Mystic Dominator

Chapter 249: rules of the night

In Springs at night, Ronald and Claudia walked together on a sparsely populated street.

As I said before, Claudia wanted to be able to clean up her body and clothes. If she went home in this state, it would definitely be a very fatal event for her.

So Ronald's mansion became a common destination for the two of them.

In the second half of the night, hardly anyone could be seen on the street, and only occasionally could see the patrol officers responsible for city security at night.

And such ordinary people, Ronald and Claudia can also easily bypass as long as they detour around the places where the street lights are not easy to illuminate.

It took a long time to walk, and they finally returned to the river bank area rather late.

Looking at the street at night.

Ronald felt a little strangeness in his heart for a moment.

Moving from Burrenwich to a new home, even though he has only lived in Burrenwich for a few months, such a gap is inevitable.

Shaking his head gently, Ronald took the lead towards the apartment door.

The street lamp was shining on this side not far away, Ronald easily aimed at the door lock, then took out the key and opened the door as quietly as possible.

Unlike the street outside.

The courtyard inside the apartment is dyed with a black shadow by the night sky, but at the same time, it is not completely invisible to the environment, and it looks quite a different kind of beauty.

Seeing such an apartment for the first time, Ronald was stunned before calling Claudia to the stairs. At the same time, he asked the girl behind him by the way:

"Isa, we made such a big noise tonight, why didn't the Bureau of Investigation here in Springs send someone over?"


Hearing Ronald's question, Claudia lowered her head in embarrassment.

But she didn't hesitate for too long, and quickly followed Ronald and answered frankly:

"As for this matter, part of it is actually my problem."

"For the large-scale spell casting phenomenon in Springs City and some special ceremonies, the Bureau of Investigation has a very strict reconnaissance network, and it is also a monitoring system built together with the church. The possibility of mistakes is very small."

"The Bureau of Investigation will definitely send someone over in this situation and deal with the situation at the scene."

"It's a pity I'm here tonight..."

Ronald understood everything in an instant.

The meaning of Claudia's words is because she actively joined the battle and cast spells. The monitoring system of the Bureau of Investigation noticed that the spell of the Encyclopedia Britannica appeared on the execution ground. There was no information feedback in a short period of time, and they only thought that a high-level investigator was working there.

No wonder no one came to interfere with their fight tonight.

Just when Ronald understood the reason, Claudia raised her eyes.

She realized that the man in front of her did not know much about Springs, and that she might be able to do some science work for Ronald.

So, Claudia immediately followed her explanation and continued:

"Ronald, I'll probably tell you something."

"After all, it is a city with a population of one million, so in Springs, small-scale individual spellcasting is allowed. The premise of everything is not to be noticed by ordinary people."

"Of course, there are exceptions in the case of human life."

"Involving more serious personal injury, the Bureau of Investigation will still accept the corresponding case."

Listening to Claudia's explanation, Ronald lowered his footsteps and walked up the stairs, while whispering:

"Apart from these, is there anything else to pay attention to?"

Claudia answered immediately:

"The curfew, the last thing to pay attention to is the curfew."

"Because the night is a natural protective cover for the mysterious side to cast spells, the management at night is much stricter than that in the daytime. From ten o'clock every day to eight o'clock the next day, it is best not to use spells during this time."

"If there are investigators on night patrol who feel suspicious, they will come to the door immediately to conduct a thorough investigation."


"Unless like we did tonight..."

While explaining to Ronald.

Claudia followed up the stairs.

When she came to Ronald's room on the third floor, she looked around curiously, and then asked:

"Ronald, your house is so small, is there a place to take a bath?"

Ronald nodded with a subtle expression, and then replied:

"Of course there are, in the room."

The rent for the apartment is there.

Some necessary facilities are naturally also available.

Just like Ronald's room, in the corner directly opposite the bed, there is a separate bathroom belonging to him, along with a set of relatively new shower facilities.

Of course, in Ronald's view, this thing is still relatively historical.

If you want to take a hot bath with this thing, you must put water in the water tank above your head, and then plug in the water heater to heat it up before you can take a bath. Even the position where the water comes out of the water tank is a straight up and down faucet.

Following Ronald's guidance, Claudia looked at the environment while walking into the bathroom to see everything.

Faced with such a humble bathroom facilities.

The girl frowned in dissatisfaction.

However, Claudia also understands that the place she is in is not her own home, nor is she going out to visit, and the difference between them is naturally impossible to compare.

After groping to open the water tank, she turned her head to look at Ronald and said slightly sideways:

"So, I'm ready to take a shower now?"


Showing a rather polite smile to Claudia, Ronald immediately took two steps back and left the bathroom door.

Heard the bathroom door slam shut.

Ronald went to the bed himself and sat down on it.

He wasn't going to ask Claudia what to do with her clothes.

With the spellcasting ability shown by the other party, it is no problem to clean a few clothes.


Just then, Ronald turned to look at his balcony.

There is an open balcony on the outside of his room. Except for the flowers and plants left by the previous tenant, the direction here is also facing the eastern sky.

At this moment, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Ronald saw the slightly blue sky in the distance.

After such a long time, Springs is about to welcome the next morning.

After the battle last night...

He was still a little hungry.

With a decision in mind, Ronald immediately stood up from the bed.

Before Claudia had put the water in the tank, he asked through the door:

"Isa, I'm going out to buy some breakfast."

"Do you need me to bring you some too?"


The air was silent for a few seconds.

The girl's somewhat happy voice immediately came from the bathroom:

“Just a normal breakfast is fine!”

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