Mystic Dominator

Chapter 380: Find an intermediary

It's so weird...

Looking at the terrified assassin sitting in front of him.

Ronald frowned.

From his own point of view, even if he can deal with the assassin tonight, theoretically, it should take some effort.

But what about in reality?

Catch the flying knife and use it to drag this guy over.

With just two simple actions, the enemy in front of him almost gave up his resistance, and then sat tremblingly in front of him.

Not to mention it or such an organization.

Even if it's an inexperienced cult warlock.

They sent people over to find trouble for them, so it couldn't be someone with such poor quality, right?


"Volume 11, page 260, item 6."

Frowning, Ronald whispered the incantation of the lie detector.

After ensuring the double detection of psychological fluctuations and a polygraph, he reached out and patted the assassin's face.


"Hey, be honest."

"Tell me who sent you here."

"What's the purpose?"


Ronald did what he thought was an ordinary action.

However, in the eyes of the assassin, this is almost the most fatal situation at the moment.

As a spellcaster engaged in the assassination industry, of course he has heard of some well-known spells, including the most commonly used lie detector technique of the Bureau of Investigation.

Now seeing Ronald use it in front of him.

The fear and tension in this guy's heart almost reached the peak, and even the last glimmer of hope quietly evaporated into the air.

trembling lips.

The assassin said:

"First... sir."

"I'm just an ordinary person, and then I got the task of 'assassinating a disgusting guy'."

"I really don't know about other things!"


This guy didn't lie.

Under the double insurance of the power of "Rage" and the polygraph, Ronald came to this conclusion.

Unless it's someone who can control emotions perfectly.

At the same time, they are also professionally trained top secret agents.

This is not the case, it is almost impossible to hide from Ronald's means.

Then the conclusion is very simple.

There is a force that doesn't know its own details...

No, it should be an individual.

If it is a move made by a certain force, then this is too child's play.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} is a guy who knows himself well and doesn't even know much, and entrusts a killer to assassinate him.

I came to this conclusion in my mind.

Ronald sighed slightly, then continued to ask:

"When did you receive the assassination mission?"

"Tell me everything you know."

The assassin looked terrified.

He didn't have any idea of ​​bargaining at all. As soon as Ronald opened his mouth, the guy started to tell his experience like a bean:

"Today was just an hour ago."

"I got an expedited assassination mission from the intermediary. It is said that the reward is rich, and the mission objectives are easy to handle. The only requirement is that the sooner you can do it, the better!"

"So I immediately went on the mission, and I came to ambush you without thinking."

After talking about his experience in one breath, the assassin took a deep breath, and then hurriedly explained:

"My lord, I was also deceived!"

"If I knew that the target of the mission was someone like you, I wouldn't dare to do such an offensive act even if I had twenty courage!"

"I was deceived by that **** employer!"

"You can definitely..."

"To shut up."

Ronald was not interested in listening to the assassin's self-defense.

After opening his mouth to interrupt him, he pulled the man off the ground with one hand.

"You said there was an intermediary just now, right, take me there right now!"


The assassin finally did not immediately agree:

"I... this will cause a big problem."

"Sir, I am for your safety, if..."

"I know what you want to say."

Ronald interrupted the other party again, and his tone at the moment also brought cold killing intent, the threat in it was obvious:

"Either you die at my hands now."

"Otherwise, take me to find your intermediary now, and you might be able to escape with your life later."

"Die now and possibly later."

"You have five seconds to choose."

When the voice fell, Ronald immediately began to count down:




"I said, sir, I said it!"

The Assassin has carried through the qualities he has always shown.

As the countdown came to the third second, the guy said in a trance:

"It's just across the Wes River in an underground boxing ring."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} "I'll take you there now!"

Ronald nodded solemnly:

"Then lead the way."


Breaking free from Ronald's palm, the freed assassin moved his body and looked at Ronald timidly before slowly starting to lead the way.

So, Ronald generously reminded:

"Our speed is related to how much time you have to escape."

"You can do it yourself."


The assassin's speed instantly increased.

He led the way without looking back. He was in a hurry, as if he was rushing to the supermarket to buy discounted eggs.

And follow the assassin.

While Ronald was on his way, he continued to integrate the information he got in his mind.

Since this guy said that he received an urgent assassination mission only today, and it was still an hour ago so boldly made an inference.

Is it because she got Leticia's attention tonight?

So someone who participated in the dance would make such a choice driven by jealousy.

For some aristocratic wealthy businessmen.

This is enough of a reason for them to buy murder.

And if this reason is true, it would also be true that such a weak spellcaster would come to assassinate him.

After all, Ronald's reputation only circulated in the Bureau of Investigation, or in the class of high-level nobles and top-level businessmen. For people who are not well-informed, it is still possible to make an oolong incident.

With a simple judgment, Ronald also led the assassin to the opposite side of the Wes River.

The Assassin's Intermediary's hiding place is interesting.

Because Grid's law does not expressly prohibit black boxing gambling, and at the same time does not approve of such a thing, black boxing is a relatively ambiguous industry.

Both can bring considerable benefits.

In some cases, it can also be a place for patrolmen to make money or gain fame.

Even because of the existence of mysterious organizations like the Bureau of Investigation, security issues can have the most basic guarantees to some extent.

So it's just after a few uncomplicated circles.

Ronald was taken to the edge of a two-story building with all windows sealed.

Standing at an unnoticeable angle on the side of the main entrance of the building, the assassin nodded and said to Ronald:

"My lord, my intermediary is here."

"Shall we go in now?"

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