Mystic Dominator

Chapter 321: Dominion Angel

Although Ronald politely declined the invitation of the other party.

But probably in order to make a good impression, this Miss Claire Elmes helped Ronald without hesitation.

Together with your friends and sisters.

When the people who had been staying in the Lilac Path Garden exchanged news.

Ronald managed to get a list of seven names.

These girls from all over the Springs are candidates who meet the condition of leaving the garden in a hurry from twenty minutes ago to the present.

So with this list in hand, Ronald left the Lilac Trail Gardens alone.

"There really are people everywhere."


Thinking about this list, Ronald knew that he had about two days of activity.

Rumil was able to dodge his own raid, but was unlikely to know what happened in the garden afterward.

According to the speed of word-of-mouth information transmission in this era, it will take two days at the earliest before Rumier realizes that Ronald has this list in his hands, causing this 'girl' to change his identity.

So Ronald nodded with satisfaction:

"Seven people, time is still enough."

After all, Rumir is hiding his identity now, and it is not easy to infer what kind of identity he will actually replace.

The most direct method is for Ronald to raid one by one and observe each other's reactions.

- Just do it.

After making up my mind, I walked out of the Lilac Path Garden.

Ronald went to his first goal today.

——Miss Rona of the Elder family.

In fact, according to the list that Claire gave him, three of the seven people lived in the organ area where the Lilac Path Garden was located.

So before night falls today, Ronald plans to visit the three people who live here first, and then find one more person on the way back.

That way, there will be plenty of time tomorrow to investigate the last three.

Most of the residents in the Organ District live well, and the pedestrians on the road are relatively friendly to Ronald, a stranger. Just by simply asking for directions, Ronald came to the location of Elder's house.

- This is a three-storey house that can be seen everywhere in the Organ District.

Exquisite building decoration, with green gardens specially tended and manicured by servants.

In a city like Springs, Miss Rona's family is obviously quite good.


Staring at the house in front of him, Ronald carefully arranged where the black mist was hidden in the palm of his hand, and then knocked on the door.

bang bang bang --

"Excuse me, is anyone there?"

Soon, a man dressed as a gardener came over from the front hall.

Looking at Ronald across the fence, the man asked cautiously:

"Sir, who are you...?"


Ronald's goal today is very clear.

So after lightly rubbing a brand new ring with the tip of his left finger, he simply said:

"Put me in and don't remember anything about me today."


As soon as the words came out, the eyes of the man dressed as a gardener became dumbfounded.

Then in a state of confusion, he reached out and opened the gate of the mansion fence for Ronald.


After completing this action, the man swayed and turned away.

Seeing that he was back to where he was before he took care of Ronald, the guy quickly lost himself in the work of pruning his garden.

- This is Ronald's latest ability.

——The spell brought by Jin Xingtian [Angel of Dominion].

In fact, on that inexplicable night before, Ronald also subtly completed the third trial.

So a new ring was ordered later, and Ronald lodged this ability in it.

The abilities provided by the original book "The Divine Comedy" are very consistent with the content of the specific chapters in the original book.

The effect of the [Angel of Dominion] is to activate the spell and then give verbal commands to others.

Ordinary people are directly interfered by this ability, and there is almost no possibility of resistance.

And if it's the magician on the mysterious side...

Those who are also holders of the tome may be able to resist completely.

However, for other practitioners further down, the specific situation will be differentiated according to the individual.

Everyone has a completely different level of spiritual will, magic strength, and spiritual defense, and it is almost impossible to have an accurate division.

As far as the [Book Research Association] is concerned.

Miao Li's school ability came from the caster of "Dream Interpretation", I am afraid that it is natural to have the possibility to break free from the influence of the [Angel of Dominion].

People like Hal who are obsessed with their goals also have a good chance of breaking free.

But to talk about ordinary researchers.

If you're in a fight and get hit by Ronald.

When they recover their personal will, I am afraid that it will mean the end of the battle.

Of course, this ability cannot be abused arbitrarily.

In addition to the five-minute use interval, each activation can only have an effect on a single person.

So just in time, Ronald pushed open the door of the mansion and walked in.

With the power of 'Rage' as a humanoid radar, combined with Ronald's physical fitness far exceeding that of ordinary people, he circled back and forth in this mansion twice, and he successfully came to Rona's room.

"Volume 11, page 260, item 6."


Whispering activated the polygraph again, Ronald reached out and knocked on the door.

bang bang bang --

Rona, who was sitting in the room, seemed to have no idea that a stranger would come to visit.

Ronald didn't ask, and the young lady completely thought it was her family who were knocking on the door.

So, the young girl came to the door and opened the door:

"Who? Come in..."


If another burly man appeared at the door, maybe Rona would scream subconsciously.

But when I saw that it was a young handsome guy...

Could it be that this was introduced by a family member?

Complaining in her heart that her father did not inform her, Rona quickly corrected her expression, and then asked:

"This gentleman... may I ask who you are?"

Seeing that the girl in front of him was not ready to shout to attract others, Ronald silently withdrew his 'rage' to control the opponent, and then stretched out his right hand to shake hands:

"Hello, Ronald."

Rona held it up directly:

"Hello, I'm Rona."

"Speaking of our names are quite similar..."

Before the girl's polite words were Ronald directly activated the ability of [Angel of Dominion]:

"Tell me, what is your true identity, and why did you leave the Lilac Path Gardens this afternoon?"


With a sullen expression, the girl answered:

"I'm Rhona Axalta."

"Daughter of the Axaltas who run the textile business."

"Because I wanted to go home for afternoon tea, I said goodbye to my friends and left the Lilac Path Garden."

Ronald could feel that the ability of [Angel of Dominion] was still in effect.

Obviously today's first visit was not the target he hoped to find.

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