Mystic Dominator

Chapter 302: 【Venus Sky】


Looking at the changes in the cabin, Ronald couldn't help frowning.

But just as he was about to do something, the mark of "The Divine Comedy - Heaven Chapter" flashed on his right hand.

The power of the original text emerged in the body, and it also reminded Ronald of the current environment, which was in line with the third trial among the nine trials.

That is, the requirements of the [Jin Xingtian] trial.

This is just in time...

Feeling a little complicated, Ronald naturally chose to start this trial.

The next second—

The verse recited by the soft and beautiful voice resounded in my heart, as sacred and beautiful as the previous two times:

"Guangling replied: If I can explain the truth to you, the answer behind you will be clearly reflected in your eyes.

You are now ascending the kingdom, and all are fully circled by the movement of perfection into a ladder;

The supreme good turns its destiny into power, and this purpose is contained in the grand celestial body.

In the self-beautiful and self-benevolent mind, not only the physical nature is properly arranged, but the glory of all things is also taken care of together with the destiny. "

The voice gradually dissipated, and Ronald also understood the requirements of the [Jin Xingtian] trial in his heart.

——Contract people's behavior and establish the right to command.

Therefore, considering the current environment, this is for Ronald to convince these mysterious casters.

Ronald raised his eyebrows subconsciously.

This is a bit of a hassle.

For him, there are three things to deal with now.

One is that ordinary people in the field over there cannot know about the mysterious side. This guy is full of fear now, and it is impossible to simply deal with it with the power of 'rage';

The second word is how to suppress the mysterious side personnel in the field.

This group of people can chase all the way here, and even kill and drive away ordinary people, simple 'persuasion' is absolutely useless;

The third point at the end is to fulfill his promise and help Thor get the original text from the girl.

Want to accomplish all three goals at the same time.

what can we do about it……

However, just as Ronald was thinking about this, something unexpected happened.

Originally forced into the corner, the girl with the original scripture.

He suddenly ran towards Ronald!

This sudden change made most of the people in the field unresponsive.

Only Thor, who was standing beside Ronald, froze.

At the same time as the opponent rushed over, she turned over to the girl at a very fast speed, and then fell directly to the ground following the opponent's strength.


In the next second, the silver-white blade was pulled out of his pants, and the sharp blade that shone with cold light directly touched the girl's neck.

no doubt.

If the girl dared to struggle in this situation, the sharp blade would definitely cut her throat in an instant.

After completely pressing the opponent under his body and ensuring absolute control.

At this moment Thor said in a sarcastic tone:

"Miss, you can't be so excited to see a handsome man, can you?"

"Anyway, pay attention to the current environment."

However, the girl had no intention of responding to Thor's ridicule.

Looking straight at Ronald like this, she said with excitement in her tone:

"First... Sir, I remember you!"

"You saw my performance at that time, do you remember?"

"I'm the actor at the Oak Theatre!"


Hearing this, Ronald was instantly recalled by the other party.

During his time at Springs, he only saw three shows in total.

Among them, [Saldak] and [No. 37] each, and at the end, there is a performance that was temporarily recruited to the small theater to watch.

And at this moment, the girl who is eager to 'recognize' herself.

Just like the actress who played Moxie and sang quite well in the small theater back then.

So, the whole thing became clear.

No wonder Thor knew so much about it.

And there's always a little bit of action when talking to Ronald tonight.

As a small theater attached to the home of Arida's performance, there is an original holder in such a place, and this guy's mood is definitely very complicated.

If it wasn't discovered by the Bureau of Investigation, she was aware of it herself.

So starting with this original scripture will become a process that you don't even know about, how can there be such trouble today.

Ronald couldn't help sighing:


From accepting Arida's invitation that day, all the encounters until tonight were vaguely connected.

So everything happens for a reason.

As for what Ronald still doesn't understand, that is why this girl came to her side so decisively.

Obviously they are following.

There is no reason to watch a performance by yourself, and the other party will show such an attitude, right?


But then, the girl who was pressed by Thor took the initiative to speak:

"Sir, I know you are the original... a big man with books!"

"So please believe me, what I have in my hand is completely impossible to decipher."

"These greedy guys are just going crazy!"


And just when Ronald and the girl looked at each other, the situation on the field changed again.

The reason was nothing else, but they saw Thor shooting.

The group of mysterious spellcasters all looked at the dagger engraved with cedar patterns in Thor's hand at this moment.

Then, some practitioners couldn't help but speak:

"It's the blade of dreams!"

" are a green spot!"


As for the identity of 'Tor', Ronald simply learned from the other party's mouth.

But for the practitioners of these activities in Springs.

The situation is different.

The thief named 'Blue Spot' never held his hand when facing the mysterious enemy, and most of those who were hostile were brutally killed by this guy.

This person appears with an original holder.

Does it mean that the mysterious side caster present will be the target of the opponent's slaughter?

As a result, the situation on the field immediately changed from being on guard just now to being hostile now.

Feeling the emotions in this group of people, Ronald had no doubts about it.

If he does anything out of the ordinary now, this group of people will definitely act immediately!


However, at this moment, Thor suddenly shot.

The girl who held the original text was already pressed down by her, so she was knocked unconscious to the ground with little resistance.

Next, he quickly found a package from the other Thor smiled at Ronald quite sweetly:

"Sorry, it seems that something is wrong with my identity."

"Do you mind if I go first?"


Ronald nodded and reminded in a low voice:

"Be careful, don't go from the pier."


will make such a reminder.

Except for the tense atmosphere in the ship's restaurant.

It was also because Ronald noticed that the investigators in the chasing team just now had also boarded the [White Rose] and were rushing here!

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