Mystic Dominator

Chapter 326: persuade

Patricia has always been resolute.

After getting Ronald's answer, she immediately left the investigation bureau with her brother.

Then in this office, only Ronald and Ms. Compa remained.


"Mr. Ronald, I thought you would leave with Miss Patricia."

The two sat in the office for a few seconds in silence.

Finally, the female investigator who was still watching Ronald spoke first.

"People who are willing to stay in the Bureau for such a long time are not very common in Springs these days."

"Especially an original holder like you."

Ronald waved his hand and replied calmly:

"Stay a little longer, I don't mind at all."

"In addition to some necessary information I hope to get, I don't think an organization like the Bureau of Investigation will make mistakes in such an important event, and it may be able to help to a considerable extent in the future."


Hearing this, Ms. Kampa fell silent again.

She glanced subconsciously outside the office, and then she looked at Ronald sitting in front of her.

In the end, after some kind of psychological struggle, the investigator sighed deeply:


"Mr. Ronald, there are no outsiders right now, so I'll just tell you straight."

"If you want to stay here, then our Bureau of Investigation will not refuse, but I hope you don't have too high hopes for obtaining more important information."

Hearing Compa's answer, Ronald raised his eyebrows subtly:


"Is it inconvenient to tell me because the intelligence is classified?"

"But in fact, I have done a lot of things for the Bureau of Investigation before. I think there should be a more trusting cooperative relationship between the two of us, right?"

Hearing Ronald's rhetorical question, the expression on Ms. Kampa's face became even more embarrassing.

"I persuade you... not because of this."

"There are other reasons."

"That guy named Rumil, after all, is what Burrenwitch came here to do, so I ask you not to hope too much."


Hearing this, Ronald suddenly realized.

The words have been spoken beyond comprehension.

Because it's Burrenwich...

I really didn't expect that in such a crucial matter, the Bureau of Investigation would have such a speechless situation.

After a long silence, Ronald asked again:

"Then change the question."

"I won't ask about the specific investigation."

"So under this premise, what else can you tell me?"


Kampa was silent for a while.

In the end, biting her lip lightly, she replied as if she had made a very important decision:

"Then let me remind you, Mr. Ronald."

"At least in this matter, you should be prepared to rely on yourself completely."


A reminder that doesn't count as a reminder.

This time, it was Ronald's turn to be silent.

Looking at the investigator lady in front of him earnestly, Ronald could see that the other party's attitude was very serious now, and there was no perfunctory plan in his tone.

Compa said to himself.

It is already a very sincere 'reminder'.

After a long silence, Ronald stood up from his chair and sighed:


"If that's the case, should I be able to leave now?"

Kampa nodded immediately:

"In fact, since Miss Patricia came, you have been able to go."

So he stretched out his hand and raised his collar, Ronald turned and left the office:

"I see."

"Also, thanks for the reminder, Ms. Kampa."

In the office, the investigator's voice was very subtle at this moment:

"I'm so sorry……"

Next, Ronald naturally left the headquarters of the Bureau of Investigation smoothly.

Get out of the power company and stand on Crown Road at night.

With a disappointed expression, Ronald looked left and right on both sides of the road.

Although it cannot be said that this street is the most prosperous place in Springs, it is also directly connected to the Royal Palace, the administrative center of the entire city, and even the entire country.

So even if the air is a little dull now, it's not difficult to see a busy situation in front of you.

The prosperous scene contrasts with the problems that he has just encountered.

Unable to help, Ronald sighed in a low voice:

"Sure enough, it is inevitable that such a situation will occur in a unit where people are responsible for handling the incident."

To be honest, Ronald doesn't have any thoughts of complaining about the Bureau of Investigation right now, after all, this is not a very rare phenomenon.

The only pity is that I have encountered such a situation unlucky.

"So, what should I do next..."

Ronald wasn't in the mood to stop the cab for the moment.

Walking on the streets of Springs on foot like this, he looked at the streets lit up at night while thinking about how to deal with the incident.

Without the help of the Bureau of Investigation, things would certainly have gotten a lot more troublesome.

But it's not entirely impossible to proceed.


- First, unify the information you already have.

There was no doubt that that fellow Rumir had been pretending to be Crimea for quite some time.

Then during the period of Springs activities, she will more or less leave some corresponding clues.

- and more importantly.

Rumier ditched the identity of Crimea just after leaving Lilac Path Gardens this morning.

This embodies a time information.

-Finally, there is a piece of information that is inferred by comparison.

Replacing the identity of Crimea, if it was out of the intention of protecting himself, then during such a long period of activity in Springs, Rumir could choose to leave the city at any time.

But it turned out that she did not leave.

A person with multiple problems in his identity would actually stay in a place like Springs, where the mysterious side of the force converges.

This is definitely a very dangerous thing for Rumil.

So let her choose to stay here all the time, it must be caused by some underlying conditions.

Either there is something promising, or there are unspeakable limitations.

Anyway, this thing is bound to exist.

Then he was caught off guard by Ronald in the afternoon, would Rumil choose to leave Springs?

- Most likely not.

It is impossible for her to choose to give up immediately because of this kind of problem.

As such.

A clearer reality emerges.

In order to continue to stay in Rumir absolutely cannot use his original identity, otherwise, no matter how much the Bureau of Investigation releases water, it is impossible to leave a dangerous element with clear characteristics and continue to operate recklessly in this city.

- The final result is obtained.

Lumil won't leave Springs.

Then, during this afternoon, in her hurry, she would inevitably choose a family near the organ area, and then use it as a new identity.

Tonight when she just changed her identity and is not familiar with everything.

If Ronald Card is on time, he will definitely gain something!

Nodding slightly, Ronald quickened his pace, and the direction of walking also shifted from the river bank area to the organ area.

"Then tonight."

"Just work overtime..."

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