Mystic Dominator

Chapter 375: 1st meeting

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

Hearing the old housekeeper's words, the female investigator immediately expressed her dissatisfaction:

"Ma'am, she should have her own social activities now, right?"

"It's a bit inappropriate to invite more people to meet at such a time."

The old housekeeper did not change his expression because of the investigator's refusal.

Still with a smile on his face, he explained to the investigator in a calm tone:

"Ma'am, Master has great confidence in your abilities."

"And this invitation is only because the owner feels that she may disturb the audience around her, so she hopes to apologize to this gentleman in person."

"I hope you can understand."


As soon as he finished speaking, the old butler's eyes shifted from the investigator to Ronald.

Although it only took a few seconds.

But he has been in a complex social environment for a long time, and he has vaguely felt the subtle atmosphere in the room.

The two investigators, who were supposed to be quite strong, seemed to be worried about Ronald sitting in the back at the moment. Usually they should have refused to answer with "This gentleman doesn't have time", but now they have used the euphemism of "It's a bit inappropriate".

From the experience of the old housekeeper.

This gentleman in the room should be someone worthy of the hostess' friendship.


After that, the changes in the room were as expected by the old housekeeper.

After refusing to be dealt with by the people in front of her, the female investigator still turned her questioning gaze towards Ronald.

A good-natured person who has cooperated with the Bureau of Investigation for many times.

At this time, she didn't mind giving the choice to the other party.

So, Ronald walked over with a polite smile on his face:

"I'll go take a look."

"Should be back soon."


The female investigator nodded slightly to show her understanding, while the old housekeeper saluted again:


"Thank you for your understanding."

Ronald followed the old housekeeper away, and the countess' seat was next door.

As soon as he walked in, Ronald frowned at the noise from the crowd.

He doesn't like too busy places.

And the countess fits exactly that definition.

In this spacious enough theater room for special seats, many well-dressed men and women chatted with each other. Although many people were already sweating profusely, the exaggerated smiles on their faces did not diminish at all.


In such an environment, Ronald was taken to the only relaxed position in the room by the old housekeeper.

- Viewing seats.

- The position of the countess.

The first time he saw each other, Ronald remembered Heloise's description before.

The Countess was an uncompromising beauty.

Actually it does.

Under the warm lights of the theater, a graceful lady was sitting gracefully on a chair, smiling with ease on her seductive red lips, the countess looked at everything around her with deep eyes.

Beside this beautiful lady, there was a male waiter who was half-kneeling and holding drinks for her. The waiter didn't even dare to look up at the countess's figure, but just kept his head down to serve.

After realizing that the old butler brought Ronald back here.

The countess' eyes lingered for a moment on Ronald's young and handsome face.

Then he went back to his butler.

With just a swipe, she immediately saw a serious look on the face of the housekeeper she was familiar with.


The countess's eyes lit up, and she immediately stood up without hesitation.

Immediately, he took a glass of wine from the waiter's tray and handed it to Ronald in a friendly gesture:


"This gentleman is...?"

Ronald took the initiative to introduce himself:

"Ronald, Ronald Adler."

"But I don't drink alcoholic beverages, please forgive me."


The Countess did not feel any discomfort at Ronald's refusal.

On the contrary, after hearing Ronald's self-introduction, the lady immediately showed a charming and seductive smile, then elegantly raised her neck and drank it.

Immediately afterwards, a drop of wine hung 'smartly' on his lips.

She continued to speak to Ronald:

"If that's the case, then I'll drink it for you."

"Please, Al, he invites you over, mainly because I want to apologize to you."

"I'm really, really sorry for the commotion in such a place where fine art is appreciated."


Ronald was silent.

What the countess did was a rather outrageous move.

According to the social etiquette of the locals that Ronald knew, this behavior of drinking for others can only be done in a very intimate, at least a romantic relationship.

Combine other countess expressions and movements.

It is not difficult to imagine what the other party means to Ronald now.

Heloise's commission...

What kind of start am I...

After this thought briefly popped into his mind, Ronald quickly returned to his role.

So he took a step back a little embarrassedly, and he said to the countess with a smirk:

"It's nothing, I understand."

"But I don't usually like to be active in crowded places. If there is nothing else, I will go back first."

After speaking, Ronald nodded apologetically, then turned and left immediately.

In fact, whether it's acting or what he really thinks in his heart, Ronald really wants to get out of here now.

After taking a few steps, Ronald's keen hearing detected the voice of the countess behind him.

The other party also did not retain Ronald, who had obvious intentions.

Instead, he made another reminder:

"Mr. Ronald, don't forget my invitation."

"I'm looking forward to seeing you next time!"


Hastily ended the first meeting.

As soon as he left the other party's room, Ronald let out a long breath:


"That's enough..."

Seeing Ronald's reaction, the female investigator who was guarding the door put on a smile:

"Mr. Ronald, it seems that you are not very suitable for this environment."


Ronald smiled and shook his head, then walked to his room.

"There is no such thing in the Yoiz Forest."

"Compared with this kind of interaction between people, I prefer to be The female investigator immediately followed Ronald's back:

"You will definitely encounter a lot of things like this in the future."

"It's better to get used to it early."

Ronald's sentiment remains:

"I think so."

"It's better to avoid this kind of thing as much as possible in the future."

"And in that case, it should also be good news for your work?"

Hear Ronald's tone with a smile.

The female investigator also joked about the original holder:

"Then please don't."

"If you big guys have such thoughts, then my weekly salary will probably shrink a lot."

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