Mystic Dominator

Chapter 266: Closing

The surging black mist is fast enough.

But it still couldn't keep up with the speed of the original holder's flight.

When the other party disappeared completely, the black on the Wes River could only helplessly fade away, and then gradually disappeared into the dark night.

"..." Snap

On the other hand, the investigators on the dock side also saw this scene.

Obviously, the one who attacked them this time was an original holder, and he came with absolute murderous intentions.

If it weren't for Ronald's black fog, it could threaten the opponent.

I am afraid that in the next very short time, they will be killed by this powerful original holder, instead of the other party choosing to retreat.

This sheer power gap.

It's easy to feel a heavy sense of powerlessness...

In particular, they are investigators who protect the city and hold important positions in Springs.

At the same time, the movement of this kind of ship hitting the dock is really difficult to control.

Soon there were good people approached from around.

Although it is too late, in places like the pier, there are naturally such idlers.

As the commander of tonight's action, Crewe stood up at this time.

Aware of the current situation, he looked around and immediately ordered:

"Those who are still active, report the situation now!"

Immediately, other active investigators responded:

"Crowley, the injury is under control, you can move!"

"Modal, the legs are temporarily paralyzed, but it does not hinder spellcasting!"

"Clyde, left hand..."

After listening to the report, Crewe immediately pointed his finger at the two investigators who were in the best condition and whose injuries could not even be seen on the outside:

"Crowley, Ender, you two go outside to control the scene."

"Don't let ordinary people come around."

"Others who can move will come, and we will help Mr. Ronald out."

Investigators were immediately ordered to:


Next, the on-site situation came to a link that investigators are usually familiar with, but there was no problem.

Two people controlled the scene to disperse ordinary people.

The other investigators, led by Crewe, quickly identified Ronald's location, and then made a hole in the bottom of the boat that was overturned and docked at the dock.


Less than a minute later, Ronald, who was covered in pitch black, emerged from the coal.

The reason he was able to escape just now was simple.

Although he couldn't jump off the cargo ship, the open-air cabin that carried coal was behind him.

At that critical moment, he chose to fall back.

Caught in the fine coals and protected by defensive spells, Ronald was kept safe.

The only pity is that he really did not have the strength to overturn the heavy ship.

This can only watch the enemy leave his reconnaissance range, and finally disappear into the night.

Of course, that's not to say that tonight was nothing.

The first is that Ronald has determined the original code used by the other party.


Or, as it could be called, a work written by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy around 140 AD.

Refer to this guy's attack method just now.

This is definitely not an easy enemy to deal with, and may even be the strongest one compared to the original holder that Ronald has encountered.

And then, it's Ronald's personal gain.

After enduring the attack just now, he successfully passed the activation tonight. As long as he finds a professional to make props and powers, it means he has a new spell to use.

At this moment, he watched Ronald crawling out from the bottom of the boat.

Crewe asked respectfully:

"Mr. Ronald, how are you now?"

Compared to the first time we met tonight, the investigator's attitude was obviously much more cautious.

After all, after seeing the previous battle, he already understood that the man in front of him has a strong fighting ability, and he is definitely not the holder of the original code of combat power.

In the face of Crewe who responded like this, Ronald naturally nodded friendly:

"I basically have no injuries, but you..."

Because the power of 'Rage' has not been turned off, Ronald is very aware of the situation on the investigator's side.

Four of these investigators died in less than a quarter of an hour tonight.

This is definitely a very serious loss.

In the face of Ronald's question, Crewe pulled out a helpless wry smile, shook his head and replied:

"For the last original holder, such damage can only be taken for granted. Rather, if you weren't here tonight, Mr. Ronald, the situation might have been that our entire army would have been wiped out."

After he finished speaking with a wry smile, the reluctance on Crewe's face quickly dimmed.

Looking at the direction in which the enemy disappeared, looking at the dark sky that always gave him a sense of depression, the investigator said firmly:

"Of course, this will never end there."

"Dare to launch such an attack in Springs, no matter how powerful the original holder is, we will find out his true identity and punish him in the end."



At this moment, the investigator who was still working on the other end made a sound.

From the overturned cargo ship, they dragged two dead bodies that had lost their breath.

——It is the witch controlled by Ronald. ding ding ding ding

Without any ability to act, the two guys who escaped from the Oak Theatre had already died completely in this attack. The attractive figure and appearance in front of him also became blurred in the smashing and coal.

As a result, the arrest plan failed.

Looking at this situation, Ronald hesitated for a few seconds before saying:

"Mr. Crewe, this..."

The investigator from Springs immediately shook his head and replied generously:

"Don't worry, Mr. Ronald."

"Even if they die, we will find ways to find clues from the corpses, and the Bureau of Investigation will not let go of enemies who dare to break the law."

Nodding in understanding, Ronald then asked:

"If that's the case, then I now...?"

Seeing Ronald's intention to ask, Crewe immediately nodded and replied:

"Our investigation bureau will handle the matter here, and now you can do whatever you want. However, as usual, we will send someone to your home from tomorrow afternoon to evening, and we will ask some necessary matters at that time."

Ronald realized immediately in his This is probably the benefit of being the holder of the original book...

If it were an ordinary caster, he would have to work hard with these investigators tonight, and he would never get an answer like 'free movement'.

So he nodded towards the investigator in front of him, Ronald thanked:

"Then I will trouble you here."

"I'll go back first, and I'll wait for your people to come tomorrow night."

Crewe immediately replied:

"As you please."

In the dark night, the investigators were still dealing with the situation of the aftermath pier.

After Ronald left, he found a direction with less people and walked towards the river bank area alone.

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