Mystic Dominator

Chapter 303: To gain time

When choosing to run, Thor's actions did not have any hesitation and hesitation.

Ronald could clearly feel that after the guy walked out of the cabin, he quickly mixed into the crowd, and then jumped down on the side of the deck where there were few people.

Tonight, I was simply caught as a coolie.

With a slight emotion in his heart, Ronald turned his eyes to the mysterious side casters in front of him.

Although Thor's actions are very obvious.

But this group of people saw Ronald, the holder of the original book, guarding the door, but no one dared to shoot directly.

After another period of silence, finally a caster couldn't help but stand up.

Glancing at the ordinary man beside him, he then asked Ronald:

"Mr. Ronald, does what happened tonight mean you are behind Liveo?"

"If that's the case, then I voluntarily give up tonight's action."


This person may be lying.

Although the tone is very serious, there is no flaw in the expression.

But after using the power of 'rage' for a few months, even if it is not pure anger, Ronald can already feel the general state of people's psychological activities more subtly.

And the reaction of the man in front of him when he spoke.

It's that kind of perfunctory attitude when it's empty and arrogant.

If he simply stepped aside at this moment, this group of people would probably start chasing after Thor in the blink of an eye after leaving the [White Rose].

Although Ronald is very confident in Thor's ability.

But since you've promised to help, let's do the best we can.

"Volume 11, page 260, item 6..."


After reciting the incantation of the lie detector in a voice that only he could hear, Ronald glanced lightly across the cabin at the same time, and immediately determined his position and that of the other party.

Afraid of his identity as the holder of the original tome, in order to protect themselves, these spellcasters would not let the last ordinary person lose consciousness no matter what. In the eyes of this group of people, if the existence of this ordinary person was lost, Ronald would probably immediately attack them all.

Correspondingly, Ronald really has such ability.

For example, now it's like bank robbers are taking hostages and hiding in the bank, and the police are already blocking the door.

But for Ronald, there is a situation in his favor right now.

——The people from the Bureau of Investigation are here.

After about five minutes, these real mysterious policemen will be able to arrive at the cabin side, and Ronald will naturally be at ease when confronted with the scene of the murder of ordinary people by mysterious people.

What he needs to do now is to stabilize these people.

Just a few minutes.

With this in mind, Ronald naturally replied:

"Sir, you can rest assured about this."

"The purpose of my coming here is purely to deal with some private matters. When you were chasing this girl, someone did something very bad at my house. Qingban and I are on the same road, but it's just that It’s just a little more convenient when you arrive.”

"As long as you leave the murderer now, I will never interfere with others."


Ronald knew very well what these spellcasters thought.

In normal times, they may also seriously cooperate with themselves to find out the murderer.

But in front of them is Thor, who just left with the original, under the influence of eagerness, they will become confused themselves.

As for finding out the murderer, it will also become a hindrance for them to delay time.

Things were exactly as Ronald expected.

After he spoke, the expressions of these spellcasters changed immediately, and then looked at each other suspiciously. What Ronald said made them quite nervous, but there was no valid reason to object.

Everyone is taking risks to **** the original.

No one can guarantee that their hands and feet are clean.

At this moment, a man with an urgent expression looked at the guy who confronted the girl before, and said:

"Mr. Ronald, this guy should have done it!"

"It's not surprising that he can kill people on the boat, and he will do the same thing before!"

Immediately next to him, someone who saw the wind and steered the rudder said:

"That's right, I also think it's this guy's hand."

"Mr. Ronald, we have always respected a learned person like you. How could we do something against you!"


Immediately after that, someone else picked up the topic.

In a few words, almost half of the casters seemed to have 'gifted' the murderer's guilt to that guy.

However, this is a spellcaster who can directly kill people in order to drive away ordinary people.

Seeing that the conversation was going unfavorable to him, the guy immediately said loudly:

"If you have a problem with your brain, I can treat it for you."

"Why don't you understand why I did it at this time?"

"I really want to put unwarranted charges on me."

"Then today... everyone is dead and the net is broken!"

While speaking, the spellcaster, who was beginning to feel nervous, had already walked to the ordinary person by virtue of his location, and dragged the person up from behind the table with one hand. The fierce look in his eyes had already told everyone. his plan.

Seeing that the only ordinary person was controlled by this guy, the caster immediately looked at Ronald nervously.

This is the person who will affect whether Ronald will shoot.

Absolutely not to be missed.

"Don't be impulsive!" The people who hadn't spoken before finally moved. "Everyone, calm down and don't do anything 'outrageous'. It's the most important thing to find out the truth now."

"That's right!"

In response to this guy's persuasion, another spellcaster immediately looked at Ronald and asked:

"Mr. Ronald, what happened on your side?"

"I swear in the name of the queen, we will deal with it as quickly as possible!"


Seeing that the group of people quarreled for a long time before changing the subject, Ronald showed a satisfied and shrugged, and he explained in a relaxed tone:

"Actually, the roof of the apartment I live in has been in disrepair for a long time. Someone stepped on some places just now. Just a little compensation."

Having said that, Ronald stepped aside.

Reflecting his actions, three well-equipped investigators immediately walked into the cabin, one of them nodded slightly to Ronald, and the other two immediately aimed their pistols at the people in the room.

"Now they are all squatting on the ground with their heads in their hands!"

"Whoever dares to make any changes will bear the consequences!"

Looking at the current situation in the cabin, Ronald was also certain in his heart.

The job of helping Thor buy time on his own.

There should be no problem.

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