Mystic Dominator

Chapter 276: research work

"Please come in."

Ronald responded, and the people outside immediately pushed the door in.

- It's Muri.

She was the teenage girl who worked in the office when Ronald first came to the library.

Looking at each other, Ronald immediately asked:

"It's Muri, what's the matter?"

"Well." The girl who pushed in the door held the basic book in her hand and nodded slightly to Ronald before she whispered, "Mr. Hughes asked me to inform you that Laboratory No. 2 needs your help."

Ronald nodded in understanding:

"I see, when will it be over?"

Miao Li lowered her head slightly, and replied in a small voice:

"Within half an hour."

The voice fell, and the girl turned her head and left Ronald's office with the book in her arms, as if she was running away in a hurry.

But since that was the case, Miao Li did not forget to bring the office door when she left.


Staring at the empty doorway, Ronald shook his head in amazement.

Locking the books he borrowed in the dark cabinet in the office, he got up and walked out.

After working for a week, Ronald is probably familiar with the [Book Research Association].

This girl named Miao Li is indeed such a character.

It can only be said that the other party's character is like this.

Walking out of the office, Ronald went straight to the room with a secret door on the first floor.

With a little bit of magic power, he lightly clicked on a specific position in the sixth column of the bookshelf.

click -

The bookshelf automatically splits, and a dark channel downwards appears at the same time.

The method of opening the door of the [Book Scroll Research Association] is even more advanced than the secret passage of the Investigation Bureau that Ronald has seen. Only the magic power verified on the ID card can be opened at the specified position.

If the magical properties do not match, the channel will never be opened.

It's a technological advancement like password lock to face recognition.

Having walked down the passage proficiently, Ronald kept turning his head in the underground hall and walked into the second passage on the left. This is where the No. 2 laboratory of the [Book Scroll Research Association] is located.

At the same time, it is also where the data of Kangpazhou is collected.

Kangpazhou is another continent on this planet. Although it does not belong to the mainland of the Greed Empire, it operates a lot of colonies. All kinds of information collected from this are gathered here.

Walking into the underground laboratory of the [Book Research Association], Ronald looked around with concern. Although it was not the first time, the layout here was quite interesting.

In fact, this is a laboratory dedicated to the study of the originals.

In addition to a platform that can restrain the overflow of magic power, there are several long tables in front of the hall, and sitting next to the tables are some people who are very homely dressed.

Join here, Ronald is the youngest of these people.

Soon, a middle-aged man standing on the restraint platform, that is, Hughes, who had notified him of coming, saw Ronald come in, and immediately pointed to a position at the forefront of the platform.

"Ronald, here you are."

"Sit over there first, and if the scriptures run wild in a while, use your magic power of the same level to suppress it."

Ronald nodded immediately in response:

"Okay, I know."

Walking to the table, Ronald naturally called out the original.

At the same time rest your hand on one of the grooves of the long table.

If there is an accident later, then he will suppress the opponent with the power of his original script, so as to ensure the safety of the surrounding.

This kind of work works better for people who have more control over the canon.

Ronald is naturally a good fit.

Keeping his movements quietly, his eyes immediately fell on the platform.

Ronald knew what the origins of this research work were.

- "Huaibao sword ruler".

A classic of swordsmanship for measuring the cutting force of knives.

Sounds very dangerous.

Next, today's experiment began.

As the leader of the research project, Hughes first surrounded the original text with magic, and then began to read the words in the book aloud in several different pronunciations.

Even with Ronald's fairly good language skills...

At this moment, it was really impossible to tell what Hughes was saying.

It's awkward to have a few Latin words in English, and a little Indian dialect can be abducted in the middle.

The work of deciphering the original text.

It's been so hard for them...

Occasionally, maybe Hughes could collide with a few nouns?

Watching this scene, Ronald's thoughts began to drift away.

He didn't know what school of spellcaster Hughes was, but after contacting him in the past few days, Ronald also knew a little that Hughes had the ability to seek good luck and avoid evil. With this premise, the middle-aged man had been exposed to spells of many schools, and then practiced and 'mastered' the pronunciation to a certain extent.

In the current mysterious side circle, Hughes is undoubtedly the top researcher.

Unfortunately, even so, this work is destined to be very long.

- Time passed slowly.

Half an hour later, Hughes put down the "Precious Sword Ruler" in his hand a little tiredly.

Although haven't found a correct spell today.

But he didn't cause any of the original texts to go berserk. It can only be said to be a normal research process.

Seeing Hughes' movements, a short and stout man on the surrounding long table suddenly raised his hand.

"Mr. Hughes, I have an idea."

Hearing this voice, all the eyes of the people present turned to the man, and there was a rather serious expression on the man's face.

Hughes asked in a flat tone:


"Hal, do you have an idea?"

The man named Hal nodded solemnly, and then replied:

"Yes, I have an idea."

Acknowledging this, Hal turned to look at everyone in the room.

With a very nervous expression and hesitant words, he continued:

"The time for Her Majesty the Queen to inspect... is running out."

"So during this time, we'd better be able to produce some substantial results."

"And among all of you here, there is no shortage of extremely powerful casters, we..."

Speaking of Hal became hesitant.

It seemed that what happened next was so unspeakable that he couldn't go on.

Seeing this guy's reaction, Hughes, the research leader, immediately realized what the other party was thinking.

So, he asked in a serious tone:

"Hal, speak your mind."

The question of Hughes seemed to have a confusing magic.

After he spoke, Hal, who was sitting behind the long table, couldn't help but immediately replied:

"With our strength, can we go to the first laboratory?"

The voice fell, and the room immediately fell silent.

Everyone here knows that.

The first laboratory is where the [Book Research Association] opens the original test.

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