Mystic Dominator

Chapter 347: clean up the battle

Under the darkness of night, Ronald controlled the wings of Icarus to slowly land on the ground.

He walked towards the tree where Heloise fell.

At the same time, he did not forget to manipulate the power of 'rape', the black mist, and pulled over the corpse of the enemy he had just shot down and Lumir who was hiding aside.

During this process, the old man who had become extremely weak due to the fight with Heloise finally weakened from the state of physical expansion before.

When the appearance on the face has completely returned to the old appearance.

The guy looked blankly at his empty arm, and then fell to the ground feebly.

Out of the **** of magic beasts.

The guy didn't even know what was going on for a while.

The only thing that could be seen around was Ronald walking towards the trees.


Ronald glanced at the old man.

For such an enemy, his response is also very straightforward.

It is enough to directly control the black fog to surround the old man, confirming that the other party cannot escape.

Go under the tree and look at the rustling canopy in front of you.

Ronald cleared his throat before speaking:

"Hey, Thor, how are you doing now?"


The girl in the canopy was silent for a few seconds.

Then she replied in a bitter voice:

"Ronald, you know how a gentleman should invite a lady out of the carriage, right?"

Hearing the meaning of the girl's words, Ronald lightly leaped up the canopy.

Among the broken and messy branches and leaves of this tree, he really saw the current situation of Heloise.

The old man's punch just now was really powerful.

Not only was Heloise knocked flying on the spot, but even the entire position near her right shoulder was severely distorted.

under normal medical conditions.

This must be a serious injury that can lead to the death of the injured person, and even lifelong disability in the slightest.

Of course, this is not the case with Heloise, who has the ability to cast spells.

At the same time as Ronald appeared, the girl used drugs to block the pain in the injured area, and then began to adjust the position of her broken bones.

Although there is no medical splint to immobilize the wound.

However, there are surgical procedures to control the body to assist the treatment, and it can also ensure that the position of the muscles and bones is correct.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ronald couldn't help recalling what was once above Montenegro.

At that time, in order to deal with Rumil's 'parents'.

Heloise also paid a considerable price.

Now it seems that this guy is definitely a good hand in treating injuries.

With a smile symbolizing victory on his face, Ronald pushed aside the branches and came to Heloise, then carefully avoided the wound and held the girl in his arms gently.

"Go down?"


When the two returned to the ground, lying quietly in Ronald's arms, Heloise looked at the Wing of Icarus on Ronald's back with interest.

"Ronald, your wings are good."

"This is also a spell of your Copenhagen School?"

Ronald replied succinctly:

"Some time ago, the [Book Research Association] almost had a problem with the original text. I happened to be there at the time, so I used the method of passing the trial to deal with the incident."


Hearing this explanation, Heloise's eyes widened instantly:

"How long has it been?"

" have completed the trial of an original scripture!"

Ronald didn't want to go further on this matter, so he just shook his head lightly:

"For normal work, I only learned this spell."

"Let's look at our results tonight."

During the conversation between the two, the black mist also dragged the corpse of the dead caster and the unconscious Lumir to them.

At this time, Heloise lightly rested her head on Ronald's shoulder.

Then he whispered in his ear in a low voice:

"Ronald, I have an injection capsule in the inside pocket of my left shirt. Give me an injection."

Ronald raised his eyebrows:

"The injection site or the blood vessel?"

Heloise immediately smiled:

"You remember it quite clearly."


"no problem."

With a see no evil attitude, Ronald quickly took out the other party's medicine from Heloise's pocket, and injected the guy into it.

The potion on the mysterious side is amazing.

In more than ten seconds, the effect of this medicine began to work.

Although the injury could not be healed immediately, Heloise also regained her mobility with the help of the potion.

Immediately, he jumped out of Ronald's arms lightly.

Looking at her miserable appearance, the girl shook her head in a bad tone:

"This punch is really hard enough."

"After I go back at night, I'm afraid I won't want to participate in any battles for more than a month."

"It's troublesome enough..."

Muttering on the lips, Heloise followed in front of the corpse of the enemy.

She looked at the corpse of the original holder in front of her with a complicated expression, and then she sighed almost subconsciously:

"The one with the book..."

"This is the one holding the book..."

"Ronald, it would definitely be big news even in Springs if we got rid of an original holder tonight."


Ronald didn't answer, but also looked at the guy's corpse.

What the deceased looks like now...

Pretty miserable.

After all, this is the holder of the original book, and Ronald naturally cannot have the slightest reservation in the fight. Therefore, when this attack was launched, the abundant magic power in the power of 'rape' was almost the highest in history.

Combined with the 'atrocity' of the battle between the two...

There is no doubt that this guy has been completely boiled by the blood river of hell.

Even the impact of the corpse falling on the ground made this guy vaguely separated from flesh and blood.

"Tsk tsk-"

While approaching the corpse with emotion, Heloise turned her eyes to Ronald at the same time.

Seeing her companions have no problem with her approaching the enemy's corpse.

The girl then bent down and squatted down, and then pulled out a book that was stained with corpse fragments and became sticky from the body of the deceased.

Heloise didn't look at the contents of the original book out of curiosity.

Just brushing off the blood and mud on her sleeve, she then handed the original to Ronald:

"Take tonight's booty."



Looking at the book that Heloise handed over, Ronald silently grabbed the original in his hand.

He was in no hurry to show his ability to tame the canon in an instant.

And like ordinary spellcasters, he stuffed the book into his arms and kept it well.

Next, he passed Heloise who was still examining the body.

Ronald pointed to the old man trapped by the black mist, and then spoke again:


"For a professional like you, there should be many ways to get people to tell the truth, right?"

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