Mystic Dominator

Chapter 309: maze

The general method of cracking the maze is very simple.

Basically, it is to make a mark on a wall, and then keep walking close to the wall, so that if you continue to explore, you will naturally find the exit if you are lucky.

But if you're unlucky, you'll get back to making the next mark sooner or later.

In this case, the method is to change another wall and make the same mark, and then continue to walk against the wall.

Repeat the operation like this, and finally you will be able to find the exit.

Of course, the premise is that this labyrinth does not have magical deformation ability, or that it has no exit at all.

As for the composition of the labyrinth that Ronald is now in.

You can only find out if you keep going.

So with the thought of careful exploration, Ronald began to advance along the walls of the labyrinth beside him.

In order to beware of the interference of unexpected factors.

He also looked up at the sky every few minutes.

Although the towering maze walls blocked most of the view, the sky was still visible.

It was also because of this habit that Ronald determined that the trial environment was relatively rigid.

Walked for half an hour since entering the trial.

There was no change in the state of the sky above him, nor did the light transitions caused by the movement of the sun.

In other words, this trial is not perfect in the real simulation of the external environment, as if the games of the old era did not have a day and night system.

And the reason for this phenomenon...

Probably because the core of the trial is focused on the specific content.

That is the labyrinth that Ronald is now in.

So stepping on the old and stale floor, after half an hour of detours to explore, Ronald unlucky saw something.

That was the mark he made on the wall when he entered the trial.

The direction he was facing at the moment was exactly the direction he left when he first started exploring.

Ronald took a deep breath, then patted his cheek:


"It's okay, as expected."


Next, marking the opposite side of the original wall, Ronald continued to explore the other side of the labyrinth wall.

He's the patient type when it comes to doing certain things.

Ronald also ate breakfast when he went out this morning. As long as it wasn't a grueling trial that took time and starves people to death, he could continue to explore little by little until he finally found the end of the trial.

Accompanied by the ancient labyrinth, Ronald continued to walk in this quiet space.

This situation continued until an hour later.

Not that he found an exit.

Changing again and advancing along the maze walls, Ronald came to a space hidden inside the maze.

The walls here enclose a floor about the size of a football field.

There is nothing obstructing the view. A house made of stone is located here. From the surrounding vegetable garden and the entrance of the running water, it can be confirmed that there are traces of people living here.

Especially at the door of the house, there are elegant and realistic sculptures.

It directly raised the level of the entire residence.

"The house in the labyrinth..."


With a condensed look in his eyes, Ronald has already raised his alertness to the highest level.

Although the two who entered the trial before had failed, Ronald didn't think those two who could join the [Book Scroll Research Association] were fools. To allow them to fail in the trial so silently, there must be something that can threaten the safety of life.

Perhaps... this danger is in the house in front of me?


"Monster, monster!"

"I don't want to die, help!"

"Lord Minos, you can't do this!"

Just as Ronald hid sideways in the labyrinth and carefully observed the house, there was a miserable cry from the other side of the labyrinth entrance to this side.

These voices are male and female, but most are very young.

And what surprised Ronald even more was that he could now understand the meaning of these people's words.

This is a very subtle thing.

The voices that came were shouting in ancient Greek.

Ronald's ability to understand the language, however, was not based on the general ability to understand the language he had been using.

It was the trial itself that implied the meaning of Ronald's language.

This is a very strange psychological suggestion.

If Ronald did not understand ancient Greek at all, he would subconsciously think that the language he used had not changed, and that leaving the trial would only leave a vague silhouette.

Thus, the doubts of a long time ago have been explained.

In Ronald's impression, it is almost impossible to decipher a language without knowing the pronunciation, the meaning of words and so on.

And if the locals who passed the trial, after leaving the trial, there are hints of these 'languages' subconsciously, then they have the opportunity to translate some of the 'spell' pronunciations.

It's no wonder that these spellcasters are able to use spells, and the tones are so weird.

Originating from this vague memory, could that not be the case...

If Ronald did not have the ability of general language to remind him, his performance after leaving the trial may not be much worse. It seems that life is not easy for the past practitioners of other worlds...

Just as Ronald was thinking, the voice on the other side continued to approach.

Finally, the culprit appeared.

A monster with a bull from top to shoulder and a human for the rest came out. This classic tauren was only surrounded by a piece of burlap, and the strong muscles all over his body showed terrifying strength.

- Minotaur.

The initial speculation was correct.

This is the famous labyrinth on Crete, where the dangerous tauren kills people.

So Ronald looked down at himself subconsciously.

With his small arms and calves, he was afraid that he would be knocked down by the opponent with one punch.

If you want to use force to win or something, save it.

The screen that appeared later made Ronald confirm his thoughts even more.

After the tauren walked out of the labyrinth, the chains in his hands were still dragging seven boys and seven The wailing he heard before was from these children.

Then, the tauren slaughter of these people began.

This half-human, half-cow monster had absolutely no intention of showing mercy, and quickly slaughtered the children.

After completing this process, it will find a lawn to lie down anywhere.

Soon he was snoring and falling asleep.

- This is a scene completely in line with Greek mythology.

- The Athenians begged Minos for mercy by force, and sent seven pairs of virgins to Crete as tribute every nine years. And after receiving these tributes, King Minos of Crete will send them into the Cretan labyrinth where the tauren Minotaur is located, and finally kill them.

And so the most important question facing Ronald came up.

What is the ultimate purpose of the demands of this trial?

What should he do now?

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