Mystic Dominator

Chapter 304: my name

An inexplicable night, an inexplicable encounter.

By the time the records were made at the Bureau of Investigation, the sun was about to rise in the east when Ronald returned home, and the first ray of dawn lit up the clouds in the sky, not even before he went to work.

Back in the apartment and sitting in his chair, Ronald still had some confusion from last night in his mind.

After the people from the Investigation Bureau arrived at the scene last night, the situation in the cabin was naturally effectively controlled by these professionals.

But for Ronald, this night's experience was bizarre enough.

It was a night of studying the original spells at home alone, but this strange event unfolded and ended strangely.

If I had to describe it, this night's encounter gave Ronald a sense of anticlimactic.

The attribution of an original canon is so easily decided?


It was at this moment that Ronald heard a different movement in his room, which was in the position of the bed in his bedroom.

Soon, some sleepy female voices came from there, and at the same time someone got off the bed:

"Ronald, are you back?"

"What's going on at the Bureau of Investigation?"

- It's Thor.

Hearing the sound he heard only a few hours ago, Ronald's body, which had just stood up a little, was pressed back to the chair again.

"It is you?"

"If you're not busy studying the original script, what do you want to do when you come to my house?"


Walking out of the bedroom, Thor didn't give Ronald the welfare picture as in the fixed plot. Now she is still wearing the clothes from last night, and she is still slouching after she stretched out.

When she came to Ronald in this way, she sat on the desk in front of Ronald with one hand, and then replied with a smile:

"Isn't this caring about you when I come to your house?"

"After spending so much time helping with the aftermath, I always have to come and say hello?"

Hearing Thor's answer, Ronald raised his eyebrows:

"Looks like you know what happened next?"

"I also have some sources of information." Looking casually at the sky outside Springs, Thor briefly explained, and then continued, "But Ronald, when faced with an original tome, Do you really have no heart at all?"

"I was ready to be attacked by you before."

"In the end, you actually helped me get out of that ship, and you didn't even mean to betray me from behind."

Ronald leaned back slightly before replying:

"Thor, it hurts to say that."

The girl sitting on the table bowed her head slightly, with a hint of confidence in her eyes:

"Ronald, I don't think you're the kind of person who likes to be imaginary and condescending."

"Generous and direct communication is more appropriate."

"That's true," Ronald admitted simply, before continuing, "But if I want to explain, I'm not too obsessed with the original text itself."

Thor immediately asked:

"It's the same attitude towards the original."

"Then what do you really care about?"


"What I care about..."

Faced with this question, Ronald bowed his head.

He was silent for a moment.

Now it is impossible for him to answer the other party. What he cares about is the connection between the knowledge recorded in these words and the world he once lived in, right?

If so answer.

So for Thor, the current scene may change from a conversation with friends to a strange experience of a fantasy story.

At the same time, Thor, who was sitting on the table, also saw Ronald's hesitation.

So she jumped off the table directly, then walked up to Ronald and said:

"If there is any inconvenience, then don't answer."

"Anyway, I'm here to wait for you, just to see if there is any problem, by the way..."

Speaking of which, Thor's tone paused.

After thinking for a few seconds, a very serious expression hung on her face, and she continued to speak:

"Ronald, it's probably nothing to you."

"However, what happened tonight is an almost unrepayable favor for me."

"I hope you understand that."


Hearing such an answer, Ronald looked up at the other party.

And then at this moment, he saw Thor bent down to his face.

- too close.

- Certainly can't escape.

Thor had already left a soft, gentle kiss on his cheek when that result came to his mind.


After the kiss ended, Thor quickly took two steps back and returned to his original position.

Then in a low voice, she almost muttered to herself:

"Heloise Leslie."

Ronald's enhanced hearing certainly heard the girl's voice, so he immediately repeated:


The girl turned around so Ronald couldn't see her expression, and replied in the same low voice:

"this is my name."

Ronald nodded and said in a serious tone:

"I remember this name."


The conversation ended, and the room fell silent for a while.

A few breaths passed, and Heloise, who had told Ronald her real name, walked to the balcony without saying a word.

But when she was about to jump down, her footsteps paused.

Without looking back, she gave Ronald a final reminder:

"Ronald, you may not notice it yourself, so let me remind you."

"Compared to the first time we met, you are now quite dependent on the convenience brought by spells. As far as the recent situation is concerned, you are far less cautious and careful than before."

"Although this is a very common phenomenon here, I personally think it's better not to do this."

"That's it..."


After speaking, Heloise disappeared from the balcony.

The girl's soft body didn't make any sound. If Ronald hadn't talked to her, he probably wouldn't have realized the other party's departure.

And Ronald sat in the chair and hesitated for a while before slowly getting up.

Thor... Heloise's reminder was a blow to him.

Some things are indeed difficult for me to Husband is good at wandering.

After being familiar with and using things like 'spell', he really did not walk on thin ice at the beginning of time travel, and various mistakes were often backed by powerful original spells.

Without this just-in-time tip from Heloise.

There's a good chance that Ronald will rely more on spells than he does now, and then one day something irreversible goes wrong.

Walking slowly to the balcony, Ronald leaned against the edge of the balcony and looked outside.

The sun slowly rose, and there was no trace of anyone on the embankment in the early morning, and Heloise, who had just left, had long since disappeared.

Leaning on the balcony, Ronald murmured complexly:

"I also owe you a big favor..."

"my friend……"

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