Mystic Dominator

Chapter 348: Protect information


"Abel Crosange."

"What school?"

"Buddy's Body School."

"When did you start serving in the [Nine Rings Secret Society], and what is the purpose of coming to Springs?"

"I joined the [Nine Rings Secret Society] thirty-seven years ago. The purpose of coming to Springs is to serve Your Excellency Star, and then advance the organization's plan..."

Between questions and answers.

The old man who was able to become wild with the support of spells before.

Now honestly answering Ronald's question.

Just as Ronald envisioned, Heloise did have a way to make people tell the truth.

—It was a potion similar to Veritaserum.

Force the enemy to drink this potion.

In the next half hour or so, the enemy will fall into a state of being like a dream but not a dream. As long as someone asks a question at this time, the other party will definitely answer the question honestly.

And the only flaw of this potion.

It is very harmful to the body, and it will seriously damage brain function after drinking.

If there is no grievance that can never be solved, then it is best not to choose this kind of thing.

Of course, Ronald and the two would not care about the thoughts of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] caster.

So I used this potion right away.

Next, the already weak old man really began to look in a trance, and he would answer any question without hesitation.

The identities of the two spellcasters who appeared here tonight were also known to Ronald.

—Abel Crosange.

The front-line staff who have joined the [Nine Rings Secret Club] for many years, and the basic activities are within the territory of Green Germany.

——The original holder of the code name 'Astral'.

He joined the [Nine Rings Secret Society] two years ago, and is known for his ability to pass three trials of the original scriptures. He is a rising star within the [Nine Rings Secret Society].

This time, when I came to Springs, the main work of Astral was to collect information on all aspects of the city and deal with some difficult emergencies.

Although young and vigorous, the [Nine Rings Secret Society] also trusts the ability of the holder of the original scriptures.

A spell derived from "Astronomers".

In fact, it is sufficient for most difficult situations.

Listening to this information, Ronald naturally began to ask for further information:

"Tell me about your plans in detail."


The old man opened his mouth slightly, but this time he didn't say anything like before.

On the contrary, the seemingly awake expression on his face suddenly stiffened, and his body fell weakly to the ground to the side.


Lying on the ground, the pale face of the old man instantly turned blue, and at the same time, the ups and downs of the chest symbolizing breathing also stopped.

"This is……"


Faced with such a change, Ronald sighed and put his eyes on the girl beside him.

And Heloise immediately leaned down and checked the old man's body.

After a few seconds, Ronald and Heloise got up at the same time.

He glanced at each other and shook his head.

The old man is dead.

Died very suddenly and without warning.

However, unlike Ronald's inspection, Heloise also put forward her own views:

"Ronald, this guy should have a contract engraved on his heart to protect secrets. Once he intends to tell some specific information, this contract will immediately take his life."


In order to protect the secrets of the organization, a spell is devised to prevent the leakage of information.

This behavior is rather easy to understand.

But Ronald is not alone at the moment.

A professional in this trade was on the side, so he pointed to the old man's corpse, then pointed to the corpse of the 'star', and finally asked Heloise beside him:

"Thor, is there a way to track where this guy has been recently?"

"These two guys."


Hearing Ronald's question, an expression of "I really can't help you" appeared on Heloise's face.

Shaking her head slightly and sighing, the girl continued to speak:

"Ronald, if you change someone for this kind of thing, you will have to charge a lot of money."

"But who made us friends..."

While subtly sighing in her tone, Heloise immediately stretched her movable arm into her arms, and finally took out a small red bottle and handed it to Ronald.

- There is a butterfly in the bottle.

——The whole body is red like blood, and there are patterns like human faces on the wings.

Very close, Ronald could clearly see the appearance of the butterfly.

"Is this a butterfly?"

Heloise explained in a serious tone:

"A butterfly treated with special magic."

"The scientific name is the blood-spotted butterfly."

"Inject your magic and the blood of the enemy into it, and this guy can help you to a certain extent."

Seeing Heloise's attitude, Ronald immediately understood that this butterfly was valuable.

So he nodded solemnly, and he reached out and took the glass bottle.

"Thank you..."


- Next, is the last job tonight

- Lumil.

Catch this 'girl' with a mysterious origin in front of him.

Ronald said:

"Thor, now we have plenty of time."

"Tell me how to separate the scriptures from her body?"

Heloise looked at Rumil, and then expressed her judgment:

"I think this guy... It doesn't seem like he has completely mastered the original text."

"In this case, you can try to infuse magic power into this guy's body. As long as the magic power that disrupts the normal circulation in her body, the disturbed scripture will come out of this guy's body by itself."

Speaking of which, Heloise looked at the surrounding streets.

With the end of the battle, the place by the Wes River also quieted down.

However, it would be a bit outrageous to continue to implement the extraction of the original from here.

So, the girl immediately opened her mouth and reminded:

"That's right, Ronald."

"I suggest you go home and do this kind of thing better. Considering the specific operation problems, this kind of interference may consume a lot of time."

"Not right now."

Ronald nodded immediately to show his understanding.

Then he turned his head and began to examine the bodies of the two [Nine Rings Secret Society] casters.

Confirming that there was nothing of note on the two guys anymore, Ronald took a portion of their blood from each of them and carved a mark on the ground that radiated subtle magic.

——This is the knowledge he got from the investigation bureau.

- It is the exclusive policy of Springs.

——If it is a duel or a fight for legitimate When the mysterious side tactically ends the battle, this kind of mark should be left on the battlefield.

Aware of this magic power fluctuation, the investigators who can come nearby will come to dispose of the corpse in the shortest time, and at the same time make simple repairs to some things that were destroyed in the battle.

After completing this action, Ronald got up and left.

At the same time, he asked Heloise who was beside him:

"Thor, do you want to go back with me?"

"When I press Rumir later, maybe you can help me with counseling?"

Hear this invitation to get intelligence.

Heloise immediately followed, with a smile on her face:

"Of course, I'd love to!"

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