Mystic Dominator

Chapter 381: Scribbled commission

"Continue to lead the way."

Ronald coldly pointed to the building in front of him.

Faced with this situation, the assassin could only reluctantly smile and continue to lead the way.

Because the assassin, a frequent visitor, was leading the way, the guards outside the Black Fist match did not stop Ronald and the two.

Go straight into the building and go through the two rooms.

Inside a room that looked like a warehouse, the assassin skillfully opened the door of a standing cabinet, revealing a hidden staircase.

"Sir, this is the passage leading to the arena below."


Ronald nodded silently, signaling the assassin to continue to lead the way.

In fact, when he came here, his keen hearing could already detect the noise coming from below, similar to 'Kill him! ' 'Don't wake this guy up! '' Buckle his ass, stand up and continue spanking! ' 'I made a big bet on you, go ahead! ' One after another.

Ronald can imagine what these people are enjoying without even seeing it with his own eyes.

Maybe it was because he had drilled into the ground too many times in this world.

Walking down the aisle all the way, Ronald came to the arena without any disturbance in his heart.

It's a rather rudimentary boxing ring.

In the center of a square field surrounded by wooden planks, the ground is covered with a layer of yellow sand, and two life-and-death black boxers are fighting for their lives in it.

In terms of what Ronald saw.

One of the two's jaw has been beaten loose, and the other's arm also has obvious abnormal bending, all of which are very serious injuries that require prompt treatment.

But whether it's a red-eyed boxer, or the spectators who are almost going crazy because of the match.

At this moment, none of them meant to stop the game.


His eyes were quickly taken back from the boxing match, but Ronald still shook his head.

In fact, this kind of game does not need to kill people, but is determined by the fact that one side is completely knocked down and cannot get up. But after such a fight, I am afraid that the contestants will not be much better in the second half of their lives.

Continue to follow the assassin.

The two passed through a small door covered by a curtain, and this time someone finally stopped them.

Just behind the curtain, a well-built man stopped Ronald in front of them with a very wary expression.

"Flying knife, why did you bring someone here?"

"Don't you know the rules?"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} "..."

The assassin's expression froze.

And then just before the assassin thought of a response.

Ronald passed behind him in an instant, and before the guard could react, he clamped on the other's neck with one hand, and then forcibly pressed the other's body against the wall.


Ronald is too fast.

So much so that when the guard reacted, he couldn't utter a single word.

The skin on his face began to engulf blood, and he squeezed Ronald's left hand tightly with both hands. As the person guarding this place, the guard immediately raised his leg and kicked Ronald's lower body.

However, before halfway through the action, his raised foot fell limply.

The whole person pulled down, and there was no movement in the blink of an eye.

Seeing Ronald subdued the guard for a moment, the assassin who was still standing still reacted, and asked in horror:

"First... sir?"

Ronald released the guard whose thinking ability had been seized by the power of "Rage", then turned his head to look deeper:

"Continue to lead the way."


The assassin codenamed 'Flying Knife' was subdued by Ronald.

Seeing that the guard, who was not his opponent, was instantly defeated by the opponent, he couldn't even think of resisting now.

Wouldn't this be someone with a book?

With such speculation in mind, the assassin's pace of leading the way was much quicker than before.

This is not too long.

After turning the corner twice, Ronald saw the assassin's intermediary when their range of activities did not even leave the range of the building on the ground.

This is an old man in a white shirt and a small vest.

Sitting in a small room like the ticket window of the train station, he kept looking at some ledger or letter-like things in his hands.

For this kind of scene, Ronald called out the scripture without any hesitation.

"Its name is Styx,

The black water flowed down to the foot of the dark and precipitous cliff.


In an instant, the black fog of the maximum power of 'rage' enveloped the entire basement. Without Ronald himself, the secret escape route behind the intermediary was directly cut off by the black fog of hell.


The enemy suddenly attacked, and the several killers and staff who were originally here naturally responded. However, when they were ready to see the spell in Ronald's hands, all movements were silently withdrawn.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} Just a few breaths.

In the basement, there was only a figure flickering with lights, and everyone was waiting for Ronald's reaction.

At this moment, the influence of the identity of the original holder is undoubtedly revealed.

Remaining silent and indifferent on his face, Ronald slowly came to the intermediary. The person who was sitting there immediately stood up in awe, and then let Ronald sit down without hindrance.

"That flying knife just received a mission to assassinate me at your place."

"Take out the mission file."


Hearing Ronald's question, the old man was much simpler than the assassin before.

Immediately bent down and started rummaging from his workbench, the old intermediary took out a commission document in just a few handed out the document from the gap in the window, and he even added One sentence:

"Fei Dao received the commission less than ten minutes before the mission, and the news from our side is on it."

In this case...

Shouldn't it be to resist very hard and then show off your professional qualities?

Facing the intermediary's response to such cooperation.

Ronald thought for a while, and finally accepted the reality silently.

He took over the document handed over by the other party and opened it, and the information on it was all at a glance.

This is a very hasty expedited request, and the chance to assassinate the target is limited to tonight. Especially in the assassination target column, the other party didn't even mention Ronald's name, but roughly mentioned the simple appearance of a handsome man with blond hair and gray eyes.

I see......

Seeing this, Ronald couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face.

No wonder there are assassins with the level of flying knives to ambush him, and after coming to the intermediary, as soon as the other party sees his appearance, he immediately starts to cooperate with him honestly.

Emotion is such a commission!

Expedited, limited to tonight, there is very little information on clients and assassination targets.

Don't even know it's Ronald!

So looking at the submissive intermediary, Ronald couldn't help but ask:

"Do you all accept tasks so casually?"

The intermediary also smiled wryly and shook his head:

"Mr. Ronald, this is an accident."

"After all, the client gave too much."

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