Mystic Dominator

Chapter 323: 3 people in the mansion

No matter how dull a person is, he will not remain ignorant in this situation.

Ronald was quite sure that there were people in the room, and the power of 'Rage' clearly perceived that there were three living people in the room, and their mental state was in a normal state.

Ronald frowned:

"How is this possible……"

The usual mental state is not turbulent.

But now that he is knocking on the door, all the family members do not come to open the door, and there is no psychological fluctuation at all?

Totally impossible!

Ronald vaguely sensed—

My last stop today, I am afraid I have come to the right place!

So Ronald turned around and beckoned to where Patricia's younger brother was, then jumped in while climbing the fence of the Crimea's house.

On the other side, Frederick, who was following Ronald, also saw this scene.


Facing the movement of Ronald in the distance.

The young man, also from the Nicklaus family, was stunned.

Ronald he...

Did you find yourself?

There is some shame in his heart to be seen, but Frederick is also a swordsman from the Nicklaus family.

Be aware of the anomaly of Ronald's behavior and the implications of his actions.

He just thought for a moment, and then chased after him.

Crimea's home is an ordinary two-story private mansion. After entering the living room, you can see the stairs leading to the living room on the second floor.

However, when Frederick came here, his eyes were completely focused on the living room.

Ronald, who was following him, was standing beside the dining table at the moment.

Further away in the living room, a guy dressed as a maid stood cleaning the floor with a broom, and Ronald was also watching the maid.

—In the living room where there is only the sound of cleaning.

The maid held the broom and swept back and forth on the clean floor, then swept the non-existent **** into the dustpan and finally tossed it into the dustbin.

The whole process was repeated tediously, and the maid didn't care about Ronald and him entering the living room.

No, maybe she just doesn't have the ability to care.

In Frederick's eyes.

The maid's repetitive movements now look like a tireless machine in the factory. As long as the boiler is running, the machine will keep running, whether or not the worker is still at his job.

Frederick asked:

"Ronald, what's going on?"


Hearing Frederick's question, Ronald shook his head regretfully:

"She was washed out of her will by some sort of spell."

"All the actions now are specified according to the previous spell users."

Speaking of which, Ronald was silent for a few seconds.

Thinking back on the information I had read in the [Book Research Association] and the records that I could read from the Bureau of Investigation, Ronald finally continued:

"This situation is probably very difficult to save."

Seeing that he ran into such an "incident scene", Frederick couldn't care less about playing tricks with Ronald at this moment.

Stepping up to the front, a precise hand knife knocked the maid unconscious.

He immediately began to examine the woman in his own way.

- Pretty bad state.

- The result is the same as what Ronald said.

Slowly placing the maid on the chair, Frederick turned to look at Ronald:

"How did you notice the situation in this family's home?"

Although he was a little skeptical, Frederick didn't directly believe that Ronald was the initiator of this matter, so he just asked.

But look at the serious expression on this young man's face.

Ronald knew that the young man still cared about what was happening in front of him.

So, Ronald explained earnestly:

"You'll find the situation here is simple."

"The reason why I am here tonight is because I have something to come to this family."

Frederick immediately said:

"How can I trust you..."

As soon as the words started, Ronald interrupted the young man:

"I know what you want to ask, and it's okay to tell you the relevant details."

"But looking at the situation here, I think it's better to notify the Bureau of Investigation as soon as possible."


Hear Ronald this plausible reason.

After hesitating for a moment, Frederick finally nodded:

"Just wait here, I know where to find someone."

"Just give me five minutes!"

As soon as the voice fell, Frederick immediately turned around to the living room, and left the Crimea's mansion as soon as he saw it.


Standing in the living room, Ronald quietly watched the other party and turned to leave.

Although this young man is still a little jerky in his behavior.

But judging from the tone and specific actions when facing things, he can definitely be called a good boy.

So I thought for a few seconds.

Ronald only walked up to the second floor of Crimea's house by himself.

In the living room on the second floor of the mansion, a middle-aged man and woman, like the maid downstairs, were mechanically repeating the movements of their hands.

If nothing else, this should be Crimea's parents.

The results are now very clear.

Both parents and servants were robbed of their minds by magic, but Crimea, who clearly lived here, disappeared without a trace.

Not to mention when Ronald rushed to the Lilac Path Gardens this afternoon.

That 'Crimia' also chose to leave in advance.

Ronald is now almost 90% sure that Crimea is the identity that Lumire chose to disguise and replace after sneaking into Springs!

And look at the three people in this mansion.

To be honest, Ronald's mood is more complicated.

The easy-to-use scriptures are naturally easy to use, but if the enemy is also so 'easy to use', then the person who has the headache is Ronald himself.

The original "Divine Comedy" is mainly divided into three parts. The "Hell Chapter" in his hand can mobilize the various abilities corresponding to the Ninefold Hell, and the "Heaven Chapter" also strictly abides by the structure of the Ninefold Heaven.

Then "Purgatory"...

The corresponding nature is the seven original sins.

This setting is often seen in various works.

Referring to this situation at the The spells used by Lumir have already demonstrated at least two abilities.

- Change in appearance.

--mind control.

Ronald wasn't sure how well Rumir had mastered Purgatory right now.

But if it's a worst-case scenario, the guy has five more powerful spells that haven't been revealed yet.

And not like Ronald, who is happy to be bound by basic morality.

That 'Rumiel' is a guy with extremely high psychological quality, good at disguising himself, and at the same time killing innocent people without hesitation.

Look at the situation in front of you and think about the difficulties you will face later.

Ronald couldn't help shaking his head:

"This sucks..."

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