Mystic Dominator

Chapter 274: return to old business

Finally, Ronald felt his most tense moment of the day had come.

Although he now has a large amount of money in his hand, he is still a little guilty when it comes to the most important knowledge on the mysterious side.

After all, this is the type of request.

After today, you won't even be able to pay next month's rent, will you?

Just when Ronald controlled his expression and didn't let his nervousness show, the old man also spoke up.

With a friendly smile on his face, he looked at Ronald in front of him and said:

"Mr. Ronald, you must know that our [Book Research Association] is an organization loyal to Her Majesty, so I won't sell it."

"It's actually pretty easy for you to get knowledge."

"Just join us."

"[Book Research Association] can help you gain knowledge, and it can also help you gain benefits."

However, when it came to this, the old man suddenly changed his tone:

"Of course, if you are not willing to join us, then this cooperation will be impossible."

"You can leave too."

The old man looked indifferent, when he stated this matter, his attitude was very firm and almost impossible to refuse.

Listening to the old man's explanation, Ronald showed an understanding expression on his face, and then nodded calmly.

His purpose today is this, and naturally there is no reason to refuse.

Although he knew that this might cause some trouble, Ronald also had to admit that the historical records collected by the official forces definitely had this value.

Thinking of this, Ronald took a careful look at the old man in front of him.

This is an old man who is completely unaware of the aura of magic.

But instinctively, Ronald felt an inexplicable sense of mystery from him. Not surprisingly, he was also a strong man.

This is the [Book Research Association] serving the Queen...

At the same time, seeing Ronald's reaction, the old man was naturally very happy.

This is an original holder!

For their organization, the addition of a person who holds the original code is definitely very good news. An existence with knowledge and experience, as long as they communicate well, they can take their research further.

Excitedly, the old man stood up from his chair:

"very good."

"[Book Research Association] welcomes you to join us."

"Mr. Ronald, you can rest assured."

"We will certainly try to accommodate any request you may have."

Seeing Ronald listened to his explanation noncommittally, the old man immediately took out a card and handed it over:

"This is our certificate, and we can complete the verification by injecting our own magic."

"As long as you hold this in the future, you can prove that you are a member of the [Book Research Association]. I believe you will definitely use it."

Ronald nodded in agreement, and took the card at the same time.

A black card the size of a bank card with only a few decorative stripes and no information.

According to the old man, Ronald tried to infuse the magical power of the Divine Comedy to strengthen his body, and a figure in red with a book in hand immediately appeared on the black card.

"Okay, the verification was very successful."

Seeing this scene, the old man immediately nodded happily:

"But if that's the case, it's time for us to talk somewhere else."

While speaking, the old man patted his palm lightly, and the bookshelf in the room should immediately crack open a passage to the ground.

"Mr. Ronald, come with me."

"By the way, let me introduce myself. I'm Oppenheim Shelley. You can just call me old Shelley."

As he spoke, Oppenheim had already stepped into the passage first.

Ronald followed closely and stepped into this passage as well.

The inside of the passage is very quiet, with long strips of luminous objects of unknown material on both sides to provide illumination, and the entire passage extends downwards very clearly.

The mysterious side of the man.

I really like digging into the ground...

With this in mind, Ronald followed the old man to the depths of the passage.

The length of the channel is actually not too far.

After a while, Ronald saw a light appearing ahead.

Immediately afterwards, a downward stone-stairs passage appeared in front of him. It's not very spacious, but it's very flat and stable.

"This is our place. I am a book researcher, and you are also a researcher with a certificate. You should know that the books in our laboratory are classified, so don't leak it."

Ronald nodded in understanding:

"I know."

Walking down the stone steps and looking around, the space hidden under the library is excavated quite spaciously, and there are columns around to maintain the stability of the space.

Around the stone spiral staircase that descends, six deep passages are excavated in different directions, and the space itself is also equipped with a large number of bookcases. Almost on both sides of the entrance of each passage, there are a large number of books and materials preserved.

At the same time, Oppenheim's explanation continued:

"This is our research institute. All the books and materials in it are kept by us. The six channels correspond to the information collected by the six continents on this planet."

"You can read it here, just don't damage the books and materials inside."

After saying these words, the old man took the lead and walked to one of the tunnels:

"Come on, let's sign a contract."

"This ensures that we can happily work together in the future."

So the two continued to go deeper, and walked into one of the offices along a tunnel extending past the underground space.

Taking Ronald into the room, the old man skillfully pulled out a contract from the office.

Although the white paper is not large in size, it is full of lingering magic power.


This is a contract with magical powers.

The old man took the initiative to write his name on the contract, and then handed it to Ronald.

"Come and see."


After taking the contract, Ronald looked at it carefully.

The deed is written on the agreement about knowledge and wealth, and the content of the above clauses is simple and direct and detailed, there is no hidden contract trap or the like.

After reading it, Ronald put the contract on the table.

Watching Ronald's movements, the old man asked:

"After reading it, how do you feel?"

Ronald nodded with a satisfied smile on his face.

He didn't speak, but simply stretched out his hand and swiped on the contract in the way he had learned from the Bureau of Investigation. The magic power leaves a mark on the paper, and the contract is completed.

Oppenheim got up again and took out another...

No, it should be said that it is a stack of thick contracts.

Putting it in front of Ronald with a bang, he said with great pleasure in his eyes:

"Come on, Mr. Ronald."

"Sign this too."

"This is the work contract of the librarian of [Weiss University]. In order to disguise the identity and facilitate activities, this is also what must be done."


See this thick stack of job contracts.

Ronald's expression froze.

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