Mystic Dominator

Chapter 327: night search

The security environment in the organ area.

Even better than Ronald's apartment, on the banks of the river.

As the wealthy residential area of ​​Springs.

In addition to the patrol officers on duty at night, even the streets are also cleaned by special personnel in charge.

Walking in such a place, just a clean street can bring a pretty good mood.

The only pity is that Ronald has no interest in appreciating this beauty now.

Controlling the detection scope of the power of "Rage" to a level where he can fully accept and properly handle the information, Ronald is walking quietly and silently in this street.

Whether it's a patrolman like an ordinary person.

He is also an investigator in charge of mysterious matters.

Once Ronald found that their route intersected with himself, he would divert the direction in advance and deftly bypass it, in order to avoid some unnecessary troubles.

However, the organ area is a large residential area after all.

Under such relatively limited conditions, Ronald could only conduct inspections here at a relatively slow speed. Even some things that happened during the period that he hadn't considered before became things that made him very helpless.

——The Organ District is a wealthy district after all.

In such a residential area, the actual stability of people's families is actually more troublesome than the families in the river bank area where Ronald is located, or even in some economically difficult areas.

To sum up some words, it can be summarized into the category that rich people really know how to play.

And after encountering the place where this kind of filth is taking place, Ronald inevitably needs to go forward to investigate.

After all, this situation may also be a cover-up for Rumil's behavior.

As a result, Ronald's activities tonight can only maintain the current slow pace.


"Slow down, slow down..."

Jumping off the fence of a family again, Ronald shook his head helplessly.

no matter what era.

The night life of human beings can be called colorful.

Even Ronald has seen a lot of things before crossing.

But after turning around in such a circle, he still had an eye-opening feeling.

Maintain the concentration of the spell, dodge multiple times, and climb over the wall to detect the situation. In this way, under the constant mental and physical exhaustion, Ronald ushered in the second hour of tonight's exploration activities.


- The situation is different.

This is a three-story house that is not much different from the rest of the Organ District.

The owner's family lived on the second floor, the servants lived on the first floor, and there was only one room on the third floor that seemed to sleep a young child.

Yet it is in this building.

Once again Ronald sensed a different human emotion.

On the second floor of the building, where the owner's family should have lived, the family of three are in the same house at the same time, and the changes in their inner emotions are also very concerning.


"I hope I'm not wrong this time..."

I thought so in my mind.

Ronald moved skillfully and silently over the wall, and then jumped into the courtyard of the mansion.

This action came down several times a night.

He was quite used to this way of acting.

So when going over the wall, Ronald didn't even make any noticeable movement.

When he came to the courtyard, he no longer had to sneak into the house.

With his excellent physical strength, Ronald grabbed the bulge at the window edge on the outside of the mansion, and then climbed the wall to reach the height of the second floor.

But with Ronald's current physique, this is the type of thing that can be done easily.

Next, following the window on the outside of the wall, Ronald glanced cautiously inside.


At a glance, everything is different.

Just witnessing the situation in the room, Ronald's lazy eyes suddenly turned serious.


Really suspicious to the extreme!

In a room on the second floor of this mansion not facing the street, a luxuriously dressed girl was sitting on the bed.

In front of her, two adults, a man and a woman, were tied together, and at this moment they could only sit honestly on the floor in the house.

In addition, there is also a sleeping girl lying on the bed.

Although only her figure can be seen from Ronald's point of view, as long as you make a little comparison, you can see that the sleeping girl has the same height and height as the girl sitting on the bed.

Guaranteed by his excellent eyesight now.

You can't go wrong with this one!


But will it be Lumil...

Before the specific inspection, Ronald naturally did not dare to make a 100% ticket.

But from what he saw, the suspiciousness of this family had reached a very high level.

So in order to prevent the other party from being a family structure with special hobbies.

Ronald decided to wait and see for a while.

After adjusting the angle a little, he quickly turned over to the roof of the three-story mansion, and then found a place with the moon behind his back and sat down quietly.

--five minutes.

This is the time limit he has set for himself.

If five minutes later, a family in the mansion is still like this.

Then Ronald jumped from here, and it was very convenient to directly break through the window.

As for why five minutes...

On the one hand, this short period of time is more suitable for his current activities.

Even if you get it wrong, it won't take too long.

On the other hand, no matter how weird the family's hobbies are, there should be some changes in five minutes to be considered normal.


It turns out, however, that Ronald didn't need to wait that long for five minutes.

Just as he climbed up on the roof and found a place to sit down.

Downstairs something happened that made him extremely concerned.

Obviously nothing superfluous happened, but the girl sitting on the bed was suddenly nervous, and there was even a certain degree of hostility in the vagueness.

But only for a moment.

This kind of emotion was quickly suppressed by the can no longer see any clues.

Hostility and quick stabilization...

It's obviously aimed at the self who infiltrated the mansion, right?

Faced with this kind of reaction, Ronald did not hesitate to think about it.

This change was exactly the same as Lumire's behavior when he realized that he had just arrived in the afternoon, and immediately fled from the Lilac Path Garden.

Use something you don't know yet.

This guy sensed his arrival again, so this kind of mood change occurred.

So Ronald silently raised his right hand.

The black mist that was originally lingering on the fingertips dripped down, and immediately drilled down the gap in the roof!

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