Mystic Dominator

Chapter 322: on the way home

After dealing with the follow-up details, Ronald quietly left the mansion.

It's a pity that this girl with a name similar to Ronald is indeed not a disguise by Rumil.

Ronald even asked other people in the mansion, but let alone the traces of Rumil, there was not even anyone here who was related to the mysterious side.

Then from the afternoon until dusk.

Ronald visited two other homes in the Organ District in turn.

Using the exact same method as when 'visiting' Rona, he also got the exact same result.

There were also no traces of Rumil in the other two homes in the Organ District.

So on the way back to the river bank area and on the way to the last house, Ronald sighed softly:

"I knew it wasn't going to be smooth sailing..."

There is no doubt about the effect of the prophecy spell, but it is a pity that the news given by the old man is actually the location of Rumir.

Obviously this kind of direct targeting is much more difficult than an answer like 'Rumiel disguised as someone and lurked in Springs'.

It's a pity that it's implemented on a case-by-case basis.

For Ronald, a specific location is not as useful as an identity.

In this way, Ronald moved towards the last goal of the day with emotion.

However, not long after leaving the organ area, a young boy who looked to be fourteen or fifteen years old and dressed obviously either rich or expensive stopped Ronald in front of him.

While looking at Ronald in front of him curiously.

There was a hint of dissatisfaction in the boy's tone:

"Are you Ronald?"

"Ronald Adler?"


Who is this?

The question just popped into Ronald's mind, but he was quickly pressed down by himself.

Although Ronald never saw the young man who stopped him.

But Nai He, this young man, has quite beautiful white-blond hair on his head, exactly the same as Patricia.

The result was almost certain in his heart, but Ronald still asked tentatively:

"Excuse me, are you and Patricia...?"

Only then did I hear a name appear in Ronald's mouth.

The young man scolded loudly in response to stress:

"How can you do this!"

"When calling my sister's name, you should add a lady-friendly prefix!"


Ronald thought he was pretty good at dealing with people.

But when faced with this situation, he still rarely got stuck.

When encountering strangers who are not in a good relationship, Ronald can naturally come up with quite a few choices.

But if this boy is Patricia's younger brother.

That's a lot more complicated.

There are many more straightforward ways, which are not very convenient to take out.

So after a few seconds of silence, Ronald continued to explain:

"Actually, because we fought together, your sister and I usually call each other whatever is convenient."


Based on his experience with Patricia, Ronald felt that talking with the Nicklaus family should be more appropriate.

Sure enough, after hearing Ronald's answer.

The boy no longer cared about the names of Ronald and Patricia, and at the same time took a slight step back.

And see the action of the young man.

Ronald, who was aware of the other party's psychological activities, immediately asked:

"Stop me here, what's the matter?"

The boy answered without hesitation:

"I heard my sister mention your name!"

"But my silly sister, usually has no normal social experience at all, and the habits of interpersonal communication all come from the courtesy between nobles. Ronald, you should understand what I mean?"

Your sister is not like you said...

After silently complaining in his heart, Ronald continued:

"Actually, I've been in Springs for a while, but unfortunately I haven't had the chance to visit Patricia. I wonder how she's been doing recently?"


A few words of effort.

Ronald had already figured out the young man's mood at the moment and his little habits in conversation.

So naturally this kind of polite and friendly question was put on.

If nothing else, the conversation that followed was much simpler.

And hear Ronald's words.

Sure enough, the young Nicklaus family frowned slightly.

He wasn't sure what Ronald meant, but at the same time he didn't want to show his status in the conversation.

After thinking for a few seconds, he carefully thought about the conversation between the two.

Finally, the young man calmed down his tone, and then showed his social etiquette as a noble:

"Sister, she is the best swordsman in our family, of course she has a good life."

"If there is a chance, Xi... I hope you can also come to Nicklaus's house as a guest. I believe you will understand a lot by then!"

Ronald replied:

"If there is a chance, I will definitely go."



Then he threw a cold snort at Ronald, and the young man turned his head and left in front of Ronald, with a look of 'I don't want to continue talking to you' in both movements and expressions.

Standing on the spot and thinking for a few seconds, Ronald turned around and continued to walk out.

This young man...

It seems that it is not the core child cultivated by the Nicklaus family.

After all, if it is the direct heir to that kind of family, there is no reason for the other party to not know that Ronald's spell has a very useful detection effect, especially when facing humans.

—There is a reason why Ronald would think so.

In fact, the young man didn't leave at all.

Just after leaving the first street corner, this guy hid and started to follow Ronald behind, as if he wanted to find out Ronald's feet.

And this kind of thing.

Naturally, it was discovered by Ronald, who was looking for Lumil.

Among the detection abilities of the power of 'Rage', the emotional fluctuations of young people are simply the brightest star in the crowd, which is simply too conspicuous.


Sighing slightly, Ronald didn't want to make this Patricia's younger brother lose face.

So pretending to be ignorant, he continued his last search tonight.

Although it may be troublesome to drop a person in the back.

But Ronald didn't care.

For him, finding Lumil is the most critical task in the past two days.

If it is troublesome, then troublesome.

With this thought in Ronald came to the home of Crimea Luthor in the riverbank.


The place where the girl lived happened to be in the river bank area where Ronald lived.

bang bang bang --

Going forward, Ronald was still knocking on the door.

This time, however, things were different than before.

After repeating the knocking process several times, there was still no one here to open the door for Ronald.

At this time of night.

It's not like... Crimia's whole family went out together, right?

Obviously she was still playing in Lilac Trail Park in the afternoon!

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