Mystic Dominator

Chapter 275: Discovery in all aspects

[Weiss University] The block wall of the library has a very good thermal insulation effect in winter.

With the windows closed, the outside sound can also be largely isolated.

Sitting quietly in his office like this, there are three volumes on the table in front of Ronald, namely "The Conn Thorpe Documentary", "The Grid Chronology", and "Self-Analysis After the Dark Ages". .

Among them, the "Grid Year Table" is spread out on the desk.

Ronald himself, on the other hand, held up a book with yellowed pages in his left hand, and lightly pressed his right fingers on the words on the pages. The book has now been read to the end, and while flipping through it, Ronald read the contents in a voice that only he could hear:

"This is the twenty-seventh year."

"After Stutter creatively formed his own magic pattern of the wheel, the school imprint that can guide the power of the original script has gradually spread to the world. Everyone understands that this is a technology far superior to the past, and this is the future."

" this really good..."

"We are getting old, and we are no longer able to experience the distant future for ourselves. I can even feel that the limit of my body's magical power has begun to decline. No one regrets ending this era, but..."

"May I be on the road to the future."

"In the future, there will be people who will continue to overcome obstacles and open up the right path."


Slowly, Ronald turned the pages.

At the end of this age-old book is a borrowing record sheet sandwiched inside. Seventy-six years have passed since the last time someone read this book.

see this number.

Ronald continued to sigh subconsciously:

"If no one reads it all the time, wouldn't the meaning of the book's existence be lost?"

Feeling a little melancholy, he shook his head.

Ronald picked up the brand new pen on the table, cautiously, as if the tip of the pen would damage the book cover, and wrote today's time on it according to the previous format.

[LR417 - Penance Month - Twelfth Day]

【Ronald Adler】

After writing, he spread out the book and waited for the writing to dry. Ronald slowly leaned his body on the chair behind him, and let out a long sigh of relief:


Although he has only just joined the [Book Research Association] for more than a week.

But with the identity of the original book holder, he still successfully borrowed a large number of books.

As for the result...

It's definitely a bonanza.

With the advantage of information, and under the premise that people on the mysterious side are not very interested in historical research, Ronald's current understanding of these past histories, even if he considers himself an expert, does not ask too many questions.

And from his point of view, something more interesting was also inferred.

For example, he just finished reading this "Augus Jonah - Memoirs".

This historical figure, who also experienced dark times, recorded a lot of precious content in his memoirs.

Just like... the real birth process of the school mark.

The mark of the school in the world today is actually a spellcasting rule re-enacted by that Stater at the expense of the original scriptures of his own school, thereby expanding the spread of spellcasting ability, and at the same time, to end the dark age.

However, the author of this book does not describe the specific conditions of the Dark Ages, only occasionally mentioning between the lines and incomprehensible words, 'It was a very dangerous time for mankind. ’

Except for this, of course.

Ronald made an even more important discovery.

——During the Dark Ages, the effects of spells of all schools dropped abruptly.

Although no one says it outright in the book.

But by comparing the content of their combat memories, they can find that people who have experienced that era generally have this problem, and no one can avoid it.

Then, something more interesting happened.

If it is a setting such as the end of the law, then the spells of this world should continue to decline, or it is not impossible to strengthen it.

But after comparing a lot of data, Ronald is very convinced.

Whether declining or strengthening, the spells of the spellcasters in this world have not changed at all, and have continued from four hundred years ago to today.

Then the situation is simple.

The end of the Dark Ages, or whatever happened at that point in time, then permanently interfered with the spells of this world once and for all.

Referring to the fact that Stark could sacrifice the original text in exchange for the development of the school's mark, Ronald now has several ideas.

It's a pity that most of these books have unclear semantics, and he can't accurately judge what happened in the dark age at the moment.

Why the end of an era.

Interfered with the magic effect of the mysterious side.

At first glance, this kind of thing looks like all the previous hunting skills and effects have suddenly deteriorated after humans entered the feudal era from primitive tribes.


"Well, that's it."

Thinking about these things in his heart, out of the corner of Ronald's eyes, he saw that the writing on the loan table had dried.

So he reached out and closed the book, "Augus Jonah—A Memoir."

He took the "Conn Thorpe Documentary" in front of him again, and at the same time, he started to look for a fixed entry by referring to the time on the "Grid Chronograph" that was opened.

——【Nine Rings Secret Club】.

In short, this is the biggest result of his investigation in this period of time.

The organization Elva belongs to should be called this name.

An organization that has had sporadic records since the end of the Dark Ages forty years.

According to the information Ronald found, this organization will send out invitations by very covert means, and the targets are definitely the best former spellcasters.

And at the same time, they have shown a wide variety of spells with very different effect systems. Although there is no mention of which original books [Nine Rings Secret Society] holds, Ronald found the same content as the spell effect of "Astronomers" in the past battle records.

After all, it is a record made by someone who went through battle and then survived to write a book.

The content is even more detailed than what Ronald went through.

[This guy from the [Nine Rings Secret Society] can designate people or objects within the line of sight, force movement in an arc of any radian, and even designate multiple targets to be linked layer by layer at a time, just like the trajectory of the stars in the sky. .

Equally dangerous is the power of this spell, which is completely irresistible.

Fighting it can only be dealt with in a way that protects the body. 】

from this description.

Ronald really pinpointed the source of the attack pattern of The Astronomy.

——The current wheel equalization system.

This is in line with a very important theory in this book on Earth.

You will understand after applying it.

The power of celestial bodies, where can manpower be able to contend?

Continue to flip through the books in front of you looking for records.

When the time came after two o'clock in the afternoon, the door of Ronald's office was knocked, and a young voice sounded immediately behind the door.

bang bang bang --

"Is Ronald there?"


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