Mystic Dominator

Chapter 378: the dance is over

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

The Countess really knows how to communicate with different people.

After talking with Ronald before the dance, she never came back even once.

Officiating the opening of the ball, walking among the many guests to talk about current affairs.

When the atmosphere in the courtyard became lively, Leticia entered the manor building with the high-ranking guests, and continued the dance party in the decorated hall.

During this process, Ronald was also invited in as a matter of course.

Standing in an inconspicuous corner of the hall, he confirmed the Harvey that Karin had reminded him of before.

This businessman from the [Ginkgo Leaf Business Alliance]...

how to say?

Ronald said in all fairness, this was indeed a handsome man with a strong body, and he was only slightly inferior to Ronald himself. Combined with the status of the other party in the chamber of commerce, there is naturally no problem in terms of money and financial resources.

If it's just an ordinary girl.

It is also reasonable that it is easy to be tempted by the pursuit of such a person.

It's just a figure like Countess Leticia...

Judging from the observations at the ball, Leticia did have a certain affection for Halvey, but it was just a good impression, far from the kind of desire that Ronald deliberately created.

So the chamber of commerce will get the task for itself.

Should be able to get it without any problems.

Avoiding invitations and communication from others as much as possible, Ronald pondered his actions tonight and his plans for the future by himself, and the time continued to advance as the ball went on.

until a few hours later.

The dancers began to withdraw one after another.

During this process, Ronald paid attention to Mr. Harvey from the Chamber of Commerce.

Although he had been standing in the hall of the manor with a smile on his face, when more than 70% of the guests had left, the businessman reluctantly left the manor with the flow of people.

Ronald sensed the other party's emotions very clearly.

- is lost.

The first meeting did not lead to a good relationship with Leticia.

Harvey was clearly unwell.

Although it felt strange, Ronald still had a subtle pleasure in his heart, and then followed the crowd to prepare to leave the manor.


"Mr. Ronald, can you please stay here?"

Ronald just walked to the door of the building, without even stepping on the road of the manor, an elegant voice behind him stopped him.

Arle, the old butler who served Leticia to the Oak Theatre last Saturday.

At this time, he was looking at Ronald with a smile on his face.

"My master would like to have a chat with you in the future."

"I hope you will agree."


Indeed it is...

Looking at the other party's reaction, Ronald was more certain of his judgment in his heart.

With an embarrassed look on his face, he pointed to the sky:

"But it's getting late."

"A little later, it may delay things during the day tomorrow."

The old butler smiled and replied:

"Mr. Ronald, you can rest assured on this."

"If it's too late, there is a room for you to rest in the manor, and other trivial matters can also be handled here."

"As long as it's within the normal range, we won't make it difficult for you to any degree."

At this time, the power of Ronald's 'Rage' came back with news.

Except for Ronald, almost all the other guests have left the venue.

In other words, he was the only outsider in the manor, and the others were subordinates of the countess Leticia.

Should someone come?

Realizing this, the idea immediately popped into Ronald's mind.

And next to her, the Countess Leticia came back from outside.

Without noticing that she was leaning over her body, Leticia directly hugged Ronald's arms in her arms, and dragged him into the building.

"Mr. Ronald, I knew you would not refuse my request."

"It's not easy to hold on for so long tonight."

"Go take a shower first."


At a certain moment, Ronald even had doubts in his heart.

Obviously Leticia is a royal wife who has been married for several years, how can she still show such an attitude when facing herself?

Of course, this doubt soon disappeared.

After all, the countess is the background of the actor.

Such a warm attitude is probably also a means for the other party to communicate with others.

Even though he had a very close relationship with Ronald at first, but when he actually walked inside the building, the other party still ordered the manor's waiter to entertain Ronald to take a bath and change his clothes, and did not take any further action.

So I tossed back and forth with the waiter of the manor for half an hour.

After changing into the clothes provided by the other party, Ronald came down to the second floor of the manor under the guidance of his servants.

With a clear purpose, he led Ronald to the door of a house.

The servant bowed slightly and saluted:

"Mr. Ronald, the master is waiting for you."


Taking the initiative to help Ronald open the door, the countess' servant just stepped aside without any movement.

Ronald walked in, and there was no sign of any waiter in the room.

Surprisingly, this is a music room.

In addition to the most eye-catching piano on the left side of the room by the window, there are also many other musical instruments distributed in every corner of the room.

And the countess Leticia who invited Ronald here.

At this moment, with a head of hair that has not been dried, the other party is sitting in front of the piano in pajamas.


Just right, the servants closed the door outside.

Leticia smiled at Ronald, then started to play the instrument with concentration, and played a pretty good piece of music for Ronald.

It's a pity to face this situation.

Ronald's attention was not on Leticia or the music being played.

From the moment the door closed.

His eyes floated to the windowsill of this room.

There was a blooming pink flower, and the bright yellow lights in the room could not take away the fragrance of its delicate petals. Just one plant can bring such a change to the whole room, which is undoubtedly some kind of precious flower.

Then Ronald's mind was thinking about Heloise's introduction to the countess.

——And her husband are responsible for managing the mysterious affairs of the country.

——I am good at manipulating plant and flower type spells, especially in hypnosis and charm.


Are you coming?

Just a few seconds after thinking about Ronald's body glowed with the power of the [Guardian Angel].

As expected, Leticia's spell unfolded with the help of the flower was resisted.


A sudden change appeared in front of him.

Even the Countess's concentrated performance was interrupted by the situation at the moment.

Leticia's fingers rested above the keys, her delicate face was obviously stunned.

Look at Ronald standing in the same place with an innocent face.

this moment.

The air in the room was embarrassing.

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