Mystic Dominator

Chapter 374: show

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the mysterious ruler!

Ronald doesn't come to the Oak Theatre very often.

Except for Heloise's invitation, he really didn't come to this kind of place very often.

So when he came to the theater on the weekend night, Ronald was not very familiar with the surrounding environment.

Towards the position of [Number 37], he walked over without haste.

At this moment, a young man in the corner of the theater came to Ronald:

"Mr. Ronald, do you need an escort?"


It's from the Bureau of Investigation.

Just a brief glance, Ronald confirmed the identity of the other party.

In fact, due to the activities of the countess today, the number of investigators at the Oak Theater is much larger than usual.

I found myself, the original holder, here.

It is of course their normal job scope to have someone come to ask.

So Ronald took out his ticket, nodded with a smile and replied:

"I was invited here, of course it's okay to accompany you here."


When the young investigator saw the serial number on Ronald's ticket, his pupils shrank.

He was specially dispatched to the Oak Theatre today, and of course he knew what this ticket meant.

This is the nearest grand bench next door to the Countess.

During the hours of watching, it is very likely that Ronald will come into direct contact with the countess.

This is an issue that must be paid attention to!

Fortunately, the original holder did not reject their application for 'accompanying'.

He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

The young investigator saluted Ronald before continuing:

"Mr. Ronald, we also know about your relationship with Ms. Arida."

"But because of the needs of our work, it is still interrupted."

The smile on Ronald's face remained:

"I understand."

"I have also acted with you before. The safety of this city is built on your work. I absolutely support things that can cooperate."

Faced with Ronald's negotiating attitude, the expression on the young investigator's face became more relaxed.

"Then I'll leave it alone."

"Notify my companions later, someone should be there before the show starts."


After a few simple words, Ronald bid farewell to the other party and continued to go deep into the theater.

The subsequent ticket checking process and admission were no different from the last time he came. When he came to his exclusive viewing seat, Ronald simply instructed the waiter to stand aside and not simply drive the other party out.

In the midst of chatting with the theater waiter, the time for the start of the performance is also approaching fast.

Wait until about a quarter of an hour left.

Ronald's keen hearing sensed the noise coming from the entrance of the theater.

Here comes the countess...

A few seconds after realizing this, there was a knock on the door of Ronald's seat.

bang bang bang --

The waiter standing in the room immediately asked:


"Go open the door."

The theater attendant opened the door as ordered, and two investigators, a man and a woman, appeared outside.

They whispered something to the theater waiter.

Then the other party immediately withdrew, leaving only Ronald and their two investigators in the room.

The male investigator then began to check around the room to see if the surgery was arranged.

And the female investigator walked towards Ronald with a polite smile on her face:

"Excuse me, Mr. Ronald."

"We'll be in trouble for a while, and then you can treat us as if we don't exist during the performance."

Ronald smiled and expressed his understanding:

"Today is a special situation, I understand."


Then work step by step.

Ronald and the two investigators also did not have a dispute of any degree.

And with the appearance of some noises, Ronald also confirmed that the countess entered the viewing seat next to him.

What should I say...

If Ronald really came to the show.

So today's experience will probably be very bad.

Ever since the countess brought people into the special room, various voices were continuously heard from the other side. Among them are the behavior of entertaining distinguished guests at the theater, and there are guys who are courteous to the powerful.

It was clearly the opening eve that needed to be kept quiet.

As a result, it was as lively as a banquet.

Looking down at the stage where the set was completed below, Ronald had a pretentious look of impatience on his face.

This is the reaction that a normal person watching a show should have.

The two investigators, who were standing against the wall, did not express any comments.


People from all walks of life are 'showing' on their own.

The real performance that belongs to Arida begins.

In a poorer room set, Alyssa joins two other actors in an opera show about love and fate.

- "Moxy and Yeruda"

When Ronald came here for the first time, he happened to see a performance in a small theater. If I remember correctly, Heloise also told Ronald at the time that she liked the show.

I just didn't expect that the theater performance prepared by the other party today is this.


"My love, my Yaleda."

"My brother wants to sell me to that Elm, what should I do?"

"My dear Yeluda..."


The show on the stage below is continuing.

Compared with the performance Ronald watched last time, today Arida crushed the one he watched in all aspects, both in singing and performance.

The expressions and actions in any plot, the emotion carried by each byte in each lyric, and the naturalness and smoothness of the tone transition.

Except for some more dramatic artistic processing.

Every link of the performance below is touching the audience who seriously appreciate the show

This is an absolutely excellent show.

Nodding lightly in appreciation, Ronald couldn't help but sighed in a low voice:

"As expected of her..."


Time advances little by little.

Ronald watched the show with peace of mind, and the two investigators in the Specialist's room kept their promise to remain silent.

Just wait until the actors rest in the play, and it is also time for the audience to rest.

Inevitable problems still arise.

bang bang bang --

Just outside Ronald's door, the knock sounded again.

The two investigators frowned and glanced at each other, and Ronald secretly said in his heart, "That's true."

The detection ability is very good, they know it well.

This time it wasn't the theater who came knocking on the door, but someone from the countess next door.


"Mr. Ronald, shall I open the door?"


After a moment of silence, it was the female investigator who spoke first.

With Ronald's approval, she walked to the door helplessly and opened the door.


Open the door.

Appearing in the sight of the three was a kind old man dressed as a housekeeper.

After saluting with impeccable graceful gestures, the old man spoke softly and politely:

"Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen."

"My host feels that the opportunity is rare, and I hope to talk to the guests here,"

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