Mystic Dominator

Chapter 306: Adventure experiment

[Book Research Association] is nominally a pure research organization.

But just like the kind depicted in movies and games, there are always guys who have troubles in such research institutions.

Of course, that's what's bound to happen in places like this.

So after Ronald opened his mouth to remind, except for those who directly left the underground and chose to take refuge, basically all the more capable people in the research meeting were present.

Too bad it's still early in the morning.

This led to the fact that there were only four people in total, including Ronald who did not leave.

It was at this time.

Because he came from above the ground, Oppenheim, who came last, appeared in the passage.

He first said to Ronald:

"Ronald, what's the matter?"

"I heard people say something happened here in the lab?"

Ronald nodded with a serious expression:

"That's right, Hal's lab."

"You also know my abilities. When I packed up and left, I passed by here, and happened to find the problem here."

"Thank you very much." Sincerely thanked Ronald, Oppenheim walked to the people at the door of the research room, "Hughes, what's the specific situation?"

Hearing Oppenheim's inquiry, Hughes, who was originally in charge of the interpretation of the original text, sighed:


"This guy Hal really couldn't hold back. He tried the original test by himself. And looking at the current situation, he is still practicing his theory, trying to use his school's spells in the test."

"If it continues like this, the results will be unimaginable."

When describing the specific situation, Hughes' face was always frowning.

The [Book Research Association] personnel present are all those who have been dealing with the original scriptures all the year round, and of course they are aware of the possible consequences of various things.

- The original test.

This is the scene Ronald experienced when he got "The Hammer of Rain and Mist".

However, because of his own particularity, Ronald does not need any trials to use the original scriptures, so this matter has little to do with him.

Of course, this is not the case for the casters of this world.

generally speaking.

People open trials to enter, and if they successfully pass, they will gain part of their spellcasting ability, and if they fail, they will die.

According to the experience of the local people, spells of other schools must not be used in this kind of trial, otherwise, the most violent counterattack of the original text will be immediately aroused, and it is not impossible to cause the original text to run wild.

And Hal the researcher.

The research topic he has always insisted on is to have a way to use the spells of his own school in the original test.

If this research is completed, it will definitely greatly improve the speed of cracking the original code.

After all, with the spells of lifelong study, this group of spellcasters can definitely deal with the 'trials' that most ordinary people cannot handle.

It's a pity that Hal probably failed in terms of results.

Normally, when someone is trying the original scriptures, they can at least guarantee safety outside of the trial.

But the magic power in the lab is extremely unstable...

It is proof that the original reaction has been provoked.


Hearing Hughes' explanation, Oppenheim's eyes sank.

If he was young, he would have the courage to go to the original test, but now this old and debilitated body, the risk to enter the test is too great.

At this moment, another researcher around the age of 30 said:

"Mr. Auburn, I am willing to take the initiative to go in and have a try."

"If I get lucky..."

Oppenheim said without hesitation:

"If it's successful, I'll make the decision. As long as you don't leave the research society, this original text will always be yours, whether it's the right to use it or the right to research it."

The researcher's expression changed instantly as soon as he made the promise of heavy profits:

"Is this really possible?"

Oppenheim nodded earnestly:

"My promise has always been to do what I say, and you know that."

The researcher nodded with a confused expression:

"Then...then I'll try it!"


After swallowing hard, the researcher turned his head and walked into the laboratory.

Although not completely gifted the original to him.

But holding and using an original book for a long time is still an irresistible temptation for him. So even if he risked his life to carry out the original test, he was willing.

So I tried to get in touch with the mantra flow in front of me.

After following the normal steps, the researcher's figure gradually distorted and blurred, and finally disappeared into the research room.

- He also entered the trial.

Looking at such a scene in front of him, Ronald felt a little subtle in his heart.

He knew the researcher who was about to enter the trial.

This is Ed Walker, a researcher in charge of data statistics and analysis at the [Book Research Association]. He is good at spells related to manipulating objects. Usually, he basically deals with a bunch of data.

But this kind of person who adapts to the same commuting work...

Can you really pass the original test?

Ed Walker certainly knew the value of the original, and he knew that trials were dangerous.

But if this guy fails.

Among the people present, Ronald, Oppenheim, Hughes, and Paul were still there.

Among them, Oppenheim and Hughes are both at the top of the research society, and they are also holders of the original code.

The two of them are basically impossible to risk their lives to enter the trial.

As for Ronald and Paul...

Paul is the caster in charge of the security work of the [Book Scroll Research Association]. He has worked in the Investigation Bureau before. The actual work needs him to leave before the situation really gets out of control, and then block the surrounding area to ensure the safety on the ground. .

So, isn't Ronald left alone?

I applied for resignation today. I really want to participate in the original scripture trial and pass it. It is absolutely impossible for [Book Scroll Research Association] to hand over the original scripture to me!


Find an excuse to run away?

With the ability of such a professional organization, Ronald believed that they would be able to deal with such emergencies in the end. Otherwise, a city as big as Springs would probably not be able to maintain it to this day.

After sorting out his thoughts, Ronald quietly took a step back.

With a polite smile on his he said:

"Mr. Auburn, I..."

However, Ronald's words were only out, and Oppenheim, who was standing at the door of the laboratory, turned around immediately as if he felt something:

"Ronald, please go and call Muri over."

"If Edwark fails, it's up to you two to deal with the tome."

With a stagnant expression, Ronald immediately opened his mouth to shirk.

However, before he could speak, Oppenheim replied again:

"Ronald, I know you have some concerns in your heart."

"But don't worry."

"Although it is impossible for the original to be handed over to you, I promise in the name of the [Book Scroll Research Association] that we will definitely give you a satisfactory reward when we get to that point!"

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