Mystic Dominator

Chapter 267: conversation on the street

The night is not over.

At least for Ronald.

Walking on the streets of Springs in the dark, although the body is ridiculously dirty because of the coal, no one cares about such an indifferent passerby.

As he gradually walked back to the river bank area, a familiar figure appeared on the street in the distance, and the target was Ronald.

Looking at the figure approaching in the dark, Ronald's excellent eyesight immediately recognized his identity.

—It was Rafael.

Sighing slightly, he then walked towards the other side.

When the two met, Rafael looked at Ronald, who was dressed in darkness, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows:

"Ronald, it looks like you're not doing well."

Ronald shrugged lightly, then replied:

"Actually, it's okay, there's no injury, but the clothes are a little dirty."

Rafael immediately shook his head:

"It's just dirty clothes..."

While scolding Ronald's somewhat embarrassed appearance, Rafael also took out a handkerchief from his jacket pocket. Even if you can't clean your whole body, you can easily clean it up on places like your face.

Maintaining his movements to help Ronald wipe off the black soot, Rappel then asked:

"So what's going on?"

"I just settled the matter on the troupe's side. What happened on your side?"

With Rafael's help, Ronald explained at the same time:

"In terms of specific circumstances, things are a bit complicated."

"Wait until the people from the Bureau of Investigation and I chase it out..."


To simplify the statement as much as possible, Ronald informed Rafael of what happened tonight, and the situation about the holder of the original book was also explained.

as this guy.

You might know something interesting.

However, after listening to Ronald's description, Rafael shook his head equally troubled:

"I've heard of spells with similar performances."

"But the people of the [Star Observation Society] have never liked to deal with people in the world, and the original text has always been preserved on the Galate Mountain, so I am more inclined to this is a school that has no reputation."


All right……

[Society of Star Observation].

Although I hadn't heard the name of this organization before, Rafael had already stated the nature of this school in two sentences. Then the holder of the original book with "The Great Compendium of Astronomy" may be the holder of the original book with a hidden identity, just like Elva's situation.

With this in mind, Ronald didn't forget the purpose of the night at the beginning.

He then went on to say:

"That's right, Rafael."

"About the [Saldak] theater, I did find something today, in the underground location of the performance stage..."

The topic switched to here, and Rafael's eyes immediately became serious, while wiping the soot from Ronald's body, he listened to this description quietly at the same time.

After Ronald finished speaking, Rafael replied in a complicated tone:

"I was just skeptical before, but from what you said, it seems that the situation is correct. The force behind [Zeldak] is the [Original Witches Society]."

Although the investigators also recognized the origin of the other party before, Ronald had never heard the name of this force before.

So, quite troubled, he cast a suspicious look at Rafael:

"What kind of organization is [Original Witch Guild]?"

Rafael immediately answered:

"This is an old organization that teaches witches to rule the world. Long before the development of transportation, it was once the actual controller of certain areas."

"However, because of the internal split due to interest issues, several original holders within them also turned against each other, and finally split into some schools of large and small."

"And now the group of people who have the most radical attitude and also inherited the original purpose is the current [Original Witches Guild]."

Hearing this, Ronald immediately remembered the name of a school he had heard of, so he immediately asked:

"Rafael, do you know the organization of [Twelve Witches]?"

"Of course." Raphael nodded and replied without hesitation, "[The Twelve Witches] is an organization that split from it, and it has developed quite well. It has a lot of power in the territory of Grid. Let's Basically everyone knows about it.”

After confirming Ronald's guess, Rafael chuckled as if remembering something.

Then he whispered:

"Ronald, you know a lot now."

"I thought you were still asking three questions like the first time we met."

Ronald looked a little embarrassed and chose silence as his answer.


The two walked out of the distance again, and when the street came to an end, Rafael took the initiative to distance himself from Ronald.

His expression became serious again, he bowed slightly, and then said in a serious tone:

"Ronald, I owe you a favor for what happened tonight."

"I really didn't expect that things would develop like this before, and it would actually go directly to the owner of the original book."

Ronald waved his hand generously:

"Am I all right?"

"Besides, you didn't take risks with me to Elva's place before, let's be considered each other."


In the dark night, Rafael stood upright at the end of the street.

Hearing Ronald's answer, a smile slowly appeared on his face, and after thinking for a few seconds, Rafael approached Ronald as if he had made a decision, and then whispered in his ear:

"Ronald, you'd better leave Springs before this fall."

"I have a hunch that very complicated things will happen next in this city, and even if you have a book in your hand, you may not be able to guarantee your safety."


Looking at Rafael's expression, Ronald nodded earnestly.

He didn't open his mouth and continued to ask.

As a friend, it was a very big risk to give such advice to himself, and it was impossible for him to make a mindless choice.

——Disguised as a businessman to explore the long-abandoned road, try to enter the grid from the shortcut.

——A country born in a war and then ruled by a military government.

- Various abilities that have been shown since the time of acquaintance.

- Complex identities that change back and forth.

Ronald has a fairly clear understanding of the identity of this

It is definitely a great feeling to be able to give yourself such a reminder.

So in the silence, the two who already had a considerable degree of tacit understanding turned to their own directions.

"See you another day!"



- but before the final parting.

Ronald suddenly remembered a very important thing, so he immediately turned around and stopped Rafael, who had turned around:

"That's right, Rafael!"

"You know if you want to make some tools."

"What should I do?"

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