Mystic Dominator

Chapter 349: Extract from the original

This is Ronald's first attempt at expelling a tome from the body of an enemy.

And this process is just like what Heloise said, no matter the technical difficulty or the time consumption, it is not the type that can be dealt with in a short time.

Even Ronald's mastery of The Divine Comedy is very proficient.

However, it is still quite difficult to cause stable and harmless changes in the complex magic circulation in Rumir's body.

- but it is necessary.

After all, it is different from the old man of the previous [Nine Rings Secret Club].

Ronald needs to keep Rumil safe.

At least after pulling out the original text, he still has a lot of questions he wants to ask this guy.

in the apartment at night.

Ronald was patiently tossing the girl in front of him in the bedroom, while Heloise sat quietly in the living room, while guarding the house, she did not forget to make herself a cup of tea with one hand.


time flies.

When Ronald clearly sensed that the time was five:06.

His work that night paid off with success.

The perfectly functioning magic power in Rumil's body completely deviated from its original trajectory under his persevering interference, and at the same time did not cause damage to Rumil himself.

- at this very moment.

——A faint reddish-black liquid seeped out from Lumir’s chest.

Finally in front of Ronald.

These liquids gradually converged and formed a book-like object.

""Purgatory Chapter"..."

Muttering in a low voice, Ronald reached out and held the tome.

Accompanied by a 'pop' sound.

The last of the three The Divine Comedy was separated from Rumier and then fell into Ronald's hands.

It took almost half a year.

This original book, which had been in contact with the Black Mountains, finally came to him in its entirety.

Quietly staring at this scripture.

There was an urge to open and read in Ronald's heart.

But after hesitating for a long time, he still shook his head, and then put the original script in his most personal and safe position:

"Forget it, let's wait until the person is sent away..."


After all, there was a Rumil in front of him.

There is still Heloise waiting for her outside.

At this time, whenever there is a big movement, it is difficult for myself and my companions to explain it.

And Ronald also has a certain hunch in the vagueness that something will happen to the completely merged "Divine Comedy".

He didn't have the idea of ​​swaggering around with the original scriptures.

So dragging Rumil, who was still unconscious, Ronald returned to his living room.

Hearing the movement from the bedroom, Heloise, who was quietly drinking tea, turned her head slightly.

With just one glance, she immediately saw something from the expression on Ronald's face.

"Yo, are you done?"


Ronald smiled wryly:

"I do have a sense of 'finally it's over' fortunate."

"If the stinky and long experience that I experienced occurs in works such as dramas, I am afraid that no audience is willing to watch it at all."

While responding to Heloise, Ronald also came to the sofa and put Rumier down.

Looking at this motionless 'human girl', Ronald said:

"Thor, does your 'truth potion' potion only work on humans?"

Heloise nodded immediately and admitted:

"That's right, I want to count on this when dealing with inhumans."

"The feeling of beings other than humans drinking this thing is probably that ordinary people lie in the mud pond and drink a mouthful of dirty water mixed with silt. Like the investigator's lie detector, it is aimed at humans."


"That's up to us."

Getting a response from Heloise's mouth, Ronald expressed some regrets.

If there is no effective potion, then we can only talk slowly.

Therefore, the ability of "The Divine Comedy - Hell Chapter" was locked in the power of "Rage", while monitoring the personnel changes in the surrounding streets, Ronald released the coma on Lumir.


As soon as the effect of the spell was lifted, Rumir's eyelids twitched slightly.

But soon, this trace of movement disappeared again.

She looked like she was asleep.

Looking at each other, Ronald said indifferently:

"Stop pretending, you know I can sense changes in other people's emotions."

"There's no need to waste time on this."


Hearing Ronald's words, Rumil opened his eyes after hesitating for a few seconds.

Bowing her head slightly, she leaned on the sofa and asked weakly:

"I don't feel my original script anymore."

"Did you pull it out of my body?"

Ronald nodded:

"You can't count on me for a second time, and you haven't taken it from your body, can you?"


Hearing Ronald's answer, Rumier fell silent.

Compared with the last time she was caught by accident, this time not only the people of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] were knocked down, but even the original scriptures in her body were also pulled away.

under such circumstances.

There is almost no chance of a comeback.

As if accepting his fate, Rumier sighed:


"I see……"

"Just say whatever you want to ask, and I will answer honestly."

In order to cross-examine accurate information, it is not advisable to go straight to the point at the beginning.

So Ronald asked a question that he cared more about, but didn't touch the heart of the event:

"Back then in Montenegro, the businessman who came with us to rescue you. How did he die?"

Probably to show his attitude.

Rumil immediately replied without hesitation:

"He was disobedient himself and was caught by my dear 'mother'."

"I can guarantee that Thomson's death is not on me."

Ronald said he accepted the answer before returning the question to the heart of the inquiry:

"Then tell me now, your specific origin."

"From the very beginning of birth."


Faced with this question, Rumil pondered for a few seconds before explaining:

"If you want to know everything about me and my family, it starts with the Black Mountain Lab inside Black Mountain."


Black Mountain Lab?

Hearing this subtle term suddenly, Ronald couldn't help coughing:

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Although I know that this Montenegro is not another Montenegro.

But suddenly he heard something that had taken a huge part in his childhood.

He was still a little When both Heloise and Rumier were suspicious, Ronald waved his hand stiffly:

"Nothing, keep talking."


Heloise knew that now was not the time to ask questions.

As a prisoner, Rumil did not dare to ask Ronald, who was embarrassed.

So I sorted out the thoughts that were interrupted a little bit.

Only then did Lumil continue to speak earnestly:

"Montenegro is located in the border area of ​​Gred, and it is also located in the right location from Burrenwich and Yoiz Forest. So about five years ago, the [Nine Rings Secret Society] established a secret base there for the study of the original text..."

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