Mystic Dominator

Chapter 265: astronomy


There were two soft sounds from above the cargo ship.

Snap. This is the sound of two witches being thrown to the ground.

One investigator was suddenly attacked and almost lost his life before he could react.

What is this?

Being able to be assigned to the commanding heights alone to monitor the overall situation must be a very strong investigator in this operation. The death of such a magician is so simple now, and what it means is too obvious.

In the face of such a situation, Ronald naturally could not remain indifferent.

Looking around for a week, except for the group of them on the pier in the dark night, there is no trace of outsiders at all at this moment.

As for the staff at the pier itself.

At least in the vicinity of their current location, the original staff were transferred away by the people of the Bureau of Investigation using their powers before they acted.

Where is the enemy...


Standing on the Wes River blown by the cold wind, Ronald snapped his fingers.

Once again reset the body guardianship.

However, everything around was terrifyingly quiet at the moment. Whether it was Ronald guarding the ship, or the investigators who had not yet been attacked, they couldn't find where the enemy was.


Could it be an attack from farther away?

Feeling the feedback from "Rage", Ronald reconfirmed that there were no traces of the enemy around.

Now we can only continue to expand the scope of investigation...

With this in mind, Ronald continued to widen his detection range, but even if he covered the pier on the side within the normal range, he still couldn't find any trace of the enemy.

The workers who work at night do have some bad tempers, but they are not yet ready to kill.

So it's some kind of pre-set spell, just waiting for someone to be attacked.

Or the enemy has ultra-long-range reconnaissance means, can observe their situation from a farther position, and then launch an attack...


At this moment, a white light appeared on Ronald's body, and it quickly disappeared.

——This is the reaction of the defensive spell taking effect.

In other words, Ronald is under attack from the enemy.

After the investigator at the commanding heights was killed, the enemy's second target was Ronald!

And one thing in particular is worth noting.

Although Ronald's defensive technique stably blocked the enemy's attack, the degree of weakening of the white light was very large.

This dim level...

Even significantly more than the debilitating level of the battle with Elva.

A spell attack that is more powerful than Elva, and it is basically certain that the opponent is also using the original text.

And this attack also gave Ronald a hint.

——The other party is not the kind of caster that is beyond line of sight and super long-range.

——And it should not be too far from the pier.

After all, if it was a trap spell set in advance, then Ronald was standing on the cargo ship that had just come over, and there was no reason to be attacked.

With a simple inference, the location of the other party can be quickly known.

The reason is the order in which the enemy chooses the target to attack.

The first investigator to kill the commanding heights is obviously to ensure that his position will not be detected by the opponent, then the enemy is exposed a little: he can be seen by the position of the commanding heights.

And then the second is Ronald...

Thinking of this, Ronald turned abruptly while standing on the cargo ship, his eyes quickly swept across the Wes River.

Not the first to attack investigators.

It is very likely that the first target the other party sees is himself.


巘 舅 Miao Bi Fang 鈅. On the Wes River at night, there are still scattered boats driving on the river at this moment. For the ships that are closer, Ronald precisely locks his reconnaissance ability here.

It didn't take long for him to find out where the other party was.

On a ship that was sailing slowly into the distance, someone was staring at them with malice in their hearts.

"Is it here..."

After confirming this, Ronald immediately said:

"The enemy is on that ship, everyone be careful..."

Ronald stopped abruptly when he was only halfway through his words.

Because on the river Wes, where the night wind blew, his extremely acute hearing detected a very small sound.

The local caster on the boat is chanting the spell in a very serious voice:

"From the relationship of the whole earth to the sky will begin to constitute our cognition."

After a brief recollection, Ronald, who clearly understood the other party's original scriptures, froze:


click -

He muttered and was about to react, but the enemy who was ready to attack had already finished casting spells one step ahead.

After the attack just now, this guy also understood that Ronald was very powerful, so the attacking behavior naturally changed.

Seriously recite the incantation to activate the original text, and the object that is fully driven is naturally no longer simple.

This time, it was not Ronald himself who was interfered with by the spell.

It was the cargo ship he stepped on!

With a very ferocious momentum, the entire cargo ship was instantly lifted up by a sudden force, and then slammed into the land of the dock.

How much does a cargo ship full of coal weigh?

Under the impact of the fast-moving boat under his feet, Ronald had no time to jump off the boat, and if he was hit by such a force on the pier, he was not sure whether he could still defend himself.

The only thought at this moment is to avoid this collision!


Between lightning bolts.

The cargo ship had already smashed into the pier. Even with Ronald's warning in advance, some investigators were directly hit by the exaggerated cargo ship, instantly turning into a puddle of lifeless meat sauce.

The investigator who barely avoided the attack was also severely injured by the exaggerated impact.

In this case, they can only hide in the surrounding dark places and try to prevent the deterioration of the injury or escape.

For a while, the entire pier was quiet.


On the other side, the holder of the tome standing on the ship was looking at the result of the battle with satisfaction.

With a full blow, his target seemed to have completely lost the ability to resist.

Now just...


Suddenly, an exclamation came out of the guy's mouth.

Because just when he was about to control the boat to come over, the black mist on the Wes River immediately swelled and dashed towards his position and drowned!

Ronald is not dead!

Not even in a coma!

He can even control the black fog to attack again!


Realizing this the tome holder on the ship smacked his lips in dissatisfaction.

His spells are completely unable to defend against this kind of attack, and he failed to take down this guy twice.

Message from Elva.

Only to find a chance to deal with it later.

A quick decision was made, and the tome holder immediately cast the spell again.

Just like the investigators and ships that were pulled up before, an invisible force took his body up into the air, and then drew an arc in the air.

Soon, the figure of this person disappeared on the surface of the Wes River.

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