Mystic Dominator

Chapter 382: unexpected situation

Isn't that just no news at all...

The spell of the lie detector still works, and the effect of the power detection of 'Rage' is also very clear.

The intermediary in front of Ronald really did not lie.

This is all the information their assassination agency has.

After thinking for a few seconds, Ronald continued:

"How do you usually accept this kind of entrustment?"

"How does the employer pay for it?"

The intermediary answered without hesitation:

"This kind of relatively special commission can be delivered in the mailbox of the building above. However, because of the special nature of this kind of task, the employer usually pays all commissions directly and in full."

Ronald blinked, and finally, quite speechlessly, withdrew the black fog surrounding the basement.

"It's really rich..."

"Is this just trying to disgust me, or I really don't understand the actual situation..."

Hearing Ronald's complaints, the intermediary answered at the right moment:

"Mr. Ronald, I think the latter is more likely."

"Some guys who don't know much about our side always do ridiculous things. Today's incident is a mistake on our side. Please forgive us for our recklessness."

In the face of Ronald's willingness to talk to himself.

The intermediary has also become quite agile.

Immediately signed a check from his counter, he handed it over to Ronald.

"Ronald, this is our apology."


After accepting this check, Ronald clearly saw a very fake company name signed on it, and at first glance it was the foreskin company that the killer organization pulled out and used.

His eyes swept over several people around him in turn.

Ronald stood up silently and walked outside.

Passing through the uncomfortable black boxing arena, Ronald went outside the building and found the mailbox mentioned by the intermediary.

Probably to protect the client.

This mailbox is stuffed in a dark corner outside the building, and it is almost impossible to see it if you don't look for it carefully at night.

"An hour...more than ten minutes..."

Muttering the news he got, Ronald began to show the investigative methods he had in turn.

——There is no magic reaction on the mailbox.

——It is impossible to count on technical means such as extracting fingerprints now.

After completely blocking the access to information, Ronald really has no good way...

However, after the previous period of time, he was certain.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} The first time I attended the Countess's ball, some hot-headed guys thought I didn't like it.

Even thought outrageous.

The same Harvey from the [Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance] was on the suspect list for this assassination.


"The adult world is so complicated..."

Shaking his head with a paralyzed face, Ronald sighed deeply before walking towards the apartment where he lived.

Most of his previous activities were limited.

Dealing with many people is only superficial.

This time, he was involved in the social circle by the commission of Heloise and the Chamber of Commerce, and other more troublesome things in the other world also began to become entangled.

To be honest, it was quite a headache.

Take tonight's event as an example. After such delays, Ronald went home quite late.

If I have to go to the Chamber of Commerce tomorrow to go to work on time...

Today he can only sleep for three or four hours at most!

"Let's go to work tomorrow afternoon."

After thinking about it and making a decision, Ronald lay in bed in a bad mood and fell asleep.


bang bang bang——

Early the next morning, Ronald was awakened by a sudden knock on the door.

"Mr. Ronald, are you at home?"


Lying on the bed and opening his mindless eyes, Ronald turned his head to look at the door.

With a soft snap of his fingers, he reset the [Guardian Angel]'s magic defense, Ronald got up and walked to the door.

"Is there a problem?"

After opening the door, the maid of the apartment appeared in front of Ronald.

She looked at Ronald respectfully, and the maid who had not dared to talk to Ronald in recent days spoke up:

"Mr. Ronald, a priest is coming here."

"Say there is something I want to talk to you about."

People from the church...

The thoughts in Ronald's mind at the moment still remain in last night's assassination.

Suddenly someone from the church came to him, and he was really at a loss for a while.

Although I don't usually get in touch.

But anyway, the church is one of the largest organizations in the world.

His expression gradually became serious, and Ronald also said to the maid:

"Invite that priest to come up, thank you for your hard work."

"I'll change clothes first."

The maid immediately turned her head and went downstairs, and Ronald also went back to the bedroom to change his clothes.

When he dressed up and returned to the living room, a priest in a black priest's robe also came to the door.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} "Mr. Ronald, may I come in?"

"Of course, please come in."

"Do you want tea, Mr. Priest?"

"Clear water is fine."

After a simple courtesy, the priest walked into Ronald's bedroom.

The two sat down on the sofa respectively, and Ronald poured a glass of water for each other at the same time.

"Mr. priest came to my house, is there any urgent matter?"


Hearing Ronald's question, the gentle smile on the priest's face became serious.

The clergyman didn't hold up the water glass, he just sat and thought for a few seconds in silence, and then he said in a somewhat uncomfortable tone:

"Mr. Ronald, the parishioners of Burrenwich should have been in contact with you."

"Our church has always been friendly towards you."

Ronald nodded in approval:

"Of course, at the time I received a lot of care from the The Divine Comedy in his hands was able to be collected completely, and there were factors from the church, of course Ronald wouldn't deny it.

Then, the priest spoke in a lower tone:

"So about what happened last night, we here would like to explain something to you."



Ronald was stunned.

It took him two or three seconds to deal with the meaning of the other party's sentence, and then he confirmed in disbelief:

"If I'm not mistaken, the thing about my assassination last night..."

"It's actually related to you?"

The priest nodded and admitted:

"We know that you have strong investigative abilities, sir."

"This kind of helpless thing can't be hidden, and you will know it sooner or later."

"So it's better that we take the initiative to explain it here."


Ronald took a sip from his beloved water glass.

He never expected that things would take such an unexpected development.

When I felt that I had found nothing, and even had no hope of continuing to investigate, someone actually brought it to the door to explain the crime!

Ordinary people don't understand how powerful they are now.

Unlike ordinary people, when they look at themselves, they seem to have some kind of subtle illusion.

He suppressed the subtle feeling in his heart.

Ronald raised his hand to the priest:

"You continue."

"I'm listening."

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