Mystic Dominator

Chapter 307: The 'real' Muri

Sure enough, Oppenheim, who was the top executive of the [Book Research Association], also thought of this.

And the opening is to make a promise to Ronald first.

As for the reward that makes Ronald tempted...

It does exist in the [Book Research Association].

Because of his identity, Ronald didn't think about it at all.

In this world, there are very few schools that have the ability to use prophecy spells, and the [Book Research Association], as an important department of the official force, naturally has the chance to prophesy once a year.

If you want to find someone in the city of Springs.

Using this prophetic spell is probably better than any human search.

So when Oppenheim said these words, Ronald immediately realized that he might have to work today.

- This is the chance to get the prophecy.

The original can't really be handed over to oneself.

But in the [Book Research Association], this is indeed something that can impress him.

So Ronald's expression loosened, and he asked in a cautious tone:

"Then let me make a final confirmation. Is there still a chance to use the prophecy of this year's research meeting?"

Hearing Ronald's question, Oppenheim's face immediately showed a clear look.

"I see……"

Muttering softly, the old man didn't waste time, and nodded directly:

"This is no problem, I agree on behalf of the research society."


Getting an affirmative answer, Ronald turned around and ran upstairs.

When leaving the tunnel, he could still hear Oppenheim ordering Paul's voice behind him:

"Paul, you go to the control room and turn on all the defensive spells, and then notify the Bureau of Investigation to prepare for the response."

"Come back immediately after completing the task, understand!"


The sound faded away, and Ronald rushed back to the ground from the tunnel.

In the office where no human figure is usually seen at the entrance, there are still several researchers from the research institute standing here.

And seeing Ronald walk out of the passage, someone immediately surrounded them anxiously:

"Ronald, what's going on down there?"

"Is the original under control?"

"Is there any notice from Mr. Auburn?"

The expressions on the researchers' faces didn't look fake.

Although things big and small in the [Book Scroll Research Association] must happen frequently, the runaway of the original can definitely be called the one with the lowest probability and the most harmful.

So that after orderly withdrawal from the ground, several people are still very worried about the following situation.

"It's still under control."

"Everyone pay attention to safety, and don't let ordinary people discover the situation here."

After a brief explanation, Ronald left the office without looking back.

He knew that after work, Miao Li liked to read in a room on the second floor of the library, so he rushed over.

Pushing the door and entering, he saw the girl sitting on the table reading a book.

There is also the pen and paper she used to record the summary.

"Miao Li, something happened below."

"Mr. Auburn told you to go down immediately."

Muri was startled by Ronald who suddenly came in.

Hearing such a request, the blankness and surprise on his face were mixed, and he didn't seem to react at all:


"Ro... Ronald, what are you talking about?"

Ronald beckoned to Muri and explained while leaving:

"It was Hal who made his own decisions."

"You should know the purpose of his research, right?"

Sitting on the chair, Muri blinked suspiciously.

"Howl's research project..."

Immediately, Muri opened her mouth wide.

After regaining her senses, she suddenly got up from the chair, picked up the book and chased out:

"Hal did it himself? No one in the meeting stopped him!"

"How can such a thing be allowed to happen!"

Ronald explained:

"He did it secretly, and no one in the meeting knew about it."

Hearing such an answer, Miao Li even left her usual timidity behind.

Stepping up to surpass Ronald, she was the first to go downstairs, while murmuring anxiously:

"If you let the Queen know that such a dangerous thing happened in [Weiss University], then it will be troublesome here..."

A few minutes passed, and Ronald and Muri returned to the ground together.

There were only nervous Oppenheim and Hughes at the entrance of the laboratory. Paul, who was nowhere to be seen, was probably following orders to control the underground defense techniques.

It was at this moment that Miao Li, who had gone underground, lost the cowardice that Ronald knew on her face, and her expression was completely concerned about this incident.

The current Miao Li is completely the attitude of a leader:

"Auburn, how's it going?"

Oppenheim replied immediately:

"Edward Walker has already gone in, but my test state is not suitable, so I can only let you come."

Listening to the answer, Miao Li glanced into the laboratory.

Seeing the magic power condensed into a group, she frowned very obviously:

"I knew there would be such a day."

"You are optimistic about the outside, I will try to see if I can detect the situation."

Saying that, Miao Li took two steps back and leaned her body against the wall of the tunnel. She put her arms around her chest with one hand and stared at the opened laboratory door in front of her with low eyes.

However, at this moment, Hughes suddenly said:

"Little Miao...Ms. Miao Li, if, I mean, if Hal is still alive..."

"We'd better hand him over to the Bureau of Investigation."

When he said this, the expression on Hughes' face was very tangled.

There is dissatisfaction with Hal, but there are also concerns that are inconvenient to express.

In the face of Hughes who suddenly spoke, Miao Li just shook her head indifferently:

"It's not up to me to decide."

"If you talk about the result, it's even if he didn't die in the trial."

Muri stopped talking to Hughes after that.

Staring at the laboratory in front of her, the young girl continued to recite the words with utmost precision:

"I have attempted to demonstrate the interpretation of dreams here, and believe that in doing so, I do not go beyond neuropathology..."

"A person who wakes up from a dream naively thinks that if a dream is not something from another world, then it has brought the dreamer to another world."

After chanting two mantras on the ground in Miao Li leaned against the wall and closed her eyes.

A chest that breathes evenly as if she was caught in a beautiful dream.

However, in Ronald's perspective.

Now the situation is very different.

After chanting the incantation, he felt that there seemed to be some subtle changes around Muri's body, but there was no sign if he looked closely.


The 'spell' was so famous that Ronald had no reason not to recognize it.

--"Interpretation of Dreams".

On Earth, many people will buy a 'famous book' to fill their bookshelves.

So this girl who usually behaves submissive, is the spell she uses like this?

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