Mystic Dominator

Chapter 248: go home

Time passed, and the execution ground in the dark night was quiet.

After Elva left, all signs of activity were completely lost here, and the yellow sand several meters high completely buried everything in it.


The status quo is maintained like this, and then a considerable period of time has passed.

The yellow sand of the execution ground began to make a small 'crunching' movement. It is difficult to hear such a small sound unless it is close to it, and ordinary people will only regard it as an illusion.

But then, the subtle voice gradually became louder.

It's similar to the sound of a rodent digging soil.

- Another few seconds passed.

At the edge of a piece of yellow sand, a certain area began to faintly reveal a faint white color, and the white color could be seen to be shaking a little.

The white light gradually brightened.

Finally, it can be clearly seen that the light source is in the yellow sand close to the wall, gradually moving upwards.


Finally, an arm wrapped in white light first stretched out from the yellow sand.

The five fingers were immediately fastened to the wall of the execution ground.

Immediately after, the owner of the arm suddenly exerted force relying on this support.

Only a 'puff' sound was heard.

The two entangled figures were thus freed from the shackles of the gravel, and then fiercely rushed to the top of the appearance wall.

Fortunately, the top of the execution ground was set up to monitor the scene, and the space was spacious enough.

After rolling in place for a few laps, the two of them would not fall directly from here.

After realizing that he was out of the restriction, Ronald sat on the top of the wall of the execution ground, and then put the already limp Claudia beside him.

Knowing that Elva was no longer here, he immediately lay back and took a few breaths of fresh air:


"Get out... we're out!"


At the same time, Claudia, who was lying on the side, was different from Ronald, who was extremely physically fit. Her state was obviously weaker.

A slender girl was lying on the top of the fence.

After breathing for a long time, he gradually calmed down his breathing rhythm.

At this time, a cold night wind just blew past where the two were.

After a shock, the flushed Claudia tilted her head, and then her gaze shifted to Ronald next to him.

Noticing the sight of this companion, Ronald also turned his head and looked over.


There was an awkward silence in the air.

After looking at each other for a few seconds, Claudia tilted her head and asked in a very bad tone:

"Ronald, how long has it been since you brushed your teeth?"


Hearing this question, Ronald was stunned for a moment.

Think about it subconsciously.

Because of the inconvenience of the boat, he didn't have time to brush his teeth since he got on the boat at Burrenwich until yesterday when he arrived in Springs.

It seems... it's been a while

After experiencing the situation just now, it is no wonder that Claudia asked this question.

Sorry for not brushing my teeth...

Although there was a little embarrassment on his face, Ronald also knew that Claudia was changing the subject, otherwise the delicate atmosphere just now would be maintained, and neither of them would want to speak tonight.

So while dispelling a large amount of black mist that he summoned.

When the atmosphere calmed down, Ronald said:

"Isa, that guy has run away."

"Looking at the location of his last disappearance, it should be southwest of the city."

While speaking, Ronald pointed to the distance.

He could feel Elva's position just now, but unfortunately the suppression of these gravels was too severe, and it was difficult for him to control the black mist to continue chasing the opponent.

As for now...

The two sides are too far away, and he can no longer feel the exact location of the other side.

At the same time, hearing Ronald's description, Claudia, who was still resting, also turned her gaze to the southwest.

After bowing her head for a moment, her eyes darkened:

"Southwest direction..."

"That's the location of the train station in the city. This guy probably ran away."

"Running really fast."


When saying this result, Claudia waved helplessly, she was obviously not satisfied with this situation.

And hearing such an answer, Ronald's mood is inevitably a little complicated.

Looking at Claudia lying on the top of the wall beside him, he couldn't help but complain:

"By the way, almost all the holders of the original scriptures I met were very decisive when they chose to escape, or when they simply admitted defeat. Is this a kind of mysterious atmosphere?"

For the first time, Claudia rolled her eyes inelegantly in front of Ronald.

Feeling the recovery of her physical strength, the girl sat up with her body half-supported, and then replied:

"It's better to surrender or run away than to die at the hands of someone else."

"After all, he is the holder of the original book, and generally he will not force people to death. Unless he is absolutely crushed in strength and has no worries, who knows what irrational things the other party will do before he dies?"

"The battle on the mysterious side is more about interests, and it is enough to achieve the goal."

Hearing such an answer, Ronald nodded noncommittally:

"This is also..."


While blowing the cold winter wind like this, they exchanged views with each other like this.

As the better physical one of the two, Ronald felt his physical strength recover first, and then stood up at the top of the wall.

Under the darkness of night, he stared at the execution ground like a sea of ​​sand in front of him.

Ronald couldn't help looking down at his gloves.

In the face of tonight's situation, he was inevitably a little emotional for a while.

If it wasn't for the fact that Claudia was entrusted to help him make this pair of gloves before the battle, and without the power of [Guardian] to ensure their own safety, they would have to pay a greater price to deal with Elva, a veteran caster.

He played against the original holder of the original card twice, and the facts told him that this was a very dangerous thing.

Even if you have the advantage of understanding the original language.

However, with the experience and help accumulated over the years, people from other worlds also have a side that they can't catch up with.

At this moment, Claudia standing by the side followed.

However, unlike Ronald, who was looking at the execution ground, she was looking at the location in Springs City.

Feeling the cold wind blowing on her a thought appeared on the girl's face.

After hesitating for a few seconds, she said decisively to Ronald:

"Ronald, take me to your house?"

Ronald was stunned for a moment:


"Go to my house?"

"Don't think about it." Hearing Ronald's doubtful tone, Claudia shook her clothes helplessly, "Do you look like I can go home straight away?"

Brush Lala -

Contrasted with Claudia's actions.

A lot of yellow grit shook off the corner of her clothes.

Buried in the gravel just now, she didn't stick to a grain of sand like Ronald.

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