Mystic Dominator

Chapter 376: additional work

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

Tonight's performance at the theatre ended successfully.

Ronald bid farewell to the two investigators and returned to the boarding house alone.

in conclusion.

Today's contact with the countess went smoothly.

After a face-to-face meeting, in addition to the initial acquaintance between the two parties, the other party also clearly expressed his goodwill towards Ronald.

Also because of the attention to detail.

Ronald also did not reveal any more special information.

Whichever way you look at it, Heloise's commission is off to a very good start.

Carefully recalled what happened today.

After confirming that there were no omissions, Ronald lay on the bed and fell asleep.

Heloise just finished her performance tonight, so she probably won't have much time to make a fuss at her house...


The next morning, Ronald rushed to the Chamber of Commerce in high spirits.

Although it is regrettable, [Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance] does not work five or six days a week, but a shift system that is flexibly adjusted according to the position.

As a specially invited 'consultant'.

Ronald reports to the Chamber of Commerce seven days a week.

Of course, if you want to ask for leave, you only need to say it in advance or after the fact, and it will not affect it to any degree if it does not exceed ten days per month.

Compared with ordinary practitioners, this kind of treatment is already extremely favorable.

Especially for Ronald.

The information and books of the Chamber of Commerce were all he needed.

The essence of going to work is actually the process by which Ronald gathers knowledge and information, and he is the undisputed beneficiary.

So it's better than staying at home.

Ronald didn't mind spending his time at the Chamber of Commerce.

In particular, he can also enjoy the staff meal that is specially provided every day and tastes good at the Chamber of Commerce.

So, on the weekend at four o'clock in the afternoon.

Ronald's assistant, Karin, knocked on the door of his office.

The girl dressed as an elite in the workplace held the document in her arms, and the first sentence of the meeting was what Ronald thought:

"Mr. Ronald, have you received an invitation?"

"That countess Leticia's?"


Where did Karin know about it?

Faced with this question suddenly, Ronald was stunned for a short time.

But thinking about the intelligence gathering capabilities of the [Ginkgo Leaf Business Alliance], he quickly put on an understanding look:

"That's right."

"Karin, you ask this, is there any problem?"

The female assistant nodded and admitted without hesitation, then took out a prepared one from the document in her arms and spread it on Ronald's desk.

Quite actively bent over to stand beside Ronald, Karin's fingers pressed against the document in front of her.

Then he explained in a serious tone:

"Yes, it's work."

"The arrival of the countess is a good opportunity for the Chamber of Commerce to expand its business."

"Although the Chamber of Commerce also arranges professional businessmen to contact Leticia, if there are people like you who are actively invited by the other party to help, the related activities will definitely be carried out more smoothly."

"This is our general plan."

"Before dinner, I will bring the map of Nikos, and I will elaborate on the specific things to pay attention to."


Following Karin's explanation, Ronald probably looked at this 'work document' of his own.

Geographically, Nikos is an independent country located southeast of Gred.

Although they are both on the Latochoa continent, due to the interference of geographical factors, most of the trade activities between the two sides are maritime trade.

If there are Grid people who want to enter Nikos from the land.

To take the fastest route, then first trek all the way to Burrenwich to take the train into Entrod, and after bypassing the vast Yoiz Forest all the way to the south, and finally to Nikos.

Conversely, if the path by sea is chosen.

Then take a boat from the port of any southern coastal city in Grid, and then go all the way to the southeast to arrive.

In this case, maritime trade between the two countries is the closest type of exchange.

The [Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance] is focusing on the management problems of several cities in Nicos, hoping to break through some of the restrictions brought by the [Gulf Chamber of Commerce].

This was originally within Ronald's work scope, and he couldn't easily refuse.

So after writing down the contents of the previous document, he asked again:


"Apart from these, is there anything else to pay attention to?"


Ronald, the female assistant, hesitated rarely.

Her eyes wandered back and forth on the desk for a few seconds before Karin said hesitantly:

"I have to...I have to say something..."

"You might want to pay attention to the people from our Chamber of Commerce."

The people from the Chamber of Commerce?

Hearing this from the assistant, Ronald immediately realized that this matter might be troublesome.

"Can you elaborate?"

Karin continued:

"It's Mr. Harvey from the Chamber of Commerce."

"Although he was entrusted with the position of negotiating with the countess, he is a strong businessman who does not like his work to be interfered with. You are likely to encounter some unfriendly things."


Ronald reached out and scratched his hair.

"Is it really okay for the Chamber of Commerce to let people of this character contact the countess?"

Hearing this question, Karin replied with a wry smile:

"Mr Harvey is very confident in his masculinity."

"And from the point of view of past history, there is really no need to doubt this."


Who am I and Xu Gongmei in the north of the city?

When Karin explained this, such an idea immediately popped into Ronald's mind.

Get the thought out of your head quickly.

Ronald nodded in understanding:

"Okay, I'll take care of this."

"If that Harvey is really hostile to me at that time, I won't take it to heart."

Seeing Ronald's answer to his tone is quite serious.

The expression on Karin's face immediately relieved:

"Troubling you."

"But after all, it is the arrangement of the Chamber of Commerce, and it is not easy to change it."

"If there is any change in this matter in the future, I will notify you in time."

After speaking, Karin left the office as usual.

When the back of the female assistant disappeared at the door, the expression on Ronald's face collapsed in an slumped on the desk weakly.

Ronald swiped his fingers aimlessly across the page:

"What are you doing..."

"It's like this one by one, how can I, the person holding the book, still have to 'fight for beauty' with other men?"

With the salary of the [Ginkgo Biloba Business Alliance], he, a modern man with a spirit of contract, of course understands the necessity of work, and at the same time has no opinion on the appearance of this task.

But just thinking about how the countess did when she saw her last night...

Ronald couldn't help shivering.

Intuition tells him that tomorrow night at the ball where the countess invites him.


"Trouble is inevitable..."

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