Mystic Dominator

Chapter 325: inquiry survey

"Mr. Ronald?"

Seeing the figure of Ronald walking out of the side of the house holding the girl's body, Frederick and the two investigators immediately turned their attention.

Looked at Ronald, then looked at Crimea in his arms.

Finally, an investigator took the first step forward and said:

"May I ask who this girl is...?"

People just found out by himself, and Ronald certainly wouldn't hide what he did.

So he explained it generously:

"This child is the family's daughter, Crimea."

"Rumiel is probably going to replace her, so she didn't completely wash away the child's personal will as she did with his parents or servants, so she still maintains the most basic thinking ability."

Hearing Ronald's explanation, the two investigators looked at each other tacitly.

Then one of them took the initiative to take the girl who was still in a coma from Ronald.

At the same time, the other said:

"Mr. Ronald, please wait here with this Frederick. We will check the problems in this mansion as quickly as possible, and follow-up matters will be handled as quickly as possible. complete."

"Of course." Ronald nodded, then walked into the living room with Frederick and sat down and waited.

His words and deeds are very cooperative with the investigator's work.

In the city of Springs, it is very convenient and punctual for some important news to circulate in the Bureau of Investigation.

The two investigators are now polite to Ronald.

Apparently it came from their understanding that this was an original holder.

After that, the development of things is more simple and clear.

The two investigators came to the same conclusion as Ronald after inspections that were very much in line with the bureau's mission process.

Unless there is a particularly powerful spellcaster here, then its spells can also repair the mental state of the three killed.

Otherwise, from a personal point of view, the three of them have obviously lost the possibility of salvation.

So with some serious expressions, the two investigators issued an invitation to Ronald and Frederick:

"You two, you have also seen the current situation."

"Because of the needs of the work, before the specific matter is investigated, we hope that the two of you can come with us to go to the investigation bureau for a registration and verification process. Is this no problem?"

Ronald nodded and said:

"this is necessary."

"But at this time, do we still have to go to the power company?"

From the river bank area to Crown Road, there is still some distance.

And seeing Ronald's actions, the investigator who was in the conversation immediately responded:

"Yes, Mr. Ronald."

"To keep Springs safe, that's what we generally do when hosting a powerful spellcaster like you."

Hear what the investigator has to say.

Frederick on the side also nodded in agreement, and then helped to explain to Ronald:

"Ordinary people would actually go to a nearby location for consultation and registration. But people like you with books should go to the headquarters for some insurance."


Ronald shrugged.

Naturally he has no opinion now.

So they left here with the two investigators, and the four went to the Utility Power Building where the headquarters of the Investigation Bureau is located.

This time, it was a female investigator named Kampa who was in charge of receiving the two of Ronald.

Guided Ronald and Frederick to an office, the female investigator never left the place, and was always accompanied, or in other words, sat in the room with the two of them under surveillance. .

And when they completed registration and various jobs at the Bureau of Investigation headquarters.

A reasonable, unexpected person came.

- Patricia.

Being in the family was informed that as Frederick's sister, she arrived here about a quarter of an hour into the night.

"Frey, you better explain what happened!"

Probably heard some bad rumors before coming here.

So when Patricia arrived at the Bureau of Investigation, she had a very serious expression on her face.

However, after seeing Ronald, Patricia's state changed immediately.

The eyes were a little surprised at first, then thought a little, and finally understood his brother's behavior.

So she took the initiative to step forward, and Patricia bowed slightly to Ronald:

"Ronald, I'm so sorry."

"Frey is still young, and he usually does things recklessly."

"If he has any offensive behavior, please tell me directly. In the name of the Nicklaus family, we will definitely provide corresponding compensation and apology."

Seeing his sister's reaction like this, Frederick was immediately unhappy.

Standing up straight from the chair, the young boy exclaimed:

"Sister, what are you thinking!"

"I didn't do anything wrong at all. What happened today were all accidents. I just happened to be involved!"


Looking at Frederick's actions, Patricia did not respond immediately.

Instead, the girl gave Ronald an inquiring look.

So understanding, Ronald also nodded:

"Your brother didn't lie."

"Actually, this is what happened today. Originally, when I was tracking down a guy named Rumil in the afternoon, your brother happened to be there. I thought I could have a bystander to give some proof, so I invited him to watch it together. Look at this."

"Frederick was in a position to help throughout this entire incident."

After receiving Ronald's answer, Patricia looked at Frederick again:

"Frey, Ronald, is what he said true?"

Frederick replied immediately:

"Sister, it's absolutely true!"

"I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do, and there's absolutely nothing to disgrace the reputation of the Nicklaus family."


In the silence, Patricia looked at Frederick.

After a few breaths, she nodded slightly:

"Okay, I probably get it."

Next, Patricia turned her head to look at Ms. Investigator, who didn't seem to have seen Kangpa for the first time:

"Miss Compa, can I take Frederick home?"

Under Patricia's gaze, Kang was afraid to have a well-deserved smile on his face:

"If it's your guarantee, of course there's no problem."

And getting a positive answer, Patricia immediately turned the last topic to Ronald:

"Ronald, on your side..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Ronald heard the meaning of Patricia's words.

So he waved his hand decisively:

"Don't worry about my words."

"Because what happened tonight has a very close relationship with, it is better for me to stay in the Bureau of Investigation. Moreover, if there is any follow-up discovery, I can also easily understand it at the first time."


Hearing Ronald's answer, Patricia was silent for a few seconds before finally confirming:

"Do you need my help with this matter?"

Ronald smiled and replied:

"For now, I can handle this myself."

Patricia continued:

"If you have any trouble in the future, please remember to find me."

Ronald nodded:


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