Mystic Dominator

Chapter 308: enter the trial

In this research meeting, there are quite a lot of people who usually do not show up and do not leak.

It’s okay to like the classic role of being a kind old man in the office, but is it the same with Miao Li, who went on fieldwork with Ronald?

However, if you think about it carefully, there are already some clues.

In the face of the witch incident involving the users of the original book, the [Book Scroll Research Association] dared to send Miao Li to act with him, which proved the research association's trust in this girl.

I just didn't expect it to be such a 'famous' school.

With a subtle mood, Ronald watched the situation in the tunnel in front of him.

The expressions of Oppenheim and Hughes were still tense, and they were not relieved by Muri's spell.

Obviously, the tense situation will not be relieved by the arrival of Miao Li.

In the lab with a small area, the ever-changing magic power is still entangled near the test bench, but every expansion and contraction of it is affecting the mood of the three of them.

Time passed little by little.

Almost two minutes later, Paul, who had left before, returned here.

"Mr. Auburn, the defense facilities of the underground location and the library have been opened, and the news has been notified to the Bureau of Investigation."

Oppenheim nodded in response:

"Okay, just wait there."

"After Miao Li has figured out the situation, it's her next move."


Looking at Muri leaning against the wall, Paul nodded and stepped back behind Oppenheim.

He also knew that Miu Li was actually a powerful caster, so he stopped talking and started waiting for the result.

This situation lasted for about five minutes.

With a sharp breath, Miao Li, who was leaning against the wall, opened her eyes instantly, then bent down and gasped heavily.




"Edward is in a very weak state, and Hal is completely unresponsive. God knows what that guy did, and now the stability of the original magic power is extremely poor, if you want to go in, you can do it as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, we will leave immediately and deal with it as the original runaway!"

Hearing this result, Oppenheim immediately turned to look at Ronald and Paul.


Faced with such a situation, a tangle appeared on Paul's face.

Ronald walked out directly.

"I'll still come."

"I have experienced this kind of thing before, so be safe."

"And I'm going to leave here soon. Passing the trial will not bring trouble to the research."

The meaning of Ronald's words is clear.

As an outsider, even if he passed the original scripture trial, he would not interfere with the decision of the [Book Scroll Research Association] after leaving.

But if Paul, who has been playing in the organization for a long time, successfully cracked it.

Then there will inevitably be disputes of interests from all sides.

For a research institution that pursues stability, the latter is obviously more trouble-free.

However, at this moment, Miao Li, who was still calming her breathing rhythm, spoke up.

The girl looked at Ronald, who was about to enter the laboratory, and the expression on her face was obviously puzzled:


"Are you leaving the seminar?"

Ronald smiled and replied a little embarrassedly:

"Application just made today."

"Because something has to be done, I'm really sorry."

After speaking, he turned around and walked into the laboratory.

According to the methods he knew, Ronald silently removed the strengthening effect of 'betrayal' in his body, and then stretched his ungloved hand to the turbulent flow of magic power in front of him.


Just a brief sting for a moment.

The picture in front of Ronald began to distort, and the surrounding magic was still pulling his body forward.

From the perspective of people outside the laboratory, this change is exactly the same as when Ed Walker entered the trial before.

Ronald's figure just disappeared into the laboratory.

Looking at the laboratory with no one in front of her and only the magic power entangled in the surroundings, Miao Li sighed with a low expression.


"Did you just leave?"

"It's rare for her to meet someone who looks pleasing to the eye..."

Auburn, who was on the side, immediately comforted:

"Look at it, children like Ronald are young people after all, and it will be a long time later."

For Ronald, Oppenheim's attitude is much more optimistic.

In his opinion, Ronald can use not only one or two original spells, which means that this is a spellcaster who has passed the original test, even more than once.

Facing the original scriptures, this should be the safest way at the moment.

Correspondingly, Miao Li nodded silently.

Still staring at the research room in front of her, the girl's deep eyes did not know what she was thinking.



On the other hand, Ronald also officially entered the trial as people saw it.

With the weightlessness of leaning forward, he staggered forward and almost fell to the ground.

Not suitable, very uncomfortable!

In order to prevent different magic powers from stimulating each other, he put away all the remaining spells in his body.

And this result makes him feel very strange now.

Getting used to the physical strength brought by strengthening the body, and now returning to the state of a thin young man, Ronald couldn't stand firm at first.

If you want to describe it.

It's like not eating for a whole day and then being caught doing manual labor.


Immediately calm down and regulate your breathing.

Ronald looked up at the same time.

The trial content of the original scripture was completely different from the one he had experienced.

Rather than replicating the environment of the basement lab one-to-one, the trial presents a completely new location.


The towering and sturdy walls were erected beside Ronald, and the maze made of earth and stone was covered with moss in many places. As long as you took a few breaths of air, you could feel that it was a perennial year in the grass-smelling air. A place no one has set foot on.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Ronald subconsciously said:

"The labyrinth..."

"The Labyrinth of the Minotaur...?"

Speaking of labyrinths, Ronald also naturally thinks of this After all, the most famous labyrinth on earth is probably this thing.

So it can be deduced from this that the original book of Howl's experiments is actually a book related to Greek mythology?

If that's the case, then Ronald is probably about to play his cards.

Otherwise, once you meet the mythical Tauren.

In his current state of mortal mortal, I am afraid that he will be forcibly split by the opponent in an instant.

"No, it's not like that."

After a brief thought, Ronald quickly shook his head.

The labyrinth of the Minotaur is said to be the most famous, in fact, other myths have mentioned this thing.

It is not advisable to make hasty judgments.

Before deciding on a countermeasure, let's clarify the specific situation first.

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