening to the priest's narration.

When the other party started drinking water to moisten his throat after the description, Ronald asked the doubts in his heart:

"Mr. priest, I probably understand what happened."

"But a child has so much money to hire a murderer to kill, and has such a high level of motivation, is this really just that?"


Hearing Ronald's question, the priest's eyes darkened and his mouth opened somewhat stiffly:



Ronald tried his best not to sound too serious:

"Is there any inconvenience?"

"If it's just a simple misunderstanding, there's no need to go too deep into it."

Having said this, the priest finally sighed.


"This matter is actually related to our dereliction of duty in church work."

"Recently, due to some more complicated reasons, we have had quite a responsible problem internally, and the reason for such a situation is also caused by these problems."

After simply acknowledging that there are indeed problems in the church, the priest no longer goes into this topic.

Turning his head, he stared at Ronald's eyes and continued:

"Mr. Ronald, we know that you are unhappy in this matter."

"As an apology, I hope you can accept some corresponding compensation."


Ronald nodded for the other party to continue, and the priest immediately said what he had prepared before:

"We have two options here."

"The first one is normal economic compensation. In order to show our sincerity, this will definitely be a number that will satisfy you."

"But at the same time, considering your actual needs, we have prepared another plan here."

Ronald raised his eyebrows:

"Considering my actual needs?"

"That's right." The priest nodded, speaking in a very serious tone, "Mr. Ronald, you have been doing your activities all the time, we are also watching."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} "So the second option is that we open up the right to read some of the church's books for you, and you can read them for the next three months. "


Church collection.

Almost as soon as the priest opened his mouth, Ronald gave up his first choice.

And seeing Ronald's changing eyes.

The priest sitting opposite also showed a clear look on his face, and then took out a golden card from his robe and placed it on the table:

"Sure enough, Mr. Ronald, you are very satisfied with the compensation we provide."

"Then please accept this. As long as you show this pass, you can go to the church at any time in the next time. Of course, remember not to take the books out of the church's library."

Her eyes were locked on the card the priest just put down.

The golden card appears to be made of metal, with almost no extra decoration except for the cross emblem of the church.

this thing...

Ronald couldn't resist.

"Mr. Ronald, I won't bother you any more."

The priest smiled kindly at Ronald.

Standing up and giving a church salute, he turned around and walked out the door.


After the door was gently closed by the priest, Ronald reached out and picked up the card on the table.

"real or fake……"

The priest's arrival today was too sudden.

Ronald neither turned on the polygraph, nor did he have the power of "Rage" to detect each other's emotions.

But everything that happened from last night to today.

Although the priest's explanation made perfect sense, he still felt that there was something strange in it.

Could this matter be a plan for you?

Just sitting in the living room looking at the card in his hand, after a few minutes passed, Ronald gave up and shook his head:

"never mind."

"Even if it's deliberate, I still want to go."

To have such a good opportunity to get in touch with the church's collection, Ronald can accept even if it is a little risky. Now, he has the confidence to deal with most of the problems that arise around him.

Being disturbed like this, Ronald was naturally not interested in continuing to sleep.

He walked to the balcony and opened the curtains. He looked at the sunlight reflected by the Wes River and stretched out comfortably.

Although the priest came very early, the city entered today's work earlier.

Cargo ships transporting goods on the Wes River, pedestrians on the other side of the river, students downstairs on their way to school.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} These things tell Ronald what to do now.

"Let's get to work."

Clean up the house, wash your face and brush your teeth.

After taking care of his most basic hygiene, Ronald turned his head and left the apartment and walked in the other direction of the river bank area.

The work of the Chamber of Commerce is already late for this meeting.

He simply went to the Oak Theatre first, and explained his work situation to Heloise last night, and by the way, he discussed whether the plan needs to be changed later.

Enough time in the morning.

Ronald walked to the theater, and then met Raphael in disguise by Heloise at his destination.

The two came to an empty utility room in a theater, and then Heloise said:

"Ronald, did you get up early today?"

"Did you have a wonderful night with that lady yesterday?"


"The premise of a wonderful night is that I didn't guard against her charm Ronald gave Heloise a white look, and then began to describe what happened at the dance last night:

"In general, the results of the first contact were not bad."

"After the dance, Leticia specially left me, and then..."

As Ronald began to speak, Heloise's expression became serious.

After hearing the news about the contact with the countess, the girl's face showed a very satisfied expression:

"Ronald, you have a good talent."

"If you can't get along in Grid someday in the future, can you consider doing everything with me?"


Ronald looked at Heloise speechlessly:

"You can get it."

"That's probably the case. It is estimated that the time to introduce you will not be too long. Remember to be prepared here."

"I have to go to work here in the afternoon, so I won't stay here any longer."

Heloise immediately stepped forward and took the initiative to open the utility room door for Ronald.

Although the place is not very upscale.

However, Heloise's actions have a very luxurious meaning in it. Obviously, Ronald's news makes her feel good now.

"Ronald, it's really hard work this time."

"Next time I have a chance, I'll invite you to the show again."


"You can get it."

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