Mystic Dominator

Chapter 379: on the way home

"Mr. Ronald, I'm so sorry for being so late..."

"Will you go back in our carriage?"


"There's no need for a carriage."

"I also got a lot today, and I want to take a walk on the way back."


An hour later, Ronald greeted the old housekeeper Alle with a complicated expression, and then left the manor where Leticia lived alone.

He nodded slightly to the surrounding investigators.

While Ronald left here on foot, he was still thinking about what just happened.

The protection ability is really useful.

When the countess used her technique to do something, she immediately eliminated the hidden danger.

It's a pity that it was excluded at the same time.

And the environment Ronald and Leticia were in at the time.

But after all, she is a well-informed countess. After the initial embarrassment, Ronald hadn't even come up with his prepared remarks, and Leticia took the initiative to explain that her spell was just a trick to arouse people's emotions.

In fact, even if unsuspecting, the affected person is not harmed to any degree.

As for this statement...

On the surface, Ronald expressed understanding, but in fact he could only express regret if he believed it or not.

And there is such a brief interlude.

Leticia probably really had no interest in regenerating incidents, she simply changed her attitude, and had some serious knowledge exchanges with Ronald on the mysterious side.

Just over half an hour of conversation.

Both Leticia and Ronald have a new understanding of the person in front of them.

Although her private life is not very prudent, but based on the top layer of the social structure of a kingdom, Leticia has a very unique knowledge and understanding of the caster.

From the point of view of the ruling class.

When she looked at people on the mysterious side, she did not deal with it with the eyes of 'this person is very strong', but with 'what will be the result of this person's appearance here'.

Although the two views overlap to a certain extent in concept.

But in practice, the response and decision-making brought about are definitely at a different level.

Through this temptation and understanding.

Ronald also recognized some of the ideas at the top of the world's society.

On the other hand, Leticia, the countess's sense of Ronald has also changed a lot.

For her, it might have been a happy attitude towards Ronald at first.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} However, after a few words, Ronald has both careful communication with the great witch, earth knowledge reserves, materials, and some documents with the Bureau of Investigation The person directly gave her a new understanding that she had never had before.

In Leticia's experience.

She often deals with core members of a certain school, or an organization of dead men who have sworn allegiance to the royal family and have a history.

A holder of such a complex and diverse source of knowledge as Ronald.

It directly caused her to have a fundamental change in attitude.

The man in front of him cannot be treated as an ordinary 'prey'. This is a rare resource that she needs to win over seriously, and if possible, it is best to bring it back to the country to serve her!

So after correcting your attitude.

Leticia didn't want to get bored with some details.

After more than half an hour of conversation, Leticia instructed the housekeeper Alle to send Ronald away respectfully.

But Ronald himself really wanted to take a walk.

That's why he turned down the other party's good intentions.


Leaving the organ area against the night sky.

While Ronald walked leisurely in the direction of going home, he was still preparing in his mind his attitude when he came into contact with Leticia in the future.

Through tonight's exchange.

The "beauty plan" formulated before can basically be completely abandoned.

Showing value with one's own knowledge reserves and brain is the best choice to have a good relationship with this countess.

There was silence along the way.

Then, just after Ronald sorted out his thoughts, he just arrived at the river bank area.

His deep gray pupils shrank slightly.


Ronald did not close the investigation of the power of 'Rage' along the way.

So at this moment, he clearly perceives that someone in the distance is spying on him with full killing intent.

So clear and straightforward, and then there is a very sudden hostility.

Ronald really hadn't met in a while.

Yes, An An can't bear to try it, or is there a cult warlock who hasn't heard the news for a long time, and maybe even revenge?

There was a subtle expression on his face.

Ronald snapped his fingers lightly, then kept his walking route unchanged.

To deal with the general mysterious side caster, he can only say that he is very handy now.

At this moment, he was approaching the opponent with a camouflaged expression, just trying not to let the enemy escape as much as possible.

Quiet night.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} On the dark street.

On his way home, Ronald kept getting closer to the enemy who was ambush him.

However, it wasn't until the two came to the nearest position.

The ambushers still did not make a move.

Finally, until the moment when the two of them were staggered by about 100 meters again.

The ambushers are on the move!

The long-awaited spell was attached to a flying knife. He aimed at the hard-to-defend position behind Ronald, and then concentrated all his strength and threw the flying knife in his hand.


The sharp cold blade pierced the air.

He flew straight towards Ronald's heart.

However, what followed was a scene that made the assassin unbelievable.

With his back facing the position of the flying knife, the attack speed he received was extremely fast!

But in less than a second!

His assassination target tonight suddenly turned and stretched out **** to poke it.


There was hardly any thrilling expression on his face.

The movements are also natural and gentle.

Ronald simply stretched out **** and firmly clamped the throwing knife thrown by the assassin with all his strength.

A faint white light clings to the skin of the fingers.

The spells cast on the surface of the throwing knives didn't work at all.


Is this a task goal that you can handle?

The feeling of doubt had just emerged in the assassin's mind, and then he was completely expelled by the only thought.


Run now!

Otherwise, it will be dead today!

Out of his professional instinct, the assassin turned his head and planned to run away immediately.

It's a pity that escaping is delusional.

The first step towards survival has not yet stepped on the ground, and an irresistible force of fear is coming down on him.

The body, which was obviously leaning forward, paused in the air, and then instantly reversed the angle.

Like a fisherman taking back the bait he had thrown, he immediately rose into the air and galloped straight in Ronald's direction.


With a soft sound, the assassin sat down on the floor of the street.

He raised his head slightly, and immediately saw Ronald's indifferent expression when looking down at him from top to bottom.

Then, the assassin saw clearly.

The man with gray pupils in front of him spoke up:

"Tell me, who asked you to come?"

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