Mystic Dominator

Chapter 305: Resign

Second Thursday morning in March.

Ronald intends to apply for the suspension of the work of the [Book Research Association].

With his current situation, the books in the [Weiss University] library were basically finished, and Ronald naturally had no plans to continue spending time here.

And these days come down.

He also sorted out a lot of useful things.

The basic scriptures that [Nine Rings Secret Society] may hold, better and more advanced surgical methods than in the past, and historical documents that are almost impossible for outsiders to consult, these are all quite good gains.

So after sorting out what he needed, Ronald left the apartment with a briefcase.

compared to last month's weather.

The temperature in Springs is still picking up at a slow rate, and ordinary people will not feel cold and unbearable as long as they wear two clothes inside and outside.

Still not needing to take a carriage, Ronald came to [Weiss University] on foot.

Walking straight to the office on the second floor of the library, he knocked on the door of an office.

bang bang bang --

"Mr. Auburn, are you there?"

Auburn is short for Oppenheim's name.

After getting familiar with it, the old man doesn't seem to like all the bytes of his name, so it is usually abbreviated.

In the room, the old man's gentle response quickly came out:

"Is that Ronald? Come in."

Pushing the door into the office, Oppenheim was sitting alone behind his desk, with a steak with a rich sauce in front of him.

Can't eat in the office...

Thinking of the rules in the library, Ronald couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

However, this old man is the person in power of the [Book Research Association] after all, and it is inconvenient for him to say something when he is about to leave.

So with a smile on his face, Ronald took the prepared resignation papers from his briefcase and placed them on Oppenheim's desk.

"Mr. Auburn, please take a look."


"this is……"

Picking up the document from the desk, Oppenheim flipped through it generously.

However, when he saw the words of the resignation application, the old man had a clear expression on his face, and immediately closed the document and put it down.

Gently pushing the steak plate away, he folded his hands in front of him.

Then he looked at Ronald in the office seriously:

"Ronald, you are planning to leave the seminar."

"That's right." Ronald nodded. He knew that the old man in front of him was a powerful spellcaster, so he had no plans to deceive him, "Because some private matters need to be dealt with, I will definitely not be able to do it every day like now. Got to get off work on time."

Oppenheim nodded:

"Do the work and get paid."

"During the period of the research conference, we have also seen your performance. Although we still hope to continue to cooperate, since there are trivial matters, it is not easy for us to insist on it."

"So...Mr. Ronald."

"Thank you so much for your work and dedication during this time."

"If you have the opportunity, you will still be welcome to join the research conference in the future."

The voice fell, and Oppenheim stood up from behind his desk, and then saluted Ronald in a polite manner.

Ronald also returned the salute: "Thank you for your understanding."

Next, sitting back in the chair, Oppenheim continued:

"I'll sort out the documents needed for my resignation now."

"Ronald, you can go down first and pack your things while you're saying goodbye to your friends."

Ronald nodded slightly and turned to leave the office:

"See you later then."

"See you."


Oppenheim's attitude was no different than Ronald expected.

Regardless of whether he joined or resigned, the [Book Scroll Research Association] always had a pretty good attitude towards him.

This is the treatment you can enjoy as a caster who holds the original text.

And after the verification of Ronald's behavior during this period of time, at least the official force of Springs has confirmed his safety, and the day and night tracking outside the apartment has long since been removed.

Now he is suitable to start the investigation work in the city.

Entering the basement in a fairly good mood, Ronald said goodbye to several well-connected researchers.

In fact, the personnel changes of the [Book Research Association] are relatively frequent.

Except for those who are in positions or have research topics to be responsible for, many of them have changed their jobs for a period of time, and external reconciliation and mobility often occur. Ronald's departure naturally did not cause setbacks.

But when I packed my things and walked out through the underground passage.

Ronald passes by Researcher Hal's lab.

Howl was the one who was short and stout, and then proposed to do the original test. Even in such a specialized research facility, such a practitioner left a rather obvious impression on Ronald.

So when passing by the other party's laboratory, Ronald subconsciously glanced at the situation.

Glancing over, Ronald paused.


It was such a simple glance that made Ronald slow down.

Through his extremely keen perception, he noticed that a dangerous magical energy was condensing, and the current situation was very unstable.

"You won't be so bold..."

Combined with the previous experience, a hunch rose in Ronald's heart.

When he was working here at [Weiss University], [Book Research Association] was considered a 'conscience company' to him, and if something really happened, he wouldn't be unmoved at all.

So to be on the safe side, Ronald walked over with a bag of luggage, then reached out and gently pushed the door.

click -

The door opened.

Worried that he might disturb the other party, Ronald lowered his voice carefully.

However, when he looked into the laboratory, he knew that he didn't need to be so careful.

In the moderately sized personal laboratory, the test bench has been completely covered by the violent magic power, and the light blue air current gallops around the surroundings, and there seems to be a book-like thing wrapped in the depth of the magic power.

As for why there was only a faint feeling just now...

That's because the laboratory of the [Book Scroll Research Association] has a special design to isolate the magic power. The purpose is to prevent some unexpected events from causing too much But this...

If we really want to continue, this kind of design is probably unbearable.

After this period of study, Ronald was well aware of what the picture meant.

——This is a harbinger of Yuandian being strongly stimulated and about to go wild.

And the owner of this laboratory, Hal.

After Ronald opened the door, there was no sign of him in the room at all.

This guy……

80% is trying to start the original test!

So he closed the door neatly and directly, Ronald turned his head and walked into the depths of the passage, while loudly reminding:

"Everyone, pay attention, there is something wrong with Hal!"

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