Mystic Dominator

Chapter 377: Conversation at the dance

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

On Monday night, it's time for the dance.

After roughly calculating the time, Ronald dressed up and took a carriage to the organ area.

The place where the Countess Leticia lived was a manor leased by her own money, and she was in charge of the dance party prepared at night.

As for the part that other forces are involved in...

At best, the Bureau of Investigation will have someone around to provide the necessary protection.

The carriage drove all the way to the organ area, and reached its destination after passing through a lush green field.

Ronald could see clearly in the car.

Outside the countess' manor, there are already some private carriages parked outside the manor, and the low-level servants who are inconvenient to enter are all standing around and waiting for the master.

In a further location, there are also some ordinary people who are just here to join in the fun, but after all, it is the place where the Countess dance is held, and they do not dare to rush in at will, but just join in the fun outside.

The distance gradually narrowed, and Ronald's carriage also slowly stopped outside the gate.

Still in front of everyone, a plainclothes investigator stopped the carriage in advance, and said respectfully:

"Mr. Ronald, you are here too."


Ronald smiled and nodded, then jumped out of the carriage.

He paid the driver first, and then he continued to speak to the investigator:

"You should have received the list of participants from the countess before, so you know I'm coming."

"Well, is there anything I need to pay attention to tonight?"

The investigator beside Ronald immediately replied:

"The more troublesome things, we have already dealt with them in advance."

"However, because the people invited by Lady Leticia are more complicated, please be careful not to expose things on our side during the next dance party."


"I know."

Hearing the investigator's only request, Ronald subconsciously took the black mist stored in his cuff.

The Countess' background on the mysterious side made him have to guard.

So before going out, Ronald prepared the power of 'Rage' for reconnaissance.

Then there were two more casual chats.

Ronald said goodbye to the investigator, and then walked to the gate of the manor to hand in an invitation letter to enter the ball.

He came earlier than before.

At this time, the dance party has not officially kicked off.

But even so, Ronald could still see Leticia in a red dress walking slowly in the courtyard, greeting all the guests who came to the manor with a very skillful expression.

In addition, Leticia was accompanied by two tall maids, each holding a tray and walking behind her to the left and right.

With Ronald's keen hearing, he could even detect the content of the other person's conversation.

Even strangers who have never met.

With just a few simple words, Leticia can properly close the relationship between the two parties, revealing her excellent communication skills.

A few breaths passed.

Just as Ronald was observing the courtyard that had been set up to look like a ballroom scene, Leticia saw him while talking.

Smile and say a few words to the guests.

The countess ordered the maid not to follow, took a goblet from the tray, and walked towards Ronald alone.

Almost next to Ronald, Leticia said:

"Mr. Ronald, I am delighted to accept your invitation."

"Come to my side tonight, do you need anything?"


Ronald thought for a few seconds, and the organization language read out the long-established character plan with emotion:

"Ma'am, you should know that I work for the Chamber of Commerce now."

"This kind of dance is also considered a normal work requirement."

"You don't need to pay too much attention to me, I'm really not used to such crowded situations."


Before crossing, Ronald had probably read several famous works of psychology.

Judging from the reaction of the other party when I saw the countess last time, and her status, this kind of reaction is probably the best way to attract the other party's curiosity.

And the countess no matter the reaction on her face or the emotion in her heart.

All did exactly what Ronald expected.

Looking at Ronald's young and handsome face, after saying this kind of jerky rejection.

On the contrary, Leticia's eyes clearly showed happiness.

Boldly pressing her right shoulder against Ronald, she continued to speak in a playful tone:

"Since Mr. Ronald doesn't like this kind of occasion, of course Leticia won't do something that is difficult for a strong man."

"This glass of wine is an apology between us, you shouldn't mind, right?"


The countess said this very vaguely.

The "apology" in her mouth actually has no clear direction.


Was Ronald drinking to apologize to her, or was she apologizing to Ronald?

Faced with this ambiguity in words.

Ronald chose to live out the character he had always displayed.

With a very embarrassed expression on his face, he took a step back hesitantly, and then he refused:

"Sorry, Lady Leticia."

"I really don't have the habit of drinking."

Ronald in front of him thought it was himself who needed to apologize.

Hearing this response, the countess boasted that she had used this temptation to figure out Ronald's character.

Since it is such a relatively weak character.

Then the next dialogue induction will be much more convenient.

With a raised eyebrow, Leticia stood up straight and asked in a troubled tone:

"Is Mr. Ronald abstaining from alcohol, a matter of belief, the customs of the region of origin, or some other reason?"

Ronald replied with a wry smile:

"It's a personal habit."

"I don't really like the way alcohol makes people feel."


Hearing such a response, Leticia's eyes suddenly became sharp.

"So Mr. Ronald's refusal is simply that he doesn't like giving it to Leticia, so he doesn't even want to give face to this small glass of alcohol that is absolutely intoxicating?"

Ronald immediately shook his head in denial:

"Ma'am, I didn't mean that."

"This is really just a personal habit..."

"Okay." The moment Ronald explained, Leticia raised her hand to stop and gulped down the wine in her hand with an aggrieved expression, the countess The tone also softened.

"Mr. Ronald, I probably understand what you mean."

"But out of the desire of a studious person, I hope I can have a good talk with you after the dance tonight. Someone like you who owns books will not have any scruples about drinking when teaching knowledge, right?"

"Grid, but currently the country with the most open academic atmosphere."

Without waiting for Ronald to answer, Leticia nodded and walked towards the others in the courtyard:

"There are new guests coming, so I won't disturb you for now."


Watching the back of the countess leaving, Ronald's face was aggrieved.

But I was very happy.

After all, the news from the power of 'Rage' is the whole process of the countess's conversation with herself, and she is in a very good mood!

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